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I have to go all the way up there to do it?!?

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  • I have to go all the way up there to do it?!?

    I was at the fitting room the other day, and this seemingly-polite SC approaches me with a store bag (with a shirt in it), and a new shirt off the rack.

    SC: I bought this shirt the other day and it was too big, so I would like to try on this smaller size to see if it fits.
    Me: Sure, just please put your bag beside my desk or on the desk on your way into the fitting room.
    SC: WHAT? What is the difference, I'll just be 'over there.'
    Me: It isn't anything personal, we just cannot have anything in the fitting rooms except for purses and clothes that are being tried on.
    SC: Well okay. :: hands store bag to me ::

    A few minutes later ...

    SC: Okay, I would like for you to exchange these for me so I can get the smaller size that fits. (She hands me her receipt out of her bag ... mind you I'm sitting at a fitting room with no electronic equipment outside of my walkie-talkie sitting on the desk.)
    Me: I'm sorry ma'am, but you have to go up to Guest Services to do a return or exchange.
    SC: Why do I have to go up there through all of that GARBAGE?
    Me: (Stunned by her sudden shouting of the word) Garbage, what do you mean ma'am?
    SC: You work here, you do it. I shouldn't have to walk ALL the way up there to do something you can easily do here.
    Me: If I had any functioning equipment that could process a return behind my desk I'd be happy to exchange it for you---but I don't have anything obviously---unfortunately you will have to go up to Guest Services.
    SC: Whatever. :::leaves:::

    Sure, let me pull out a register out of my *** to process your stupid return!

    "In cases of customer bathroom emergencies, the toilet itself becomes less of a goal and more of a loose suggestion." - Shamus

  • #2
    Returns at the fitting rooms huh?
    Like I'm sure you have nothing better to do.......

    Be Nice or I'll Make the Sun Go Away.


    • #3
      Cool, I get to resurrect a dead thread!

      The OP reminds me of my time working at KMart(looooooong time ago). I was putting away stuff that customers decided they didn't want at the register(they called it unshop back then, don't know what it's called now). This woman comes up to me in the toy department with about eight toys.

      CH: Contemptable Harpy

      CH: None of these have prices on them.
      Me: If you take them to customer service they can scan them for you.
      CH: (Looking at me like I ate her children) What?!? No, YOU DO IT!
      Me: I'm sorry ma'am, I already have a lot I need to do right now, but the CS desk will be happy to scan them for you.
      CH: FINE! I'LL DO YOUR JOB FOR YOU!<storms off>


      BTW, the manager on duty told her when she complained that I was doing my job, which was do whatever he asked me to do.
      I know nothing and I can prove it!


      • #4
        they called it unshop back then, don't know what it's called now
        at the bookstore they call it "recovery" ... because that's where you'll end up after the umpteenth time you reshelved the same damn book???
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

