Quoth SuperB
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We had one guy (who honest-to-god seemed barely able to function as an adult) who rung up a $14.xx order, the woman pays with a $20. He accidentally hit $50 as the "tendered" button, so he asks me for help.
I just explain to him that whatever you punch in as "tendered" doesn't actually matter, as long as you give the correct change, the drawer wouldn't be shorted. He asks me how to figure out the exact change. I at first thought he was just having a conceptual problem with the register, not a basic math meltdown. So I explained to him that the correct tendered amount was $20, the amount he punched in was $30 higher than that, so the correct change was simply the change the register indicated minus the $30 that he punched in accidentally. (In this case the change was $5.xx.) After explaining that to him, he said he didn't know what $35.xx minus 30 was.
