I got this gem today. The entrance to my back room is off to one side on one side is the register and the other side has the display cased for our baked goods. In between the two is a "passage" about three feet long and wide enough to get a pallet in. If a customer needs help the logical thing to do is to walk up the register where I can easily see them. We all know SC's don think so most walk down the "passage" and into my back room. I always have to shoo them out, they always claim they just want my attention. I tell them to stand a the register so I can see them. It is a safety hazard because we usually stack boxes, racks, and other stuff to one side of the passageway. Also health code related issues of customers being in the back, along with liability if they get hurt. Today i get this gem.
Me: *working in back about 5 ft. from entry to back room*
SC: *walks into by backroom a good two to three feet, standing on dirty/slippery floor*
Me: Sir, please step back onto the sales floor. *I "force him back bu walking behind him*
SC: Why?
Me: Sir, we have healthm saftey and legal liabalites if custoemrs are in our back rooms. If you need help please wait at the register.
SC: You don't understand *THINKING: this is going to be good* If I need to get you attention I have to walk into you bake room. It is not my problem you can't pay attention to customers.
Me: As i sad before, customers are not aloowd in back rooms if you need help wait at the registe where I can see you.
SC: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Get me <product from freezer>
I turn to go to freezer and i hear SC say "Your're a asshole." I turn around he see that I heard him and walks off out of view. I then continue to get product and as I bring the box out, SC is standing by register and says "Get me my damn <product> now you retard."
OK BUDDY, that's it i will take some abuse, Mr. I'm an old man respect me but you just crossed the line. Is set the box down, walk over to the phone, hit page "Mr. MOD please call ext. XXX for assistance." SC thinks he won. MOD calls I expalin situation MOD comes over.
MOD: Sir, can I help you.
SC: Yes this kid was very rude to me. All I want is <product>
MOD: Sir, I under stand than but you can not go in our backrooms. *MOD cont.'s to goive SC hell*
SC: That;s what the kid told you, you have not proof. You can't do this to a customer
MOD: It is all on video *points to camera*
SC: ..........
MOD: ........
SC: I'm reporting you all for bad customer service and discrimination
With that he stomps off
We shall see if SC goes with his threat to complain that we told him to get out of out back rooms
Me: *working in back about 5 ft. from entry to back room*
SC: *walks into by backroom a good two to three feet, standing on dirty/slippery floor*
Me: Sir, please step back onto the sales floor. *I "force him back bu walking behind him*
SC: Why?
Me: Sir, we have healthm saftey and legal liabalites if custoemrs are in our back rooms. If you need help please wait at the register.
SC: You don't understand *THINKING: this is going to be good* If I need to get you attention I have to walk into you bake room. It is not my problem you can't pay attention to customers.
Me: As i sad before, customers are not aloowd in back rooms if you need help wait at the registe where I can see you.
SC: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Get me <product from freezer>
I turn to go to freezer and i hear SC say "Your're a asshole." I turn around he see that I heard him and walks off out of view. I then continue to get product and as I bring the box out, SC is standing by register and says "Get me my damn <product> now you retard."

MOD: Sir, can I help you.
SC: Yes this kid was very rude to me. All I want is <product>
MOD: Sir, I under stand than but you can not go in our backrooms. *MOD cont.'s to goive SC hell*
SC: That;s what the kid told you, you have not proof. You can't do this to a customer
MOD: It is all on video *points to camera*

SC: ..........
MOD: ........
SC: I'm reporting you all for bad customer service and discrimination
With that he stomps off

We shall see if SC goes with his threat to complain that we told him to get out of out back rooms