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Guts for Garters (long)

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  • Guts for Garters (long)

    This happened yesterday, just as i was about to finish my shift. I work at a twenty four hour service/convenience station. I was just about to go and grab a paper to have a quick read before the next guy came on, when the door opens and a woman walks in.
    Me: obvious.
    OB: Old Bat.

    Me: "hi there, how are you?"
    OB: Where is he!? Get him out here now!"
    Me: *confused* "Who?"
    OB: That tall skinny blond guy! He sold me a pack of cigarettes and he charged me for a pack of forties! I got thirties!"
    Now, this is literally impossible. You have to scan each product, just like in a supermarket. There's no way that a pack of thirties would have scanned as forties. And the tall skinny blond guy is my manager, a really cool guy.
    Me: "i'm sorry, but i don't see how that's possible. You can't scan thirties as forties."
    OB: "Well it happened! Where is he? Actually, wait where's the manager?"
    Me: "He is the manager, but he's gone for the day."
    OB: "Oooh, i'll have his guts for garters! How are you going to fix this?"
    Me: *not really seeing that there's anything to fix* "What would you like me to do?"
    OB: "I don't know! You figure it out. Give me a pack of forties, i paid for them!"
    Me: *why me, God?* "Have you got the pack he sold you? If you haven't opened it i might be able to swap, if he agrees." I could have rung him and asked, but i doubt he'd have agreed.
    OB: *Looks at me as though i'm something that just crawled out of the rubbish* "Of course not! I smoked them. Give me my pack of forties! I paid for them!"
    Me: "Look i haven't got any authority to refund anything. *not actually true, technically i'm the assistant manager, but i wasn't telling her that* Your best bet would be to come back in the morning and talk to the manager. He'll be here from six onwards."
    OB: "Fine! You tell him i'm having his guts for garters!"
    I waited until she left, then rang my illustrious leader. The phone rings, he answers:
    IL: "What have you done now, Athena?"
    Me: "I need to give you a heads up. I know you'd kill me if i didn't."
    IL: "Yes, i would. I would make it last a long time. It would probably involve stanley knives and packing tape."
    I run through what just happened. I suggest that if OB gets snooty, he should show her the security tapes of the sale, clearly showing him giving her forties. I mention the guts for garters thing. There is a slight pause..
    IL: "You told her to come see me in the morning?"
    Me: "Um, yes?"
    IL: "I'll have the packing tape and stanley knives ready when you start your shift." Then he hangs up. I don't start work until twelve, so i haven't got any follow up yet.