Just some general observations from today:
Part One:
Why is it that customers who all but run screaming in the opposite direction when you approach them asking if they need help finding something are magnetically drawn to you the second you are neck-deep in a project?
Case in point:
Me: Can I help you find anything today, sir?
Custy: Just browsing! I'm tired of always being asked if I need anything, can't you see I'm looking!?
Me: Ooooooook. Well, you seem all set then *wanders off to Cart O' Stock Doom*
I proceed to carefully load my arms with about 50 cds to put back (those suckers are slippery!)
wait for it......
Custy: I need this cd
Me: ok, give me a moment to set these down
Custy: Well, I know where it is--but I was hoping you would just get it for me, you know, save me the trip
Me: *seething with rage--thinking SAVE YOU THE BLOODY TRIP!?? IT'S TEN FEET YOU ASS*
I swear he watched, waited until I was loaded up on stock, THEN decides he neeeeds it (now of course).
So I stop my project, get him the cd, he snatches it off me without so much as a thank you then trots up to customer service to complain that I didn't help him!!
There is no pleasing these people.
Part Two (short and sweet):
Give me more to go one? Or--I am not a psychic, round 205896548964685.
SC: I need this cd--the guy was on that show a while ago, I think his name was Dan? Don? Something like that--know what I'm talking about?
Me: Well, do you know what show? Or what song he might have out? Or even what type of music it is?
SC: No, I'm not sure I remember right. I'm pretty sure it was some kind of new music. I thought you would know, you work here.
Me: ................
SC: Are you sure
Me: .......... you have to give me more to go on
SC: Really?
Me: Really.
Brain. Boggle. Now.
I weep for humanity.
Part One:
Why is it that customers who all but run screaming in the opposite direction when you approach them asking if they need help finding something are magnetically drawn to you the second you are neck-deep in a project?
Case in point:
Me: Can I help you find anything today, sir?
Custy: Just browsing! I'm tired of always being asked if I need anything, can't you see I'm looking!?
Me: Ooooooook. Well, you seem all set then *wanders off to Cart O' Stock Doom*
I proceed to carefully load my arms with about 50 cds to put back (those suckers are slippery!)
wait for it......
Custy: I need this cd
Me: ok, give me a moment to set these down
Custy: Well, I know where it is--but I was hoping you would just get it for me, you know, save me the trip
Me: *seething with rage--thinking SAVE YOU THE BLOODY TRIP!?? IT'S TEN FEET YOU ASS*
I swear he watched, waited until I was loaded up on stock, THEN decides he neeeeds it (now of course).
So I stop my project, get him the cd, he snatches it off me without so much as a thank you then trots up to customer service to complain that I didn't help him!!

There is no pleasing these people.
Part Two (short and sweet):
Give me more to go one? Or--I am not a psychic, round 205896548964685.
SC: I need this cd--the guy was on that show a while ago, I think his name was Dan? Don? Something like that--know what I'm talking about?
Me: Well, do you know what show? Or what song he might have out? Or even what type of music it is?
SC: No, I'm not sure I remember right. I'm pretty sure it was some kind of new music. I thought you would know, you work here.
Me: ................
SC: Are you sure
Me: .......... you have to give me more to go on
SC: Really?
Me: Really.
Brain. Boggle. Now.
I weep for humanity.