I do tech support for an insurance company. I had a customer call today, absolutely livid that his password was reset on his account without his permission. I checked his account, and found that I had reset his password a few days ago at the request of his agent. This is not unusual as many customers prefer to go through their agents, who they know on a first name basis, rather than calling a "faceless" helpdesk tech. I explained to the customer that his agent asked us to reset the password on his behalf. Of course, this is "impossible" because he never asked him to do that, and he knows his agent, and knows he would NEVER make a mistake like that.
We go back and forth for a while, and he finally comes out with this:
"You just thought you would make some extra money by going around resetting people's passwords!"
Um, what? Does he think we get paid per mouse-click, or what? I explained to him that I get paid hourly, and I get paid the same regardless of how many password resets I do. He didn't believe me. Several times I asked him if he needed help logging in, but no, he just wanted me to admit that I reset his account without anyone asking me to for "extra cash". Which of course I didn't do, because it makes no damn sense. He eventually hung up.

"You just thought you would make some extra money by going around resetting people's passwords!"
Um, what? Does he think we get paid per mouse-click, or what? I explained to him that I get paid hourly, and I get paid the same regardless of how many password resets I do. He didn't believe me. Several times I asked him if he needed help logging in, but no, he just wanted me to admit that I reset his account without anyone asking me to for "extra cash". Which of course I didn't do, because it makes no damn sense. He eventually hung up.