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Oh god...I was the SC. Safety Recall Blues.

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  • Oh god...I was the SC. Safety Recall Blues.

    Today, I had what I must consider, to be a bad day. As if things couldn't get any worse, from all the other troubles I had; I found myself wandering about wally-world debating just what I was willing to buy furniture wise. I knew I needed a few new desks, but beyond that I wasn't sure what else.

    While at the store, I remembered a layaway that I'd put on some months prior. Heading back that way, I paused to read the recall board. Ok, truth here. I didn't pause. No one was in Lay Away, so I killed time by reading the various things which can cause great harm, death, or personal injury.

    Reading across these things, I was shocked to notice this one particular office chair listed. The reason for recall was quote "Tendency to break and cause injury." Looking at the thing for a long moment, I remembered one such chair I had bought myself. The same exact chair in fact. I remembered how the chair was great until a few short months later when it fell apart on me. Not only that, but it dumped me into the floor in the process, causing personal injury. (Sprained ankle trying to catch myself from falling.)

    "Huh. So, there's a recall on the thing. Curious. Wonder if I still have that thing floating around" I thought to myself. You see, I am a packrat. I save everything that I think I might have use for. This chair, had been shuttled away to the possibility of being repaired at some point, only to be later forgotten by myself. Closing out the Layaway, I headed home and lo and behold I found the chair.

    Begin SC:

    Heading into the store, I was somewhat annoyed already. I'd attempted to ask an associate about details for the recall, sku's, styles, and what not; only to be ignored. So, I knew that no matter what, I had to bring the hulking thing back since no one would tell me anything. Calling was out of the question, the last time I tried that, I'd spent about an hour on hold before being hung up on. No, I had to bring it back and that peeved me greatly.

    Heading into the store, it seems I had managed to pick the worst gimp cart the store has. Oh the joy. Pain comes in spades. So now, not only did I have this chair broken into many bits and pieces, but I had to fight with my cart. Someone up there hates me. The girl at the front was nice enough about it. She took one look at the break and groaned. "Must have hurt." she said. I managed to smile at her, because yes. Yes it did hurt when I fell. "Head up to Customer service and they'll fix you up." she said, and off I went. Slowly, pulling to the right.

    Customer service are two words I often thought to be an oxymoron. They just don't quite go together. Heading up to one girl there, a CSM IIRC, I waited a bit. Looking in my basket she gave me a very strange look. Now, she didn't ask what was wrong, but rather she said. "What's that?" rather testily. Oh fun. I sense an annoyed customer coming. Wait for it...wait for it. "It's a chair." I said and then added. "A broken one."

    Looking at me with obvious annoyance she said "WELL, I need to see a receipt. You /DO/ have a receipt for it don't you?" Blinking some I wondered if they ever paid attention in meetings. I mean, this stuff (recalls and such) is supposed to be covered right? Shaking my head I said "No. I don't. This is part of a safety recall. I bought the thing in 03, and it broke in 04." All truth, I didn't try to hide the age, but called attention to it. Good customer. Sit. Stay.

    She gave me a funny look and said. "WELL, I can't take it back." oh really? "The recall goes back to 2003." I said still trying to maintain my cool. She gave me a look then. One that seemed to say "Shit. One damn customer that reads the things." Taking her sweet time, she wrote down some numbers, and wandered over to the board and stared at it. After a good half minute she slumped back to the desk and stared at the thing before calling another CSM over.

    I wasn't really peeved by then. Sure, I'd been annoyed, but I figured they'd poke a few buttons, bug a manager and get me out of there with a gift card. (Standard recall return policy). Oh, I was wrong. So very wrong.

    Taking the other CSM, the girls then walked down to the furthest computer at customer service. Both kept giving me looks. Strange looks. You know the look. It's the "He's trying to scam us look." Whispering back and forth, they watched me a moment and then came back. "Not in the system." was the retort.

    "I'm not suprised. Few companies keep things that long." I said honestly, and waited. "It's not in the system." she said again and started to turn away. I guess, bu then I'd had enough. "I need a piece of paper." I said to the girl. She turned back around and asked me why. "Simple." I said. "I'm going to write down all the info on that recall notice down, then this stuff and contact the home office. I want to see what they have to say. I'm willing to bet that your system would show...if you really checked it and didn't stand over there looking at me like I was some kind of thief, that this style is based off the original SKU. It's not uncommon in retail, to have a base SKU, and then varying ones for different colors, or patterns."

    She seemed to blanche at this, but did give me the pen. As I said, I wrote down all the info; and then the website before returning the pen. "Oh, is (manager's name) here?" I asked curiously. Remembering in the past that he had once said that had I any problems what so ever, to contact him. (similar had happened in the past.) The girl gave me a shocked look shook her head and got vary scarce. So, I knew he WAS there, but didn't feel like pressing the issue.

    After I got home, I did contact the home office. Here's what I've found:

    1.) I was right. The sku on the recall notice was a general sku. It's the one in the system that all the styles were ordered under. The different ones on the items would point back to them if the associates had tried to pull it up.

    2.) I didn't have to have a receipt for a safety recall issue. It's one of the few exceptions to the wal-mart policy. Some kind of federal law governs it actually, but I forget the statute.

    3.) They (the CSM's) do not have the authority to deny a return. In all cases they should call an ASM or SM.

