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But I have no money! (Long)

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  • But I have no money! (Long)

    Let me start off by saying at my casino they are currently undergoing construction due to the fact that we just got bought by another company. The new company is trying to tear out all the old crap and put their new crap in it.
    Anyway, in the cage (where I work) they took out the sports ticket redeeming machine due to the construction. Fun times for us all... GRR.

    Well it was about midnight when this old man came to my window and plops down one of the sports tickets to claim his "winnings." Now, what the machine does that we used to have; it confirmed whether or not the ticket was an actual winner. Some just aren't.
    Dread filled me as I saw him put down the ticket.
    Me: "I'm sorry sir but due to construction they've taken out our sports ticket machine so we can no longer cash them out."
    The old man SC stares at me and I can tell something is about to explode...
    SC: Are you F****** kidding me?!
    ME: "No, sir. They open about eight o'clock tomorrow.
    SC: Tomorrow??
    ME: *looks at clock and realizes it is midnight* OH, well what I mean is in about eight hours.
    This man is F word happy and I think its inappropriate to be yelling that word out in a casino and in my face.
    SC: I have to wait eight F-ing hours to get my money? I have NO money! I was counting on this! Are you F-ing kidding me!?
    I waited patiently until the "Are you F-ing kidding me" would stop but it never did! Finally my the grave supervisor walks up and he starts to yell the same thing at her. GS=Grave supervisor
    GS: What's wrong? (As if she didn't hear him yelling!)
    SC: This girl says I can't get my money?! But it clearly says how much I've won!!!
    GS: We still would need to run it through the machine. We can't do anything from here. They removed our machine about a month ago.
    SC: Are you F-ing kidding me?!
    I'm just rolling my eyes and trying not to laugh at what an ass he's being.
    GS: I'm really sorry sir. But we can't do anything about it.
    SC: But I have NO more money! What am I supposed to do?
    GS: I understand you're upset and I'm really sorry.
    SC: Do you REALLY understand?
    By this time I am getting irritated and annoyed. I don't know how many more times we can say sorry until it sinks in that THE MACHINE IS GONE.
    SC: This is unacceptable! Unf-ing believeable!
    And FINALLY he storms off.
    I understand he'd be upset that he was broke but
    1. He should've cashed it out at the race and sports book BEFORE they closed
    2. It's not my fault that he has a gambling/laziness problem and didn't keep any money in reserve.

  • #2
    I wonder what he would have done if he had lost? He says he was counting on that money, but you and I both know, that 99% of the time, bet money is lost. I bet he still would have been at the cage yelling at you for something else.
    The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.


    • #3
      When I worked in the Casino(s) I was Maintenance.
      I personaly don't see the word Cashier, Bartender, Waiter/tress, or personal butt scratcher in the word Maintenance.
      10 Personal favorite Questions / Demands.
      1 Fix my slot machine so I win.
      2 Gimmie $20 bucks, I just paid your wages to this stupid slot machine.
      3 I want a beer. (Said to me while I was on a ladder, head stuck in the ceiling fixing broken water pipe. The A**hole was to lazy to get up and go to the bar.)
      4 Working hard or hardly working?
      5 I know my rights! You can't keep me outta the bathroom! I don't care if there is 2 inches of water on the floor! ""I'LL SUE!!""
      6 Drunk female, offers sex treat for money.
      7 Fix the drink fountain, I am thirsty! ( Unit arrived that day, was still in package. )
      8 Hearing the SAME guy say, I ain't never comming back to this cheating sh*thole. For the fiftieth time, OK sir see ya tommorow.
      9 Gimmie some change!
      10 Drunk outside in the lot. "Gimme a ride in your truck, I can't find my car!"
      I could escape now and then to do stuff in areas these idiots wern't allowed to go. No such luck for the cashiers waitstaff and bartenders.


      • #4
        I got reminded of the most embarassing thing that happened to me in Vega$. My wife had me paged at the MGM-Grand cause she was hungry and wanted to go to lunch. Hearing "Will RogueOne please report to (wherever the hell it was), your wife is looking for you." Needless to say, I was pissed.

        We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.


        • #5
          That is not embarrassing.

          THIS is embarrassing.

