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I don't care if I go crazy 1 2 3 4 5 6 SWITCH

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  • I don't care if I go crazy 1 2 3 4 5 6 SWITCH

    I'm Thirsty.

    One day at work I had a person walk in for a quote. Happened on a regular basis.
    I had a can of soda sitting on my desk. The client looks at the soda, then me.

    SC= Stupid customer

    SC: Can I have that?
    SC: I'm really thirsty.
    Me: Uh, it's half gone.
    SC: That's alright. I don't mind.
    Me: I do. We have a water cooler and cups by the front door.
    SC: Nah, I don't like water. Do you have any more soda in back.
    Me: No, we don't have a "back" area. This is an insurance office.
    SC: Oh, I thought maybe you had a vending machine or something. Can I just have a sip then?
    Me: No.

    I called EVERYONE!

    I lived close to another state, and when people moved, our agency would get a lot of state-state transfers. The state to the East of us was one where insurance was a LOT cheaper as it wasn't a no-fault state. (The stories on that! Another time!)

    So moving from Wisconsin to Minnesota, most people saw a HUGE jump in their insurance bill. I got a call one day from a guy who had just moved to Minnesota. He was pissed his bill was about $500 a month for one auto.

    I pulled his account up. While I'm looking at his account he's pulling the "I'm a youth minister!" dropping church things here and there.

    I see his account and BINGO! His rate is so high because he has at least 3 strikes: 1. He's only about 19-20 and being a male in that age really hikes your rates 2. He's got 3 speeding tickets so much for being "good" 3. He's driving a brand spanking new sports car! so much for being "poor'' too there buddy.

    He goes off and wants to know how we knew he moved, why we changed his rates, etc. I call our main office and find out that this kid put in a change of address form on his own accord! So it had nothing to do with us, HE was the one that sent in the letter stating, "Hey I'm moving!". But I did note in his account his frustrations.

    A week later I get a phone call from Mr. I'm-a-poor-preacher looking to cancel his insurance. He then says, "I talked to EVERYONE in the state and they all said that that rate it too high!"

    All I could think was, Really? It only took you a week to call all 5.2 million people? Funny, I don't remember you calling me at home, and I don't think my mom or sister got your call either.

    But she didn't stop!

    Had a client call in and *swore* up and down that an accident was not her fault (just like every person in jail is innocent ).

    So I pulled the claim and reviewed the notes. It was a 50/50 claim. What happened was two cars were backing out of a parking space and backed into each other. Let me just say, it takes a special kind of person for that, folks.

    She didn't think it was her fault because, "Well, the other person could have stopped to prevent the accident!"

    I asked her, "Why didn't you stop?"

    Her reply, "Because I thought the other person was going to stop."

    Me: "Yes and in the accident report it states the other person thought you were going to stop. That's why this is as it is."

    Her: But the other person should have stopped! I had the right of way!

    Me: Actually, from the report, it looks as if the other car was pulling out before you were, so you are at fault, but we're only doing 50/50 on this. That means you walk away with nothing on your record, but nothing being repaired."

    Her: But the other person should have stopped!

    Thoughts *singing*:
    I don't care if I go crazy 1 2 3 4 5 6 SWITCH
    Crazy go I if care don't I 6 5 4 3 2 1 SWITCH
    I don't care if I go crazy 1 2 3 4 5 6 SWITCH
    Crazy go I if care don't I 6 5 4 3 2 1 SWITCH
    Last edited by Gothicsmurf; 05-09-2008, 08:03 PM.
    You don't know what Hades is until you've worked at least one Christmas Season in a toy store that offers free gift wrapping.

  • #2
    Quoth InsuranceGuru View Post
    SC: Can I have that?
    SC: I'm really thirsty.
    Me: Uh, it's half gone.
    SC: That's alright. I don't mind.
    Me: I do. We have a water cooler and cups by the front door.
    SC: Nah, I don't like water. Do you have any more soda in back.
    Me: No, we don't have a "back" area. This is an insurance office.
    SC: Oh, I thought maybe you had a vending machine or something. Can I just have a sip then?
    Me: No.
    "Sure, have a drink. I've got the flu... but it'll probably be ok."
    Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


    • #3
      The soda jerk (clever, huh?) was just nasty.
      I've never drank after anyone, anyway, but ever since I learned about backwash in gradeschool, I'm REALLY adamant.

      And how can you not like water?
      It has no taste. There's nothing NOT to like!

      "No! You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey." - WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY


      • #4
        Quoth InsuranceGuru View Post
        I'm Thirsty.

        One day at work I had a person walk in for a quote. Happened on a regular basis.
        I had a can of soda sitting on my desk. The client looks at the soda, then me.

        SC= Stupid customer

        SC: Can I have that?
        SC: I'm really thirsty.
        Me: Uh, it's half gone.
        SC: That's alright. I don't mind.

        Try this next time:

        "Sure go ahead.. can't drink this anyway with all the canker sores acting up.. got an outbreak, ya know? Plus my throat is really sore from this wicked case of mono I'm fighting. So here.. the soda's all yours."
        I will never go to school!


        • #5
          That last one, OMG!

