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Best "Do you work here?" ever!

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  • #16
    I always get the opposite. I'm always shopping in the store and people come up to me and ask me questions looking for this or that. They usually never ask, " do you work here?"

    For example, I was at Pep Boys (autoparts store and service) the other day looking at a manual for a gas generator like what you'd take on a "camping" trip in an RV. This guy comes up and asks me if we had any cables (he didn't know exactly what he was looking for). Turns out he was looking for a an engine hoist or a "come-along" that used chain instead of steel cable or nylon strap to lift an engine out of a vehicle. I helped him figure it out until he asked me where the "come-alongs" were. I then told him, "Actually I don't work here." It was only then that I noticed that the employees were wearing the same blue polo shirt that I was. Only their polo shirts had "Pep Boys" embroidered on the right breast. I had a good laugh about it after I bought my windshield washer fluid and left.

    Is it bad when your wardrobe makes you look like one of the employees at a store?

    (BTW they were wearing black slacks, dress shoes and a blue polo shirt. I was wearing stonewashed blue jeans, ratty sneakers and a blue polo shirt)
    You'll always miss 100% of the shots you don't take,and statistically speaking, 99% of the shots you do take.

    Pirates Vs. Ninjas. Which would you choose?


    • #17
      Quoth Marnier View Post
      While working at CVS if I was asked that question when it was quite obvious that I was working, I would reply:
      "Nope I work at CVS"
      I got quite a few confused looks followed by laughs when I did that. Nobody ever got angry because I was always willing to help them after.
      I used to work at CVS as well, and I can tell you that most customers had no idea whether they were at CVS or Waglreens. So, I could see how that could pass a feasible answer for most people.

      Olive juice you too.


      • #18
        Quoth Brightglaive View Post
        I always get the opposite. I'm always shopping in the store and people come up to me and ask me questions looking for this or that. They usually never ask, " do you work here?"
        I was in Bldg #19 once & I forget what I was looking at, but some people came along and just said right to me, "Maybe you can help us" and I said "May-BEE!"

        Then they started asking me shit , so I had to let them off the hook.

        My whole thing is, I'm usually wearing my fanny pack and/or jacket, and I'm NEVER wearing anything close to the store uniform. I guess I'm just an intense shopper...
        I was not hired to respond to those voices.


        • #19
          Quoth edible_hat View Post
          There I am, standing behind the counter, wearing my shirt with the company logo, one hand on the register, the other hand holding the communications book (which has "[STORE NAME] COMMUNICATIONS, FOR STAFF ONLY" written on the cover), and this guy comes in and says:

          "Do you work here?"

          "No, I'm stealing this book"


          • #20
            I just started my new job in 'Paperclips' (truly, I am a master of espionage ) today, and I'm getting totally the opposite of this.

            Standing on shop floor, no uniform, no staff/supervisor even near me (my trainer kept getting called away for various things) and like, four customers randomly (and separately) asked me for help with things.

            I think I'm gonna try following random people round and ask them things and see if it works too
            ONI HEUIR NI FEDIR


            • #21
              "No, I'm secretly bringing down the place from the inside." *nudge nudge wink wink*
              People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
              My DeviantArt.


              • #22
                I think the worst one I ever got was right after I had finished ringing a customer up. I had just closed my drawer, and the guy asked, "You work here?" Before I could respond a co-worker relpied, "Yeah, but not for money, she's in it for the books."
                Is it insanity to reason with the voices in your head or to ignore them and hope they go away on their own? - Hod from Brat-halla

                "You're the nicest evil person I know" one of my managers to me


                • #23
                  hahah I have the opposite thing happen to me once. I was in an Albertson's. I was on my lunch break. I had the company shirt on for the dollar store I was working at. I had a person ask me where like 2 items were...and being nice I actually said, "I think they are that way somewhere..." They looked at me like I was the worst Customer Service person ever...then I said, "I am sorry (points at shirt) I don't work here." They were really embarassed.
                  When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers. ---Colleen C. Barrett---


                  • #24
                    Working at a local hot dog stand I had a guy come in and ask that.
                    He caught me on a day where my smart ass comments filter was broken.

                    C: Do you work here?
                    ME behind the counter: Nope I'm robbing the joint. Gimme all your money or I'll shot this gun I'm hiding under the counter.
                    Boss from the back: DRAE!

                    The guy thankfully had a sense of humor about the whole thing, both customer and boss.
                    "It's not what your doing so much as the idiotic way your doing it." Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy 7.

