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  • Checked

    I had a woman come though the line with her daughter. They have a cart full of very expensive items including a metric fuck-ton of Hannah Montanan bed stuff. I give her the total and she hands me a check. The register then prompts me to put in her licenses number. She hands me her idea and there's a chunk missing right where the numbers are, so she reads off what the numbers are and big surprise it doesn't go through. Then she takes out another check for a different account and we repeat. So she has me void out everything but a few rugs and pays for those with cash.

    If you think that's the end you're wrong.

    She then says to my CSM that she has enough money to pay for everything in cash. I have her go to the end of the line because there is a couple who had been waiting very patiently for a good amount of time. After them, I rang the women up for a second time. This time only a few things are rung up and paid for. She said she wanted to make sure she had enough to buy this stuff before the other. She pays with cash again and I proceed to ring up the other stuff. When I give her the total, what does she do? She gives me a check. Deja vu much? Finally it gets through to her that the check isn't going to go though and she leaves me with a huge belt full of stuff to get voided out and put away again.

    I hate my store. Even though she was most likely using a stolen checks and fake ID I still had to try to take it all because my store manager wants to make a buck.
    Honey and Thorns ~ Handmade Knit and Jewelry