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Ok so are all customers morons?

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  • Ok so are all customers morons?

    I was working at a toy store in the games department, we were closing my store and so the whole store was plastured with about 50+ posters one of which was BLOCKING the way to the register and as you walk into the door. The signs?


    This lady comes to my counter with 200+ bucks worth of items and I sit and ring them all up, and what happens at the end she tries to write a check, I was like UM maam Im sorry we dont take checks anymore and whats she say? Well why didnt someone tell me that?


    So same place of business, same job, same going out of business, I work as I said in the game area and posted all over the area there is this sign that states we are completely out of any game system. I see this guy walk up to the counter, I can see his lips moving he is reading the sign that says we are out of systems, and what can you imagine was the FIRST thing he asked?
    Oh so you dont have any xboxs? what about ps2's?

    Sometimes its sooo hard not to strangle them :P

  • #2
    It's like a lot of airline passengers leave their brains behind at check-in...

    Sometimes it seems like customers are all morons...I'm not sure why as all of us are capable of being able to shop normally.
    No longer a flight atttendant!


    • #3
      Believe it or not, you could draw pretty much a perfect bell curve for suckiness in customers I've had at both the Olive Garden and at Kinko's.

      While you wouldn't know it to hear me complain, the vast majority of them were okay. Neither pleasant nor unpleasant, just busy people going about their affairs, gettig their jobs done, paying for them, and leaving. The faceless, nameless, hoards.

      A nice little chunk of them were genuinely memorable characters, fun, happy, friendly, personable. The sort of people we'd go "Oh, that's for so and so. Don't charge for pasteup." Easygoing, pleasant to work with. Made you smile when you saw them walk in the door. People you'd routinely give "Cool Person Discounts" to.

      Then there was about an equal number of asshats. Back in the bad old days, we had more control over what we could charge. And yes, sometimes, if the situation were dire enough, we DID charge an Asshole Tax.

