Wheeled shoes : because stores could refuse entry to people in roller skates.
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Please keep your kids under control!!!
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"I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."
Yeah, I actually had to kick out a mom and her kid because we didn't permit Heelies in our store, and he wouldn't stop rolling around on them, and she got pissy with us when we asked him to stop. Pulled the "He's not hurting anything" argument, which we trumped with the "It's an insurance issue" argument, and asked them both to leave when she refused to cooperate.
(Incidentally, I relayed this story on Fark.com, which resulted in a troll replying with "Oh I bet you felt like a real tough guy for kicking out a little kid and his mom!" Hence, my current username here. I'd change my Fark ID to, but I like The Deucebag too much ^_^)
One of the duty managers tossed out a mother and kid after the kid not only totalled a display on his Heelys, but also crashed right into an old lady and knocked her over.The mother didn't even try to help her up, just muttered something about how the old lady should have just got out of the way.
Yeah, an old lady who is using a cane to walk with is really going to be able to leap out of the way of your hellspawn on wheels!
This is why I am getting a fence when I move into a new place. I currently rent this house and refuse to improve the owners property. I have had kids in underwear come into my house, plop down on the couch and turn on the TV, and get this.......ask me for glass of water?!?!That was when we first moved here, but I have had the neighbors kids be very annoying and aggravating to the point that I have actually yelled at them to get the heck away from my house and go home.
I hate kids, except for my own.Woman are like guns, if you don't treat us right, we'll blow up in your face!
Pain is your bodies way of telling you that you're still alive.
I am also known as Liquid Skin and Silkekitten.
kids generally leave me alone; i think it's the 'i hate you and will eat your brain' vibe that manifested itself after four years of working at the green apron.
they avoid my home as a general rule; anyone coming to my home is subject to my rules...*prepares the flaming pit of death.*look! it's ghengis khan!
Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)
We were living in an apartment complex when one day a kid knocked on our door and asked if we would by chocolate bars to support their local school. I politely refused and told the kid (about 14 or so) that solicitation within the complex is a no-no and they should canvas elsewhere. Kid says OK and moves along. Fifteen minutes later the mother comes knocking... accusing me of harassing her kid and threatening her and making her cry.
I was rather shook up, and told the mother that was not my intent, and I had been polite. She starts ranting about how she owns the 'deluxe' apartment and she can do as she pleases and how she's gonna sick her husband on me and the rental agents. At that point I told the 'lady' that the no solicitation notice is at every entrance, she is in violation of her rental agreement, and if I so much as see her or her husband a police report of harassment will be the LEAST of her concerns.
At that point she huffs off saying she'll have me evicted.
20 minutes later the rental agent calls me, and apologizes for the she-bitch. Apparently this was not the first time she tried to play the high-and-mighty attitude... She got read the riot act by the agent and was put on final notice. 3 months later they were gone...
*Ding dong the witch was evicted!*
Still feel sad that the kid got upset though... I did try to break it gently!*There is no greater gift than to be reborn with every heartbeat*
*Grudges should only be held for as long as it takes to deliver a proper vengence!*
Thats why one of my favorite Simpsons episodes is the one where the people without children take over springfield. It's also the main reason I miss smoking sections. The non-children seating area is sorely lacking from american restaurants.They say crime doesn't pay. That must mean what I'm doing at work is illegal.
Quoth Lace Neil Singer View PostOne of the duty managers tossed out a mother and kid after the kid not only totalled a display on his Heelys, but also crashed right into an old lady and knocked her over.The mother didn't even try to help her up, just muttered something about how the old lady should have just got out of the way.
Yeah, an old lady who is using a cane to walk with is really going to be able to leap out of the way of your hellspawn on wheels!
Would have been funny if the odl lady just stuck her stick out and tripped the kid up, would have served the kid right
I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.
Quoth RayvenQ View PostDon't you know, all grannies have Ninja stick abilitiesWould have been funny if the odl lady just stuck her stick out and tripped the kid up, would have served the kid right
*Yes I know the PC term is Asian, but the region collectively known as The Orient is a distinctly different genetic and cultural zone than northern Asia (read Russia and the -stans and -vakias). Wow... long aside for a short post....WHY DO YOU TEMPT WHAT LITTLE FAITH IN HUMANITY I HAVE!?! -- Kalga
And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi
Quoth JustADude View PostNo, no, no! That's old blind oriental* guys!
*Yes I know the PC term is Asian, but the region collectively known as The Orient is a distinctly different genetic and cultural zone than northern Asia (read Russia and the -stans and -vakias). Wow... long aside for a short post.I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.
Quoth RayvenQ View PostDon't you know, all grannies have Ninja stick abilitiesWould have been funny if the odl lady just stuck her stick out and tripped the kid up, would have served the kid right