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Does this LOOK like a garbage can to you?

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  • Does this LOOK like a garbage can to you?

    Last night this guy walks past our Customer Service desk with a 2 year old in his arms, and as he walks past he just sets down this nasty, pink, slobber-covered wad of gum. On my counter. What the? No "Do you have a garbage can back there?", no grabbing of a tissue from our conveniently placed tissue box to wrap it in, just sets it there. Gross...

    Reminded me of another SC from a while back. I was again at the Customer Service desk, and this guy comes up and asks where the the Business section is. So, per company guidelines, I walk out of the customer service desk to walk him over to the section. I come around to the other side, start to walk away, and he says "Just a second." Then he proceeds to take this nasty, slimy Subway wrapper that he was holding, reach over the counter, and put it inside the Customer Service desk, on top of some of our paperwork. Hello? He can ask me to wait a sec but he can't ask me if I have a garbage can? He's just gonna set his nasty wrapper on top of my stuff? What's wrong with these people?
    Any fool can criticize, comdemn, and complain—and most do. ~ Dale Carnegie

    Sarah: That's not fair!
    Jareth: You say that so often. I wonder what your basis for comparison is...

  • #2
    So then what you do is say "Excuse me, sir. I am not your mother. Come back here, pick up your disgusting wad of saliva, and kindly ASK to place it in the bin."
    I bet his 2 year old would act better.


    • #3
      Quoth phoenix_rising View Post
      "Excuse me, sir. I am not your mother. Come back here, pick up your disgusting wad of saliva, and kindly ASK to place it in the bin."
      And while you're at it, move your gum!
      "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
      -- The Meteor Principle

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      • #4

        Quoth phoenix_rising View Post
        So then what you do is say "Excuse me, sir. I am not your mother. Come back here, pick up your disgusting wad of saliva, and kindly ASK to place it in the bin."
        I bet his 2 year old would act better.
        "EXCUSE ME, SIR!" (grabs gum with a piece of paper, and plants it in the middle of his forehead) "...and a partridge in a pear tree..."
        HI, I'M NEW TO ALL OF THIS wave of approval ™©®


        • #5
          Ah, things we will say on our last day at work.....
          (because, if we say them, it WILL be our last day at work!)
          I no longer fear HELL.
          I work in RETAIL.


          • #6
            Ugh, where do people get,"do you have a trash can back there?" = "Can you please throw this away for me?" If poeple pull that with non paper items, I say "It's a paper only recepricle, if you want to throw that away there is a trash can right out side our door."

            It's jut like people assume that the words "do me a favor" replaces "Please can you".


            • #7
              recycle, perhaps?

              I'll probably get burned for this, but I try my best to recycle...home, work, school, et was no exception. and to the young woman, those coffee drink cups could've been to be in a landfill.

              aside from all that, life is peachy...
              HI, I'M NEW TO ALL OF THIS wave of approval ™©®


              • #8
                That reminds me of a guy who emptied out his pockets on day on my counter. It was mostly used tissues, and he thought he was so sly about it. He paid, left it there and ran away. Little did he know that in his rush, he left a gift card to a restaurant. You know, one of those that is worht $50 bucks or so.

                Well, I never got a chance to clean up his mess, because I just got slammed that day (he left it at the veeerrryyyy end of the counter)

                Anywhoo, this mongoloid moron has the nerve to come back yelling: "I LEFT MY GIFT CARD HERE!!!! WHERE IS IT????"

                "I dunno."
                "Maybe you threw it into the trash."
                "I didn't throw anything into the trash. I'm not paid to be a janitor."
                "Well, if I cant find it, I'm xoming back, and your paying for it."
                "Ok." ****next tme dont forget to bring more dirty tissues, moron****

                So the moral of this story is, a customer tried to use my counter as a garbage bin, and he lost $50 for it. Ahh, that helps me sleep at night.

                Olive juice you too.

