I remembered this WTF earlier today. Right after high school, I was employed at a video rental store. One part of my job was working the floor, making sales and being a general help-elf. This older conservative-looking man comes up to me with a copy of "You Got Served" in his hand. For those not familiar, "You Got Served" is about dance-offs. Here is a pic that is similar to the DVD cover.

The man then asks me if it is a legal drama.

There was a beat or so of me just staring at him before I could think something other than "Are you really that clueless?!!?!!". I believe I said something along the lines of "No, it isn't. But I can probably help you pick out something that is."
Now, I could almost see it being a legal comedy. Break-dancing prosecutors and whatnot, serving subpoenas while beat-boxing. It would be kinda like that singing cop TV show. But drama???

The man then asks me if it is a legal drama.

There was a beat or so of me just staring at him before I could think something other than "Are you really that clueless?!!?!!". I believe I said something along the lines of "No, it isn't. But I can probably help you pick out something that is."
Now, I could almost see it being a legal comedy. Break-dancing prosecutors and whatnot, serving subpoenas while beat-boxing. It would be kinda like that singing cop TV show. But drama???