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Theft by deception:AKA Customer Stupidity in Action.

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  • Theft by deception:AKA Customer Stupidity in Action.

    This is a series of shorties of mine. No more than 2 or 3 paragraphs long each. Feel free to include your own. These, are about shoplifters.

    But, That's not my size:

    Little known fact. Suit pants are 2 sizes larger than jeans. They will still fit though.

    One customer came to me years ago and wanted some suit pants taken up to match his jacket. I checked and realised he'd changed those pants with others from another suit. (Big no no at the time). So, I changed it back and explained why he couldn't. Customer got somewhat irate, but I didn't hear the rest since I got called away for a mgr override. The girl in my dept handled that sale. The next day, the man comes in to pick up his pants, only to complain that they're WAY too tight. (which they were.) Looking at them, I realise he swapped them again. When he blubbered that he needed them for his mother's funeral, I informed him nicely that he had been told why not to change the pants. Because of this I couldn't return them, but he could buy others (slacks) and then we'd be even. That or I could make him miss his mother's funeral by sending him to jail. Furthermore, he was going to have to pay for the suit he damaged by changing the pants. He reluctantly paid.

    One year, working at a Fred's store, we had a customer come in that had bought this funny little deer light thing for Xmas. When he got it home, he managed to break something in it and had returned wanting a replacement. He didn't bring the deer with him. The man had wanted us to open a new one, dig out the parts, and then damage out the new deer. MGR said no, but he got somewhat belligerant with her. She retreated and then turned to me. I'm bigger than him, so she asked me to go and tell him; further to make sure the guy didn't do it. When I got over there, I caught him opening the box digging the part out. Smiling I shook my head and said "Sir, you really ought not do that." His response was a terse "Why not?" "Simple" said I, "you'll end up spending christmas in jail for felony shoplifting. That thing costs over one hundred dollars, and by taking parts from it, you're stealing." He stared. "But, you can just damage it out." he said, pocketing the parts and turning to leave. As he passed the MGR, I said Call the cops. The man stopped and blanched but walked on out. I got his liscense number, and he spent Christmas Eve in jail.

    Open up! I wanna return this!

    I remember, one evening having closed the store I work at only to find myself sitting in the office waiting on a print out. I was going to be there a while, this much I knew. Maybe an hour or three. As I sat there, the store lights out I decided to do the morning paperwork for Brad (the other ASM) since I kinda owed him and thought the guy needed something of a break. As I sat there, it dawned on me that I'd forgotten one register tape. All the while, I heard some tapping near the front. Oh well, no problem of mine. Probably a bird or bat like last time. Wandering up front, my bare feet enjoying the cool floor, I turned to the jewlery register to close it out. As I stood there I heard something tapping again and looked up. Much to my suprise, there stood a woman tapping on the door. "CLOSED!" I said, and went back to getting this last tape. Tap tap tap.

    Looking up, I see this woman standing there with a dress in her hands. "I want to return this!" she said and added. "OPEN UP!" "No." I said simply, stepping a bit closer and pointing to the sign. "Closed. Bout an hour ago." She started to cry. "But I wanted to wear this to church and it don't fit! Come on open up." By then I looked at her, remembering the lady from earlier. "Again. NO!" I said and then crossed my arms. You see, this woman had bought the dress around 10 that day, but had waited until 1 hour after closing to return it. Not my problem. "But...but!" she stammered. "Tell ya what, we open Monday. Bring it back then." I said, turning to walk off. The last thing I heard was her screaming that she needed it for church and then the cries dying away. I thought, it was over.

    Apparently, I was wrong. This lady actually called the police, and asked them to come by and make me open the store so she could return her dress. I was later told by the police that they had told her to quote "Go pound sand."
    Learn wisdom by the follies of others.

  • #2
    I was later told by the police that they had told her to quote "Go pound sand."
    she could of made herself some nice glass slippers by the time she reutrned the dress on monday if she followed their advice
    Movie, Music, Anime and many more reviews...coming soon!

