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What a Night......(very long)

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  • What a Night......(very long)

    heh long night so i'll break it down to individual customers...(note not all are SC's....just one of those days)

    We had messed up a customer order and had fixed it up. just paperwork to be files. great guy and prolly the highlight of my day since he put up with me trying to do a delivery order refund for the first time since we opened....*sigh* an hour later i get....

    SC: the stupid customer
    Me: that be me

    SC: I didnt get the right order! it isnt the same washer i ordered!
    Me: Ok we can use the one yoyu have as a oan for now until the proper one comes in. By chance can i have the model number of the one you recieved?
    SC:*rattles off model number*
    Me:ummmm that matches the order....a Maytag correct?
    SC: Yes! a maytag! but it says performa on it the one i wanted didnt have that!
    Me: Ma'am all our mayutag say that in the top left corner of the washer...
    SC: o do they? silly me.
    (this was the condensed non hair pulling out version)


    i get a call from a customer wondering 'where is my stove it was supposed to be here yesterday!' by now im all WTF WHY ARE ALL THE ORDERS WRONG!?!?! (even though only one was actually wrong and the customer left with a smile shaking my hand anywayz) so i look up her order and respond politely with a "ma'am....your order isnt due till next week'

    kinda lastly.....

    Just a bad time. cashiers didnt show up so i had to eventually leave and cover a break for the Home E guy. This part was normal but when he went downstairs he got put on cash by the manager. covering his area for a good hour and a half while he gets screwed as well doing cash when he SHOULD be on his break.

    Well less a SC story more of a 'I need to vent!' story :P

    cya later guys!
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