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Cheap customers

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  • Cheap customers

    Hello again, Im back! well, these customers are not so much sucky as annoying and cheap. we are having a pretty good sale right now because we are relocating. but that doesn't stop customers from trying to get better deals.

    first customer was buying 3 sunglasses (buy 2 get one free sale) and a watch ($1 off regular price) and actually asked me if she could get a discount because she came all the way from India and was buying that much stuff. (nothing against Indians, she just mentioned it) the huge amount it added up to? $25 plus tax. I tried to explain that she was already getting a discount on everything she was buying but she wanted more.

    second customer: she wanted to buy a ring that was marked 70% off (usual is 60% off) so the tag price was 49 i told her when she asked earlier the price was 14.70. she came to the register with that amount of cash then i told her the price including tax (like a buck more) and she said "oh, i thought it would be cheaper" and left.

  • #2
    Quoth Kirachan View Post
    she said "oh, i thought it would be cheaper" and left.
    Because she's too stupid to actually do the math, and just assumes that it will be less than a dollar.
    Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


    • #3
      I knew there was a reason I normally enjoy it when I shop in more "expensive" stores ... no cheap pukes clogging the aisles and pestering the clerks with stupid questions.
      "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

      Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


      • #4
        Quoth Kirachan View Post
        second customer: she wanted to buy a ring that was marked 70% off (usual is 60% off) so the tag price was 49 i told her when she asked earlier the price was 14.70. she came to the register with that amount of cash then i told her the price including tax (like a buck more) and she said "oh, i thought it would be cheaper" and left.
        Yep, this is why I try to include tax when it make sense... at least sometimes.

        For the regular prices I don't, because it's easy to say $10, $12, $15, or $20 for the lane, and $3.25 for shoes.

        However we have two deals. One is listed as $56.95 + Tax.... I just tell people it's $60.65 that way they are shocked when the price jumps up nearly $4 when I ring em up.

        The other is on Monday Nights. Guys pay $13.95 +tax. It comes out to $14.86. So I just say $14 a person, because it's easier than trying to say all that change.

        I liked the movie theater I worked at, all the prices we're listed with the tax already factored in, and everything was priced so it rounded to the nearest quarter. It made SO much sense, and worked REALLY well.
        <Insert clever signature here>


        • #5
          The worst situation I've ever dealt with as far as cheap customers go was when I was serving my time at the Dollar Tree.
          This one woman used to come in on a regular basis and try to haggle over prices.

          She would routinely come up to the counter and proclaim that some particular item was the 'last one in the store' and practically demand a discount for that specific reason. More often than not, it wouldn't be the last one by a longshot, and even if it was, sorry!
          It's still a whopping $1. Plus tax.
          Her response?
          "Well, I just won't buy it then, and you'll be stuck with it."
          Yeah, lady. I'll try to live with that on my conscience.
          The only time we were ever authorized to reduce anything was if it was damaged, but why anyone would want to buy a cheap little damaged barely-worth-a-dollar-in-the-first-place piece of hooey is beyond me.
          But questioning the motives of an SC is only asking for a headache.

          "No! You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey." - WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY


          • #6
            Wouldn't the last one in the store be more expensive, if anything? Like, all the others sold out so fast, now we can jack the price up! Like a collectors edition or something.


            • #7
              I've had customers haggle with me over the tax before...
              I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


              • #8
                Quoth DesignFox View Post
                I've had customers haggle with me over the tax before...
                Wow..too funny. Haggling over the tax?!!! Like hell we have the power to change it upon some cheap SC's demand!!!

                When I worked as a Hostess for a local Italian Restaurant, one of the waitresses told me that a customer tried to haggle her on the price of the soup.
                I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


                • #9
                  Quoth DesignFox View Post
                  I've had customers haggle with me over the tax before...
                  Because, you know, the government is pretty easygoing about taxes.
                  Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?



                  • #10
                    To the OP, I never noticed before how darling that kitten is! *melts*

                    As always, I must agree with maras....sometimes when you're willing to go to a store that's a little more spendy, there aren't as many hagglers and cheapskates.
                    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                    • #11
                      Quoth Apathy View Post
                      Because, you know, the government is pretty easygoing about taxes.
                      I'm not sure why THIS post of all of yours made me crack up, but I just barely avoided breaking rule 1

                      And to the OP: My most heartfelt condolences. It will never make sense to me why people feel the need to haggle on CLEARANCE items.
                      Your true character is who you are when no one is looking.


                      • #12
                        Quoth karath View Post
                        It will never make sense to me why people feel the need to haggle on CLEARANCE items.
                        Yea...really. But then, I met MY customers. >_< Although, in truth, it hasn't mattered where I've worked. There was always that one person who was the cheapest of them all...

                        I think my current customers take the cake, though. Until working in the cell phone store, no one had argued with me so vehemently over charging them sales tax...*sigh*
                        I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


                        • #13
                          I used to know someone who haggled pretty much everywhere (except, possibly, restaurants).

                          If the clerk couldn't give her a deal, then she kept going up the chain until she got someone who would, or she didn't make the purchase.

                          From what I understand (and what I knew of her), she was always polite about it, but she never paid the marked price.

                          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

