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  • #31
    My favorite was from Claires. The entire mall is dark. My gate is closed. The music is off. All but the last row of lights are off. There are two reigster trays visible under a mound of paper on the counter.

    I hear the clattering of heels coming down the hallway. Sure enough, I hear the jingling of the gate. I look up, and this woman is trying to thrust a bag through the gate.

    "We're closed." I say.
    "But I have a refund!" Like THAT'S going to be the magic words to get me to open up.
    "I'm sorry, but the mall is closed, the store is closed, and the registers are closed. There is no way I can help you."
    "You'll have to come back tomorrow."
    "BUT IT'S A REFUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
    I don't effin' care!!!!!!!!!!!!
    SC: “Yeah, Bob’s Company. I'm Bob. It's my company.” - GK
    SuperHotelWorker made my Avi!!


    • #32
      The good thing about airplanes is they don't wait for late people and they have to get off at the other end...they are always desparate to get off when we land!
      No longer a flight atttendant!


      • #33
        Quoth mattm04 View Post
        After close one day a customer came up to the locked doors and tried to open them, with his keys, he broke TWO keys before he realized one was his car key. The MOD offered to open the door to let the key fallout. He was able to start his car and leave but later called and DEMANDED that we pay for a new ignition, since the key got stuck and all new computer-chip keys. Thankfully corp. refused.

        *speechless...and in physical pain due to stupidity overload*

        Quoth Forensic Waitress View Post
        People at the job I am at now are just as bad, you know they finished their meal an hour ago and there still chatting there, the kitchen has shut down, the restaurant is fully reset except for their table and now the bar is shut down and yet they still sit and talk and are oblivious to the fact that we have shut down and want to go home. The worst part is that upper management has stated that we are not allowed to tell them that we are closed and are simply to wait until they are ready to leave.
        That's difficult because I'd kind of expect the staff to say something (maybe it's a location difference - round here I'm used to staff being able to say). If you haven't been ridiculously ridiculously long somewhere, and if people are still working and just leaving you last to clean up sometimes it's fine and sometimes you are in the way.

        As a customer (admittedly a customer who actually cares about other people and doesn't think service staff are robots or beneath contempt) I'd much rather staff we're allowed to politely warn that they'd be closing soon and they'd need me to leave.

        Quoth Dark Psion View Post
        We were shutting off the lights when we notice a guy up in Lawn & Garden reading the Ortho Book of Bugs and I mean reading. One page at a time like it was a novel. This is a big book so I had to ruin it for him.....The Cricket did it!

        Victoria J


        • #34
          Quoth Mr. Security View Post
          It can be quite interesting at closing time where I work at the library. We have 3 announcements stating we're closing . one at 20min, 10min and finally at closing but there will still be people sitting there reading at 5mins past and when ever I walk up to them to tell them were closed they always say "oh I didn't know your closed" What the 3 loud announcements or the fact that everybody seem to have left and there's no one around didn't give it away?
          I would so be one of those people, were I the sort to hang out in a library while reading. I get so caught up in my books that it would take an act of god or the like to get my attention.

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #35
            Quoth technical.angel View Post
            "We're closed." I say.
            "But I have a refund!" Like THAT'S going to be the magic words to get me to open up.
            This puzzles me too. If they were set on spending heaps of money, I would kinda understand why they could think you might be so kind as to open just for them. Even though I guess not even Paris Hilton in full Shopping Spree drive would do the trick.

            But hoping you would open after hours in order to give them money ? How can some one possibly expect such a thing to actually happen ?
            "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


            • #36
              Reading through this thread again I think I may have stumbled onto something...

    's the returns! The returns make people crazy!!
              The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury. - Marcus Aurelius
              If you're slower than me, stupider than me, and you taste're dinner - Anthony Bourdain

              Memento mori.

