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No you can't just use the urinal!

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  • #16


    • #17
      Quoth greensinestro View Post
      Well, it's not something I would consider drinking out of. To me, it would be like putting your hands in the bowl itself.
      Actually, the reservoir is considered to be a source of drinking water in case of emergency. At home, nobody should have been "upper decking" it, so it should be just as good as regular tap water.
      Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


      • #18
        The way customers treat store washrooms is disgusting.
        I've seen vomit in our sinks, poo al over the bowls, pee on the floor and used baby diapers left laying on the changing table. And that's not even as bad as some of the things others on this board have seen.
        If I had it my way our store would have no customer washrooms, but for a store our size we HAVE to have them. Especially since we have the restaurant.


        • #19
          Quoth Primer View Post
          At home, nobody should have been "upper decking" it.
          You hope. O_o

          At the supermarket, we once had a female shoplifter stuff dozens of tins in cisterns in order to go back for them later. She was only rumbled after security saw her going in and out of the toilets way too many times. XD
          People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
          My DeviantArt.

