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Damn you 100% Guarantee!!!

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  • #16
    The last hotel I stayed in actually DID have signs in the bathrooms that said. If anything is wrong please let us know and we will fix it!"


    • #17
      Hmm, if anyone here has ever read the Travel Troubleshooter on MSN, then you know 100% guarantee often has many loopholes and shady grey areas. But much of that seems to come from using general reservations or travel websites like expedia. From the other posters here, smaller businesses have more control, especially when people bring it to the attention of the employees right there. I love that the gaurantee is offered, but hate that people abuse it. Just like any other great program, they ruin and make it more difficult for the rest of us.
      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


      • #18
        Quoth Getoutofmylobby View Post
        Anyone else have problems with 100% guarantees?
        Oh, you bet I do. Customers have interpreted this as a way to get a free ride anywhere they go, whether it's a hotel, a restaurant, a whorehouse, etc. I'm willing to bet this woman is on some kind of vacation, and because of high gas prices and so forth, she's trying to save money by cutting costs on her lodging expenses. I'm sure your hotel is not the first nor the last she will be pulling this crap on.

        Anytime I get a hotel room that is dirty or has a problem, I call it in right away. If a bathroom is dirty, you can bet I will be finding someone to clean it, or get me another room that is dirt free. Why would anyone want to put themselves through that?


        • #19
          i agree that anything that guarantees a '100%' satisfaction rate needs to have disclaimers that put some of that responsibility on the customer when there is a problem; how can you fix something if you don't know it's broken until after the fact?

          it would help cut down a great deal (in theory) of those who hold this 'trump' card until checkout time, but then again, it's just a theory, and corporate being what it is...
          look! it's ghengis khan!
          Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


          • #20

            So I work in the Corporate office for a large hotel chain. Our hotels have signs that say if any part of your stay is dissatisfactory, that PORTION of your stay will be refunded. It also asks the guests to let the front desk know if there is any problems.

            Guests, especially Priority Club members (our loyal customer program) abuse this extensively. They will call in and, let's say, they thought the mattress was hard. In addition to the mattress being hard, which caused them extensive spinal problems (of course), there was a (and yes, this is an actual quote from a guest) "ball of fluff" on the floor and, horror of horrors, while they were walking into the lobby to check in, they passed the hotel clerk who was outside...SMOKING. Never you mind that the clerk came in ASAP to check them in...So anyways, they complain at check out and get told "sorry". They then call corporate and say it was miserable blah blah blah. At that point in time, we'll usually offer Guest Coupons or Priority Club points to make them go away. They ALWAYS, without fail, will say "but I wasn't satisfied with my stay and your signs you have say if I'm not satisfied, I will be refunded!". I then explain to them that portion of their stay will be refunded and why I don't think a full night is refunded.

            It's ridiculous. People complain about the MOST ridiculous things ever. I could NEVER deal with these customers face-t-face. The mute button is a beautiful thing.


            • #21
              Quoth trench2k View Post
              It should be written:

              100% Satisfaction Guarantee*

              *Subject to conditions. If we cannot fix the problem, a discount of ___% will be applied to your bill. **Customer must have reasonable objections as to why the problem was not fixed and the objection must be backed by proof, not stupidity.
              Actually it probably is written like that. Or at least with a "If we can't fix it" clause. The ones I've seen in the past have always had that in there.
              Dr. Mike's Steak Dinner


              • #22
                I wish ours said "Portion." Instead it says If you're not satisfied, we don't expect you to pay. No * leading to a handy "restrictions apply." Our corporate office might think this is a great policy... customers see this as free $$.

                So i come in after my week off and there is a crudely written sign on the timecard machine "No 100 Gaurantee w/o manager approval!" It seems our lady's complaint wasn't good enough for management and they charged her for a full stay anyway. She hasn't called as far as i know but when she gets her credit card statement she will. If i'm lucky I will be the one that takes her call.

                Screw it, it's not my company.


                • #23
                  Quoth dekydrose View Post
                  So I work in the Corporate office for a large hotel chain. Our hotels have signs that say if any part of your stay is dissatisfactory, that PORTION of your stay will be refunded. It also asks the guests to let the front desk know if there is any problems.

                  Guests, especially Priority Club members (our loyal customer program) abuse this extensively. They will call in and, let's say, they thought the mattress was hard. In addition to the mattress being hard, which caused them extensive spinal problems (of course), there was a (and yes, this is an actual quote from a guest) "ball of fluff" on the floor and, horror of horrors, while they were walking into the lobby to check in, they passed the hotel clerk who was outside...SMOKING. Never you mind that the clerk came in ASAP to check them in...So anyways, they complain at check out and get told "sorry". They then call corporate and say it was miserable blah blah blah. At that point in time, we'll usually offer Guest Coupons or Priority Club points to make them go away. They ALWAYS, without fail, will say "but I wasn't satisfied with my stay and your signs you have say if I'm not satisfied, I will be refunded!". I then explain to them that portion of their stay will be refunded and why I don't think a full night is refunded.

                  It's ridiculous. People complain about the MOST ridiculous things ever. I could NEVER deal with these customers face-t-face. The mute button is a beautiful thing.
                  i think you may work in the same center I do...
                  If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                  • #24
                    I thought as much when I saw your location.


                    • #25
                      I had a great experience with the 100% guarantee as a non-sucky customer. My bf and I were staying at a Howard's for a few days. When we got there we noticed the bathroom fan was annoyingly loud. We called the front desk to ask if they could look at it while we were out. They said thanks for letting us know and here, we'll refund one night for the inconvenience. We in fact tried to refuse because it just seemed so silly to get a free night for something so minor. I've stayed in other places that I wish had a 100% guarantee but never expected it. It's nice and it sucks that people try to ruin it by scamming.
                      Interesting Fodder:

