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Mastersuck Theatre Presents....!!

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  • #31
    I can't remember ever being carded. Even the few times when, had I been carded, I would have been denied access to the nightclub.

    However, around here, if the parents are present, most restaurants won't make a fuss about serving alcohol to minors. I don't know if they have the law on their side, but they just seem to assume it's the parents' responsibility to make sure their kids don't get intoxicated with alcohol.

    Were a kid to enter a bar and ask for a beer on his own, now that would be a whole different story. Even though, in the metal bar I frequent, I'm pretty sure some of the goths kids are way under 18 and still drink beer.

    Slightly OT, this thread reminds me of two strips from Real Life, the first one wherein Greg couldn't enter the bar because he wasn't 18 (or 21, can't remember), even though he only wanted a Pepsi, the second one wherein Greg, who just turned 18 (or 21), goes back to the same bar and demand a Pepsi.
    "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


    • #32
      Quoth Juwl View Post
      I go to Rocky Horror Picture Show every week, and not only do the cast recognize me on sight now,
      I have visions of Susan Sarandon looking out of the screen and waving. "Hi Juwl!"
      "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


      • #33
        Quoth Juwl View Post
        I go to Rocky Horror Picture Show every week, and not only do the cast recognize me on sight now, most of the theater workers do too. One of the cast members who was carding one week, looked at me, and then my ID, and said, "I don't know why I check every week, I know you're here all the time. You're obviously over 17..."
        I just kind of shrugged and guessed, "Habit...?"
        I don't go every week any more since I moved to Green Bay but my daughter and I travel to Milwaukee 4 times a year (2 hour trip one way). and the cast and regulars know us by sight. heck my daughter turned 18 (I take her for her b-day every year) on the night of the performance. they never card us any more.

        Quoth cinema guy View Post
        I have visions of Susan Sarandon looking out of the screen and waving. "Hi Juwl!"
        I have been waiting for that to happen to me since I have going to RHPS for 30 years this Sept. I will be Time Warping even after I am dead and buried. hell I might just go out in fishnets and a teddy/boustie.
        I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
        -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

        "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


        • #34
          People are weird with their IDs like that. I mean seriously! How hard is it to pull out a frigging piece of plastic? I had a guy in the shop just a few days ago, and he wanted to pay his bill. Easy enough, except that he didn't have his bill or his card with him. That's okay, I can look the number up with the ID. Guy says he doesn't have his ID with him.

          Me: Sorry, sir, I can't look up your card number without an ID.
          SC: *still writing check* What? That's ridiculous.
          Me: If you don't have the bill or your card with you, I need an ID.
          SC: I don't have it! *still writing check*
          Me: I can't look up the number, sir.
          SC: *tears check out of checkbook and hands it to me*
          Me: .....

          Guy then promptly starts cussing up a storm, saying how he hates the company for doing this to him, why can't he just pay his bill, why can't we look up the number.... so on, so forth. Seriously, there's a law against giving out any credit information without an ID. Nothing I can do about it, except maybe run for president, but it might take a while.

          The good thing is that after SCs start cussing up a storm, usually the next person in line is really friendly, 'cause they're smart and sympathize with the employee, rather than the idiot who can't keep his mouth in check.


          • #35
            I'm just about to turn 21 in a few weeks (legal age here is 18) and I'm still surprised when I DON'T get carded. I can sometimes look younger. And I always have my id handy.

            It's not that hard!


            • #36
              I think its funny as hell when kids who turn 21 like two days before the day I card them and are like: Really? I'm flattered OR are you serious? They're either shocked or pissed about it.


              • #37
                It's kinda hit and miss with me... if I'm clean shaven, I always get carded for R movies. (i'm 19). If I let my scruff grow out, suddenly the carding stops...
                Carpe Jugulum : Go for the throat.


                • #38
                  Quoth Racket_Man View Post
                  I don't go every week any more since I moved to Green Bay but my daughter and I travel to Milwaukee 4 times a year (2 hour trip one way). and the cast and regulars know us by sight. heck my daughter turned 18 (I take her for her b-day every year) on the night of the performance. they never card us any more.
                  I never got carded when I went. *perplexed*

                  Is it because I knew one of the guys?
                  Unseen but seeing
                  oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                  There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                  3rd shift needs love, too
                  RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                  • #39
                    The girl was a twerp. No two ways about it.

                    HOWEVER is this business of not serving alcohol to anyone at a table unless all the occupants are over age a general thing? For example, if I go to the US with my family, will most places refuse to serve me a glass of wine with my meal because I'll have my 5 year old with me? That is very weird, if so.
                    A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
                    - Dave Barry


                    • #40
                      No, the way I understand it, the father ordered wine for every one. It was a party of 8 and he asked for 8 glasses. So, obviously, even the youngest children were going to have wine too, which could have been a problem if one of them was underage...
                      "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


                      • #41
                        Gezz when I turned 21, and every friend that I know, I was ecstatic to show my id. Look I’m actually 21, I’m legally to buy this stuff. Heck I still do it at bars where the people know me, just incase an inspectors around. I don’t want them getting into trouble for not having carded me.

