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Thriller/ category?!

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  • #31
    Quoth Luna View Post
    What I found funny with bookstore customers was that they didn't understand that the books are:
    *catagorized by the library of congress (maybe mom/pop stores had some leeway to shelving but not B&N or Borders superstores)
    God, I wish my store would default to the LOC a little bit more often. Unfortunately, those decisions are made by whomever is receiving that day. Some of us, such as myself, actually look at the book and maybe even read a page or two instead of just reading the title and assigning a subject by that. Others just pull it out of their ass. Right now 75% of the receiving is done by our sister store and only 2 people I can think of right off hand consistently get it right. The others pull it out of their ass and don't want to hear it if you disagree. Sure, put Wayne Dyer in New copies are in Self-Help, we'll see who sells out first!

