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a question of etiquette

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  • a question of etiquette

    As some of you know, I used to work for a cruise line, a very poorly organised cruise line. My tour was to end in January and I had applied and gotten approval to go home 2 weeks early to attend my brother's wedding, since I was ending my contract prematurely, I wasn't sure if they were paying for my travel home or not. My last day was sunday, so the monday before I asked the head of HR, she said "we usually don't cover that", so I called home, got my family to get a me a ticket for that sunday on the condition I would pay them back in cash when I got home, and I did, but no sooner did I buy the paper ticket (it was all they had for the departure and destination) than I found out my employer is paying for my ticket home, then I found out it was too late to cancel the paper tickets, but I would have credit with priceline for the next year.
    I recently made plans to visit my girlfreind, who's currently in oregon, sometime in october, airlines are currently in a pricewar, so the $450 of credit I'm supposed to have should cover the trip from omaha to portland and back with plently left over.....but that would be too easy.
    I call priceline, they said to call the airline, I call the airline, they said to call priceline or go to the airport, I drove to the airport, southwest was the buisness partner of the airline I'm trying to get credit from, they told me to call the airline, who told me to call priceline or go to the airport, priceline directed me back to the airline, who told me I need to drive to an actual ticket desk of theirs, not a buisness partner, the nearest one is chicago midway, an 8 hour drive from where I am.
    So here I am, the object of a game of customer pong, getting a different answer from different agents, and I'm afraid that if I drive to chicago to get my credited flight they'll tell me that I'm SOL and can't get my money back or flight and drove all that way for nothing. I don't want to implore the use of classic SC tactics of talking to a supervisor, calling corporate, or screaming at them until I get what I want, but I gave them $450 and have received nothing, and I don't make enough to let that slide. any suggestions?
    "Ride the spiral to the end, it may just go where no one's been. Spiral out, keep going..." -Lateralus

  • #2
    talking to a supervisor does not automatically make you a sucky customer, supervisors and managers are there for a reason, they have more authority (most of the time) to actually help you when a entry level or non management employee cant. They can sometimes override policy or they will have different access to programmes.

    Dont scream and rant and rave, just be polite, explain whats happened and why your frustrated. Ask to speak to a manager because you want this resolved not because you want to moan about something they cant do.
    I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


    • #3
      Quoth Kiwi View Post
      Dont scream and rant and rave, just be polite, explain whats happened and why your frustrated. Ask to speak to a manager because you want this resolved not because you want to moan about something they cant do.
      And when all is said and done, make sure you thank the manager for his time, no matter whether or not you like the outcome.


      • #4
        Quoth Kiwi View Post
        Dont scream and rant and rave, just be polite, explain whats happened and why your frustrated. Ask to speak to a manager because you want this resolved not because you want to moan about something they cant do.
        Also, don't start pointing fingers. Just say the airport said this and that priceline said that. Too many times, it appears that customers are more concerned in making sure that July at the airport gets a reprimand. Have names if they ask, but don't start out with "July was completely rude!" That is just finger pointing. If you just state what you are trying to do, and not who is causing you problems, you will get the issue resolved much quicker.

