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Line Jumping SC

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  • #16
    On the other hand... I might have just let the little one play with the cart... it would have been priceless to let her ram the cart into the line cutter's ankles... or ram her cart after that


    • #17
      Quoth Skarredmind View Post
      This happened to me at one of those club store's who's name is also a sexual activity.
      I have no clue which specific store you're referencing, but my mind sure is full of possible disgusting names for stores.


      • #18
        My mom and I had a similar thing happen at Fred Meyer. We were waiting in a long line with a cart full of stuff. (Keep in mind there were several lines and a lot of people had been waiting a long time.) A cashier comes to the register next to us, opens it then comes and grabs our cart while inviting us to her register.

        Out of nowhere this lady starts bookin' it with a flatcart loaded up with all sorts of crap and tries to cut in front of us. We were already almost there though and beat her to the register. My mom, the cashier and I all turn and give her a look to which she tries to act adorably innocent-- "What, you mean I wasn't the next customer to be served? Tee hee!"

        The other funny thing is this was an older haggish-looking woman and the adorable look just didn't work on her.
        My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can.---Cary Grant


        • #19
          Quoth rerant View Post
          I have no clue which specific store you're referencing, but my mind sure is full of possible disgusting names for stores.
          Their store brand stuff is relabeled Berkley and Jensen....


          • #20
            Shows you what happens when customers who can't get in any trouble for yelling at an SC don't stand up for themselves.
            Broadcasting to you live from the nerve center of my brain..... szzzt *we are currently experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by*


            • #21
              Ok, cutting in line...strike one, almost running over a little kid with their cart...strike two and almost ramming a very pregnant woman...strike three! I know doesn't condone violence, but a few things would be in order for that SC. This would sum up what I would've LOVED to do to that bitch besides reaming her a new one.
              Last edited by tropicsgoddess; 05-14-2008, 12:59 PM.
              I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
              Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
              Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


              • #22
                While I think that CS was an absolute $@#%@# and hope God smite's her with crabs... I am also very disappointed that the cashier who witnessed this didn't do anything!

                In my day as a supermarket check out chick, I would have told her to move her things off the belt, and go to the back of the line. I would have stood there all day if I had to, refusing to serve her until she moved her ass to the back!

                Just makes me sad....
                "You're perfect yes it's true, but without meeeee you're only you!"


                • #23
                  I like to take an approach that is a bit passive aggressive but also truthful. No one (thankfully !) was hurt, and being a little longer in a queue really isn't a big deal. I always assume that the lives of line cutters must be incredibly empty, and that if being first means so much to them, when I personally have a life full of other richer pleasures (maybe not much - but it doesn't take much to beat the happiness of line jumping), they're welcome to go first.

                  I got really angry recently when I was queueing to by train tickets and a woman sidled round my 7 year old half sister to cut in line. First time I looked she was behind us, next time she was standing next to my sister, and then she'd managed to queue jump by insinuating herself in front of a small child.

                  I did call her out on it - and she had the gall to say I was lying and trying to queue jump her ! However as I never tried to get in front of her that fell somewhat flat.

                  I just loudly told her "As being one place further in line is so important to you that you are willing to push in front of a small child I can only assume your life is very empty. Please feel free to go in front of us..." I even hit a note of pity in my voice

                  The funny thing was that it drove her wild and she ended up yelling angrily while we just stood there and looked angelic Everyone stared at her and she got angrier and huffy...

                  Then my father came up and had managed to by tickets from the machine, so we left the queue and Miss Empty Life behind. And enjoyed a lovely day by the seaside.

                  I recommend it - keeps things in perspective, keeps the moral high ground, and makes clear to the SC how much you hold them in contempt. Downside is you have to be able to do it and sound sincere and keep a straight face.

                  Victoria J


                  • #24
                    Really? At that point, most pregnant women I see look TIRED. Really tired. They seem to be thinking "let's just cut me open and get this over with!"

                    I think women smile when the baby is born not because of the baby ... but, because it's OUT! Yes, oh yes, oh joy, oh relief! That parasitic demon will kick my bladder NO MORE!
                    Totally. I mean, totally.

                    I think the main reason nobody pulled that kind of crap with me in my hugely pregnant phase was that when I'm reeeeeeeally tired, I look MEAN.
                    Let it go... Daisy, let it go... Open up your fist
                    This fallen world... Doesn't hold your interest...
                    Doesn't hold your soul... Daisy, let it go


                    • #25
                      Quoth marasbaras View Post
                      I think women smile when the baby is born not because of the baby ... but, because it's OUT! Yes, oh yes, oh joy, oh relief! That parasitic demon will kick my bladder NO MORE!

