Today we had to call the police because someone refused to go. My colleague (a sucky colleague but that's another story - she was absolutely right here) was advising the guy. When she refused to do the 2 things he wanted (one of which would have been illegal !) he refused to go. A supervisor told him that my colleague was right, and acting according to policy. My manager told him...
He just sat there for an hour until the police made him go away.
(He had a friend in the waiting room the entire time. The friend didn't speak any English, and just sat there peacefully wondering what was going on).
Few things annoy me more than people who argue with me about what my job entails. Guess what - I know best !
My personal favourite example was when I was working in a job where I assisted people make complaints about health treatment - and we did a lot of work supporting people with mental health problems, and helping them get the help they needed. One day some posh idiot rings up to complain that they're building a new mental health outreach service down the road from her. (And they can't possibly do that because "it's such a nice area")
I tell her she needs to seek advice from someone who knows about planning permission. She says she's already tried this and lost. I say it's not something I can help with and she starts quoting the complaint's procedure at me ("any interested party" can make a complaint).
In the end I said "I will speak to our policy manager and confirm whether we do this work, but please bear in mind that if she does reverse the existing policy for you I will still have absolutely no experience or knowledge about planning issues, and a background in supporting those attempting to get treatment. I really can't imagine what help I could give if I was told to assist you !"
"Well, please speak to your manager"
Strangely enough I didn't have to help her. And I hope they built a 10 floor prison for the criminally insane in the woman's back garden.
Victoria J
He just sat there for an hour until the police made him go away.
(He had a friend in the waiting room the entire time. The friend didn't speak any English, and just sat there peacefully wondering what was going on).
Few things annoy me more than people who argue with me about what my job entails. Guess what - I know best !
My personal favourite example was when I was working in a job where I assisted people make complaints about health treatment - and we did a lot of work supporting people with mental health problems, and helping them get the help they needed. One day some posh idiot rings up to complain that they're building a new mental health outreach service down the road from her. (And they can't possibly do that because "it's such a nice area")
I tell her she needs to seek advice from someone who knows about planning permission. She says she's already tried this and lost. I say it's not something I can help with and she starts quoting the complaint's procedure at me ("any interested party" can make a complaint).
In the end I said "I will speak to our policy manager and confirm whether we do this work, but please bear in mind that if she does reverse the existing policy for you I will still have absolutely no experience or knowledge about planning issues, and a background in supporting those attempting to get treatment. I really can't imagine what help I could give if I was told to assist you !"
"Well, please speak to your manager"

Strangely enough I didn't have to help her. And I hope they built a 10 floor prison for the criminally insane in the woman's back garden.
Victoria J