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Don't lie about when you make financial arrangements. We do keep notes.

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  • Don't lie about when you make financial arrangements. We do keep notes.

    Our suckiest customers by far are the ones who don't pay their bills for two months then get angry when we have the audacity to suspend their services. I had one such call today.

    (skipping the intro stuff)

    Me: It shows you have been suspended due to delinquency. Would you like to make a payment now?
    SC: No, I'll make a payment on Friday.
    Me: Unfortunately only the billing department can handle promise-to-pays. They will be open at 8 AM EST.
    SC: No, I want to make a P2P.
    Me: Unfortunately the repair department cannot handle that.
    SC: Not true! I do it all the time.
    Me: Yes, with the billing department, which is not open now.
    SC: Nu uh. I do it all the time!
    Me: Okay, let me look at your notes. Let's see... 4/15, made payment, 3/21, made payment, 2/12, made payment, 1/16, made payment, 1/12, made P2P at 4pm EST, 12/21, made payment, -
    SC: And what is the point of reading me all of that? And I called in a few days ago and told someone I was in the hospital and had a heart attack and would be paying on Friday.
    Me: Hmm, it shows that no one has accessed your account since 4/15.
    SC: *sputter, sputter* Do you have a supervisor?
    Me: Just a moment!