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Apartment EW (perhaps a bit longish)

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  • #31
    I guess I have it lucky. I have a house that is in a decent area, is about 1500 sq. ft. (750 sq.ft. upstairs 750 sq.ft. downstairs) and is a 4 bedroom 2 bath house with a small garage. It's not the nicest house. The owners have kinda skimped on the cabinetry, the hardwood floors have been sanded once too many times and some idiot carpenter (If you can actually call him that) closed up stairs in the back in the kitchen and put in (uneven) stairs in the formal living room area in front (basically destroying the formal living room area). He also must've put in some of the walls downstairs too 'cause I'm certain that the studs are not even close to 16"-on-center (which has been a standard for the last 20 years in construction and remodeling). It seems that studs were just placed wherever the carpenter (and I use that term loosely) felt like it.

    Setting all that aside though. I'm renting for $650 a month with water, sewer and trash paid. So I can't really complain. And the landlady said that, within reason, I can upgrade the house and take it out of the rent. So I can sand, paint, and repair. I can landscape, fix plumbing and electrical issues etc. As long as the repair is under $ issues. If it's over I need to check with her but she's usually good about things. Oh and when the furnace motor seized up she had the furnace replaced the next day.

    Sorry about the stupid Cow TTaz. I've been on one of those walking tours when we were looking for apartments. I have to think that even though we brought our kids we were courteous and polite and were not EWs like that stupid lady. Oh and wi-fi tends to be blocked more by earth (when you're in a basement or "below grade level" apartment) and trees. Cinderblock by itself doesn't generally block the signal. Dense brick and morter, rebar-reinforced concrete, or metal (or both concrete and metal wire mesh as in stucco) all around the apartment would tend to kill signal REALLY fast. My sister-in-law lived in a well-insulated, all cement house with stucco and a metal roof. You were lucky if you could even get a cell phone signal inside, let alone wi-fi throughout the house.
    Last edited by Brightglaive; 05-28-2008, 11:25 PM.
    You'll always miss 100% of the shots you don't take,and statistically speaking, 99% of the shots you do take.

    Pirates Vs. Ninjas. Which would you choose?


    • #32
      Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
      both of us, as in you and me... my mother can't understand how someone can stay above their circumstances (she lives in middle class suburbia... she has never known a low income life style... and to be honest neither have I... but I don't put my head in the sand and pretend it doesn't exist).
      I could have stayed in that safe area of middle class, but I would have been so unhappy. Which is why I decided to change my life and move 1300 miles away. Sure I had to start over and spend about 2 years (and counting) in surroundings that are less than ideal... but I've overcome more in this two years than at any other point in my life (save for one instance.)

      We can either chose to be complacent and comfortable and hate life, or we can shake it up, be hard up for a while, and be *mostly* happy. I chose the later. Sure it's been a struggle, but it's been my struggle. Although I've been down at times, I refuse to let it beat me.
      You don't know what Hades is until you've worked at least one Christmas Season in a toy store that offers free gift wrapping.


      • #33
        i must be spoiled

        Quoth BarbieGirl View Post
        I am going to cry now! We're paying $999 plus $50 for water sewer and garbage. It is a 3 bed 2 bath, but it was built in the 70's and hasn't been upgraded since. Our cabinet doors are starting to disentigrate and fall off the hinges And our heating bill for our uber 'efficient' apartment during the winter.... $150 a month, and thats just turning on the heat in the kids rooms. And they say that next year they will up it to $1269. shoot me now. I need to move to Idaho or somewhere cheap.
        for what your paying there you could buy a 4bed 2.5bath in the nice parts of Tulsa or even some of the suburbs, but you would have to move to wonderfull oklahoma
        This is a drama-free zone; violators will be slapped. -Irving Patrick Freleigh
        my blog:


        • #34
          Quoth SteeleDragon78 View Post
          for what your paying there you could buy a 4bed 2.5bath in the nice parts of Tulsa or even some of the suburbs, but you would have to move to wonderfull oklahoma
          Yeah it's pretty much the same with the suburbs of Boise plus you get almost an acre of land with it too! The seattle market sucks, For us apartment dwellers anyways.
          It's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. -Office space

