Quoth Naaman
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Something similar happened at my soldering job. We had a "wave solder" machine which was basically a conveyor belt that ran boards through a pool of liquid (as in melted) solder. It looked pretty cool, like the boards were going through a bunch of mercury. Unfortunately, one guy (who was trained on the machine) wasn't paying attention one day and put his hand, palm down, on the liquid solder!!!

His hand was a mass of blisters quickly trying to become one giant blister! What I found absolutely, mind-numbingly stupid was that instead of getting the guy to the hospital asap, the manager was raiding the first aid kit to get some of the burn ointment like it was no big deal! And in case you were wondering, the manager knew how bad it was because the guy was standing right there and I told them both that he needed to go to the hospital, but neither one wanted to bother with the accident report forms!!!