          Setting: Junior year of high school, my second high school. (I went to three. We moved a lot.) This particular high school is equipped with an intercom system so not only can the administration make general announcements to the whole school, but can contact individual teachers in various classrooms, and actually have a back and forth if need be.

          Our pre-calc math class (I was the only junior in a senior math class!) was quietly doing our work. The PA comes to life.

          PA: "Mr. Teacher?
          T: "Yes?"
          PA: "Is Jester in your class today?
          T: "Yes."
          PA: "Please tell him that his mother said to remember to go to the doctor's today after school."

          The entire class, teacher included, broke out laughing.
          I turned several shades of red that my semi-colorblind eyes can't even see.
          I then proceeded to try to hide myself completely under my desk.

          Even though Mom didn't know that the school was going to handle the situation quite in that manner, I didn't forgive her for a long, long, LONG time after that. Come to think of, I don't think I HAVE forgiven her for that.

          Without question, one of my most embarrassing moments.

          "Thank you for that stroll down Amnesia Lane." [Mr. Keats, Dead Poets Society]

          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
          Still A Customer."


          • #6
            One of my fondest memories from my student days was a bar in Mannheim with "all you can drink for 20 Euros!" evenings on Mondays. The place was PACKED with high school and college students (they required student id to even let you in on Mondays).

            Now, according to law, kids under 18 are allowed in a bar, but may not be sold hard liquor (beer is fine) and need to leave at midnight. The latter is usually accomplished by keeping their id at the door and handing it back when they leave. Of course, the rules aren't strictly enforced everywhere, but whatever.

            What you'd often get, however, was parents picking up their underage kids at midnight (laudable, IMO). But of course, they didn't really want to go down into a loud, dark, packed bar, so they inquired for their kids at the entrance, security passed it along to the DJ, who then called it out over the loudspeakers.


            It was always entertaining to look around after such a message, to see just WHO was trying to move towards the exit without drawing attention to themselves....
            You gotta polish a memory like a stone. Chip off the parts that remind you it was just a game. Work it until it's indistinguishable from any other memory.


            • #7
              10 Personal favorite Questions / Demands.
              1 Fix my slot machine so I win.
              If I could do that I'd not be here listening to your whiney ass and would be sipping chardoney by the huge ass pool in my even bigger mansion

              2 Gimmie $20 bucks, I just paid your wages to this stupid slot machine.
              While I do appriciate you spending money at this casino and yes my wages come out of your wagers, your gambling problem is none of my concern. If you really needed that $20, you shouldn't have been spending it here.

              3 I want a beer. (Said to me while I was on a ladder, head stuck in the ceiling fixing broken water pipe. The A**hole was to lazy to get up and go to the bar.)
              Wish in one hand and crap in the other. Let's see which one gets filled faster.

              4 Working hard or hardly working?
              Working hard to find ways to keep myself from ripping off your head and taking a crap down your neck.

              5 I know my rights! You can't keep me outta the bathroom! I don't care if there is 2 inches of water on the floor! ""I'LL SUE!!""
              Very well sir. Just one question. When you walk into the bathroom and step into the puddle of water that is shorting out the electrical outlets, get electrocuted and die, can I have your winnings?

              6 Drunk female, offers sex treat for money.
              Madam, I am a trekkie. The saying is "to boldly go where no one has gone before", not where everyone has gone before.

              7 Fix the drink fountain, I am thirsty! ( Unit arrived that day, was still in package. )
              The repair will take 5 days to complete. Your choices are to find one of the many other sources of liquid refreshment, or to wait for me to finish and die of dehydration...either works for me.

              8 Hearing the SAME guy say, I ain't never comming back to this cheating sh*thole. For the fiftieth time, OK sir see ya tommorow.
              Can't add anything to that.

              9 Gimmie some change!
              I love requests like that...makes me want to oblige them by shoving a roll of quarters up their urethra...sideways

              10 Drunk outside in the lot. "Gimme a ride in your truck, I can't find my car!"
              Sir, you no longer have a car. You sold it to a Japanese tourist for $50 when you ran out of money at the blackjack table. Mr. Morimoto was very pleased with his new BMW by the way and thanks you very much.
              I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?