          I have come so close to being hit like that, but it's usually because I'm backing out carefully, and some idiot floors it out of their parking spot without looking. I'll hit my horn, brake and try to get my car into Drive before they slam into me.
          Labor boards have info on local laws for free
          HR believes the first person in the door
          Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
          Document everything
          CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


          • #6
            Quoth BaristaTrav View Post
            TPlus my throat is really sore from this wicked case of mono I'm fighting. So here.. the soda's all yours."

            actually that is how I got mono the first time-a friend took a sip of my soda to take an aspirin.
            Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


            • #7
              soda and asprin is a big no no anyway....well...any type of OTC pain reliever with caffeine. It will make you squirrelier than Britney Spears on a Friday night with no underwear on.
              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


              • #8
                Quoth blas87 View Post
                soda and asprin is a big no no anyway....well...any type of OTC pain reliever with caffeine. It will make you squirrelier than Britney Spears on a Friday night with no underwear on.
                Sometimes yes, sometimes no... Depends on the pain killer involved. There are many OTC (Over The Counter) analgesics (aspirin, ibuprofen and paracetamol) which contain caffeine and do work better as proven in clinical trials.

                Mixing an analgesic+caffeine with caffeine is probably not a good plan though and neither is taking any sort of caffeine if it's a trigger for something else you may suffer from, migraine predominantly.
                Last edited by Naaman; 05-10-2008, 01:13 AM.
                Lady, people aren't chocolates. D'you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling. Dr Cox - Scrubs


                • #9
                  Quoth Demonoid Phenomenon View Post
                  And how can you not like water?
                  It has no taste. There's nothing NOT to like!
                  Oh, trust me, water has taste. It tastes like water. Depending on the source, it can also taste like plastic, or chlorine, or any number of other contaminates . I cannot drink most bottled waters, they are far to bitter for me. I will drink three kinds of water: 1) Filtered water from my tap, 2) Spring water, like I just stuck a cup in a freshwater spring, spring water, and 3) Fiji brand bottled water when I can't get either of the other two.

                  Interesting note, Fiji water is now Fiji's biggest export, this is unfortunate as the company only employs about 500 people.
                  The High Priest is an Illusion!


                  • #10
                    Quoth blas87 View Post
                    soda and asprin is a big no no anyway....well...any type of OTC pain reliever with caffeine. It will make you squirrelier than Britney Spears on a Friday night with no underwear on.
                    And that's a problem because...

                    I mean, how else are kids going to know if they want to become gynecologists?


                    • #11
                      Quoth InsuranceGuru View Post
                      Had a client call in and *swore* up and down that an accident was not her fault (just like every person in jail is innocent ).
                      Gaaaaah. I had one of those tonight - guy called "upset" (read: brace yourself!) about the collection letter we had sent him. He flat out refused to provide insurance info because he wasn't at fault.

                      I go through the normal spiel, that his insurance would investigate fault also, but if he's refusing to provide we have to assume he doesn't have insurance and he was found 100% liable and he's not an adjuster who can dispute liability and oh yeah, in your state we can request your driver's license be suspended for driving uninsured - he hung up on me.

                      Not a minute later, I heard a coworker get a call (it's late, we just recently extended hours so we don't get many calls at the end of the night b/c people don't know we're there yet). He's disputing liability. Gives the caller the adjuster's info - yup, it's the guy I just talked to.

                      I had a chance to look through the notes, so I go up to co-workers desk w/a post it letting him know that Sucky Caller had hit a legally parked unoccupied vehicle. And he's disputing liability? Good luck with that one!


                      • #12
                        Quoth InsuranceGuru View Post
                        I'm Thirsty.

                        One day at work I had a person walk in for a quote. Happened on a regular basis.
                        I had a can of soda sitting on my desk. The client looks at the soda, then me.

                        SC= Stupid customer

                        SC: Can I have that?
                        SC: I'm really thirsty.
                        Me: Uh, it's half gone.
                        SC: That's alright. I don't mind.
                        Me: I do. We have a water cooler and cups by the front door.
                        SC: Nah, I don't like water. Do you have any more soda in back.
                        Me: No, we don't have a "back" area. This is an insurance office.
                        SC: Oh, I thought maybe you had a vending machine or something. Can I just have a sip then?
                        Me: No.
                        My story isn't gross but it did make me a bit. I had just moved into my home when a newspaper vendor making his rounds dropped by. It was around 5pm and in Florida, it's still rather hot at that time. After giving me the spiel and signing me up, he asked if he could have a drink. No problem, he really looked parched, so I offered him a glass of chilled water. No, no, he didn't want that. Did I have any soda? Yes, sure do, generic brand cola, his lucky day.

                        His response? "Geez, don't you have any real Coke? I hate that stuff." Dude, I just offered you something I paid for, out of the goodness of my heart. I didn't have to offer you anything, past maybe some advice to truck a bottle of water in your car next time. Sheesh.
                        "You are the dumbest smart person I have ever met in my life!" Will Smith, 'I, Robot'.

                        "You LOSE! Good day, sir!" Gene Wilder, 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory'.


                        • #13
                          Quoth ArcticChicken View Post
                          Oh, trust me, water has taste. It tastes like water. Depending on the source, it can also taste like plastic, or chlorine, or any number of other contaminates . I cannot drink most bottled waters, they are far to bitter for me. I will drink three kinds of water: 1) Filtered water from my tap, 2) Spring water, like I just stuck a cup in a freshwater spring, spring water, and 3) Fiji brand bottled water when I can't get either of the other two.
                          I finally realized that the water softener here when we purchased the house did nothing but dump water directly down the drain during regeneration ($100 worth per quarter! ouch!), and got a new one that worked.

                          My family prefers the taste of heavy lime that pervades the soil here. We've mostly gotten used to the filtered stuff, but only mostly. Straight water is just too bland.