    So, wed, when I'm off I'm taking this chair back up there. They know to expect me, or so the lady told me on the phone. I'm somewhat looking forward to this, since at least I knew I was right.

    Still, when it's all said and done, was I an SC, or just someone that got pushed a bit too far?
    Learn wisdom by the follies of others.

  • #2
    Nah I don't think you were an SC at all. The girl at the service desk should have done all she could to help you, since that is her job. Just make sure to keep your cool when you go in there again, especially if someone different is working on the desk and he or she isn't aware of the story.
    'Our brightest days are yet to shine'
    'You see the depths of my heart, and You love me the same'


    • #3
      Something that could have crippled you and they knew about the safety recall, yet didn't want to bother with it?

      I can't see anything in particular you did wrong there.



      • #4
        Agreed. Please post an update when you've been there again.
        You gotta polish a memory like a stone. Chip off the parts that remind you it was just a game. Work it until it's indistinguishable from any other memory.


        • #5
          I would have done the same thing.

          Though I wouldn't have saved the thing that long.


          • #6
            No way were you a SC, a sc wouldn't have been smart enough to check the recall themselves. They were the idiots, I hate retail workers that are hell bent on telling you no before you even talk to them. I have some co-workers that are like that.


            • #7
              Oh hell no you weren't a SC! My biggest concern with a recall like that is that it takes up space until it's picked up. Apart from that, I don't mind recalls.

              In my case I probably would have said "so you're deciding if a federal law is to be followed or not?"
              I AM the evil bastard!
              A+ Certified IT Technician


              • #8
                You were polite, Informed, Intelligent. You didn't scream something along the lines of "the farking customer is always right", "Ya'll best be fixing to get me my flipping money", or "I expect some additional compensation for my pain and suffering". I Vote that you were NOT a SC.
                My Karma ran over your dogma.


                • #9
                  Agreed, non-SC. Although I see I'm not the only one who has a Wal-Mart store with a habitually abandoned layaway department. I have just about all the recalls memorized at this point.

                  Something that IS SCish of me is going to the layaway desk, and making a lot of loud noise on my way back so people know I'm coming. Even then, it usually takes the girl about five minutes to sidle her way up. (And it's regardless of if I'm loud or not. It takes her fifteen minutes if I don't do anything loud so she's not doing it to teach me a lesson.)
                  "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


                  • #10
                    Sitting on the counter and drumming your feet repeatedly gets them up there rather quickly.

                    Also, making a comment like "Well, I know what I'll put on my report for this store" Or saying loud enough to carry "WHY did I decide to become a stupid mystery shopper?" will get them there spot on.
                    Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


                    • #11
                      I do not think that you were an SC at all. The fact is, that if it was on a Safety Recall, then they HAVE to take it back. At least, that is what I have been instructed to do if this happens. Also, as an employee, if I wasn't sure what to do, or confused if an issue that I normally did not deal with came up, I would call a manager. And if I was a manager who was confused as to what to do, I would call head office. This was obviously not someone who is trying to return something "just cause" without a reciept. This is someone who has worked in retail or at least knows a thing or two about it (as you mentioned things retail based). Also, if you were just trying to get your money back, I am sure you would not have "invented" the whole Safety Recall thing.

                      I would have thought that a corporation as big as Walmart would have instructed their employees on something as serious as that.But then again, that is probably why they haven't.

                      I am curious as to why you didn't show the Safety Recall poster to the staff. Surely if they saw that, they would have to do it for you.

                      I would have been more pissed off than you, I think. Especially with being made to feel as they thought you were scamming them.
                      "If it offends one person, it effects everyone", on the PC world in which we dwell.


                      • #12
                        I don't think you were an SC at all. You knew what you were talking about, you never flew off the handle when the Sucky Employees dismissed you as a scamming thief, and you went through the proper channels instead of demanding things.

                        Not a SC at all.



                        • #13
                          That's just it WHShit. I did show her. She tromped over there, stared at it like a monkey doing a math problem and then tromped back. I can't describe the look she has, but it was along the lines of someone thinking that they didn't want to deal with that; didn't think the person was right, and to top it all off, wanted to go home so they didn't care what happened.
                          Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


                          • #14
                            I'm surprised they didnt call a manager to come up and give you a nice big gift card for your troubles.

                            When I worked at WM, I was in the CS department once, picking up returns to put back in my department, and observed someone with a similar situation. The store manager came running up, massive suck-upage to the customer ensued and that person left smiling ear to ear over the big gift card the manager told the CS associate to give him.

                            Heck, I've had the newest WM suck up to me recently. I bought some plaid fabric awhile back. The girl who cut it had not been instructed on how to cut plaid fabric. Fabric on a bolt is folded in half, and you cut from the fold up to the selvage. Plaids, or other fabrics with lines running thru them need to be cut on the line, one side at a time, so that you dont end up with a seriously wonky piece of fabric. (I hated it when I worked in WM and I'd get a quilter who wanted 57 separate 1/4yd pieces of plaid cut...there went my evening) I emailed WM and told them what happened...wasnt kvetching about it much, just wanted them to tell the cutters how plaids should be cut (the WM had only been open a week...I figured it was just helpful feedback) The next day, the fabrics department manager called me up and said that I had a $25 gift card waiting for me at CS...(for a 75 cent piece of fabric!)

                            Ended up giving the card to my dad as a Father's day present. He was thrilled.


                            • #15
                              You were NOT the SC: the CSM was the one with the problem

