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The crying game

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  • #16
    Quoth froglet View Post
    Bolton Ontario. My dad drives though there from my town to Milton once every two weeks. I would have thought the Vaughn store would have been closer though. Assuming Rerant works where I think they work...
    I do work where you're thinking, and I guess the Vaughan store would have been closer (I don't know exactly where Bolton is, as I've never been there), but for some reason people always come to my location because it's bigger.

    And then they bitch about us being out of things. Well... when everyone and their brother wants to come to this location it's to be expected that we're going to run out of items faster.


    • #17
      Quoth Emrld View Post
      typically breastfeeding is done on a schedule . . .so it may be that her timing was such that she could get this item . for it . . .have it loaded . . .and get home just in time for the next feeding

      I agree with the possible new mother no sleep hormone
      The lady may really not have been aware of what she was saying or how she was acting . . .just that her plans didn't work yet again that day.
      I have to agree completely with this post. I don't think the woman was crying for sympathy. As someone who has "been there" I can say a new mom working on several days of a very little sleep can be emotional at time. As for being an hour away from her baby as another poster questioned, maybe she just needed a little break from the baby. Maybe this was the only time she could get someone to watch the baby for her so she could go get this bookshelf and get a break at the same time. I don't think she was sucky, just very, very, tired.

      If someone wonders why another person just didn't get the bookshelf for her, maybe it had to be put on her credit card or maybe she was the only one who understood what kind of book case she wanted.

      Hell, there's too many "maybes" involved here
      "Not only do I not know what's going on, I wouldn't know what to do about it if I did."
      George Carlin


      • #18
        Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
        Mayor Quimby: The chick in The Crying Game is really a man!
        Two things most people overlook when they 'reveal' that 'twist'... :
        1)There're two women in the movie. One is a transgendered woman, but if you can't see that the moment she shows up, singing in her baritone voice...
        2) It's not even halfway through the movie that Dil gets revealed. It's not the major plot point everyone makes it to be. The main storyline is the Irish war going on!
        "I call murder on that!"

