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A SC and a SE at dinner (very long)

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  • A SC and a SE at dinner (very long)

    One of my co-workers (R) and I have a standing movie date. Usually we go to the movie theater near work. Last night I decided we were gonna go to the one near my house because I wanted to go out for drinks afterwards.

    After the movie we arrived at the restaurant/bar, noticed my friend was working at the bar so we sat at one of the tables up there. I caught the bartenders eye and ordered 2 rum and cokes. At this point it must be noted my co-worker, R, doesn't really drink because he doesn't like the taste. I convinced him to try the rum and coke because it kinda taste like coke.

    A few minutes after we ordered the man of the house (B) called to ask where we were (I had been trying to convince him to out with us). He agreed mostly because he was hungry and would be left to fend for himself otherwise.

    Another bartender comes to our table to take our order. I told him we had already given our drink order to the other bartender, but I want breadsticks. "No" Umm... ok... he's joking with me... whatever. "I also want chicken fingers." Again "No." R orders their steak or something like that I wasnt paying close attention and I can't really hear but I remember thinking, Steak Yummy.

    Oh. I forgot before the bartender got there, we got our drinks R took a few sips but decided he didn't like it. When bartender got there R also ordered a non-alcholic drink (a slushiee) and I said that I was gonna drink his rum and coke but we left it kinda sitting in between us as I still had my drink.

    Now back to the story. The food arrived I am very happy with my chicken fingers but R got a chicken sandwich. Huh? So now we wait for the bartender to show up again. While we where waiting B shows up. As there are no more chairs (the bar is packed) B just stands. B is quite large and some what intimatating if you dont know him. Finally bartender shows up, R calls to his attention that meal is wrong, that he ordered shrimp (see what I mean about my hearing) bartender swears up and down that what R ordered and is now kinda pissed, as is everyone at the table as R just wants the right meal. Before B can even order anything, he is carded. (Now comes the sucky customer part.)

    For work B must sign in and out of places alot and need his driver's license to do so. Alot of times he forgets to put it back in his wallet. BUT that didn't excuse what happened next. "I don't have my ID" Bartender gets pissed. "I know other bartender and server (who were working that night)". I cringe. Bartender say to bad. B moves the extra rum and coke from in front of him to in front of me. Bartender grabs the rum and coke. "I'll take it off your bill." (Wait.... I want my rum and coke.... where are you taking my rum and coke.....)

    We talk about the mix up with the food and how shrimp and chicken dont sound alike. But steak and shrimp do! B complains about not be able to drink and bartender being rude. I told him he should have brought his ID and they were both rude to each other.

    Bartender comes back with shrimp. Tells B if he had been polite and not given attitude he would have checked with said bartender or server and given him drinks. (Um... I doubt it) Then he leaves. And doesnt come back. That was the final straw. B was hungry and I wanted another drink. But he wont come back so we can order. So after a while I tell B to close out the tab I'm gonna get us a table. B moves to the table, I go have a smoke and R gets the bill (I never actually saw it). He sends it back because it still has the chicken sandwich on it. Bartender says he'll bring it to the table.

    We get to the table, eat, drink, and be merry. And finally it is time to leave. We pay our bill, then I look at it and realize that this bill only is the table and not the bar tab and that we never payed the bar tab. Server goes to look in the system to find it or find the bartender. After 15-20 minutes (real time) of being able to produce neither, we just left. And yes I feel horrible for walking out on a bill but it's not like we dined and dashed. We were at the table at least an hour and 1/2 between when we left the bar and went we got the bill. (And not ones did I see bartender walk by)

    Sorry its so long.. I'm just kinda annoyed