                      BTW, good luck! I hope the labor is measured in minutes and not hours ... and your new baby comes out healthy and happy.
                      From what she's told me, my mom was extremely happy to be able to sleep on her stomach again!

                      Plus, she was only in labor about 6 hours. Would have been shorter....except I got stubborn and wouldn't turn the last quarter turn. And I've been stubborn ever since!
                      It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                      • #26
                        Quoth Nakajo View Post
                        Next, baby bellies are awesome, and I can't tell you how amazing women look when they're at that point, it's like the mini-miracle you are about to bring into the world reflects on you these last few weeks. Also, SUPER GOOD LUCK to you, hope you feel okay, and please tell us when the next mini-Seraph comes.
                        Will do, haha!

                        Quoth marasbaras View Post
                        Really? At that point, most pregnant women I see look TIRED. Really tired. They seem to be thinking "let's just cut me open and get this over with!"

                        I think women smile when the baby is born not because of the baby ... but, because it's OUT! Yes, oh yes, oh joy, oh relief! That parasitic demon will kick my bladder NO MORE!

                        BTW, good luck! I hope the labor is measured in minutes and not hours ... and your new baby comes out healthy and happy.
                        YES YES YES!! That is EXACTLY what we're thinking!! And last time, I kinda went a bit overboard with the "minutes" thing. They tried to induce me TWICE, and then I said I was hurting a bit so they gave me some drug called Demerol or something. That's the last thing I remember. From what I hear, I pretty much keeled over right after they put it in my IV drip, and 15 minutes later the baby popped out...without any doctor being present. Ooooops...

                        Quoth trench2k View Post
                        Shows you what happens when customers who can't get in any trouble for yelling at an SC don't stand up for themselves.
                        I know I should've said something, and I've kicked myself for not speaking up...but I was just so tired I didn't want to even mess with it. I didn't want to start something that could cause the cashiers grief and I just wanted OUT of the store, lol.
                        By popular request....I am now officially the Enemy of Normalcy.

                        "What is unobtainium? To Seraph, it's a normal client. :P" -- Observant Friend


                        • #27
                          Quoth Pagan View Post
                          From what she's told me, my mom was extremely happy to be able to sleep on her stomach again!

                          Plus, she was only in labor about 6 hours. Would have been shorter....except I got stubborn and wouldn't turn the last quarter turn. And I've been stubborn ever since!
                          my mother is one of those women who ddnt look really pregnant untl she was 8 monthes along, she laughes about how her students left for christmas break when she was almost 7 monthes and came back at the end on januray (it was a college class she was TAing and help teaching) and they all stopped and asked her when she was due and when she said marhc they where in shock

                          oh and my mother said she liked being able to sleep without a bra with out being in pain (she has big chested preme so add pregnancy to it and she couldnt sleep without oneon) and i took 25 hours


                          • #28
                            Quoth Seraph View Post
                            That's the last thing I remember. From what I hear, I pretty much keeled over right after they put it in my IV drip, and 15 minutes later the baby popped out...without any doctor being present. Ooooops...
                            Heh...My mom likes to tell the story of my birth. I was already over a week late when they admitted her with what they thought were false labour. Since I was so far overdue, they decided to keep her until the birth. That night, the attending doctor decided to step out for a bite to eat, since her water hadn't even broken yet...they thought. You see, I was a huge baby--the biggest born to that hospital at the time--wieghing in at 10lbs2oz. My mom didn't have much, if any, water, leading to no one noticing that it had broken.

                            The nurse that night was an old friend of my mother's. The nurse was in mom's room talking when mom suddenly knew it was time and said, "<Friend>, the baby's comming! Right Now!"

                            Her friend started freaking out, "Oh No! You are NOT going to have that child while the doctor's out. You just hold it in til he gets back! You are NOT going to do this to me!"

                            I did finally pop out, after almost having to break my arm to get me clear, around 4:20 AM. The doctor made it back just in time to scrub up, work out the issues with my wide shoulders, and catch me on the way out. The nurse-friend has never let mom live down trying to pop a kid out on her with no doctor on the floor.
                            Last edited by Geek King; 05-15-2008, 04:55 PM.
                            The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                            "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                            Hoc spatio locantur.

