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You Don't Have To Go Home But You Can't Stay Here

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  • You Don't Have To Go Home But You Can't Stay Here

    So last Sunday we had this couple walk in and rent one of our rooms, they liked the place so much they decided to stay the whole week. We had no problem with that they kept to themselves and only wanted towels. They were informed that they would have to leave on Saturday due to the fact we were booked up that day.

    Our manager reminded them at 9 this morning that they need to be out. 11am (checkout time) rolls around and still no sign of them leaving. To add insult to injury the people assigned to that same room showed up early. Now in a perfect world two things would have happened either early incoming guest would leave and come back later or late staying guest would realize the trouble they are causing and get moving. No early incoming got pissy because his room wasn't ready and late stayer had yet to pack (they had a lot of junk with them). Luckily another king was open and early incoming was satisfied.

    Are the late stayers out? No, they just now have started calling hotels trying to find a room. They knew they had to leave today for almost a week and just now start looking. Noon has come and the guest (who's room we swapped for early incoming) shows, I am sent to tell the late stayers to get going. They gave me such attitude like I was inconviencing them, finally they get their junk together and leave me with the grossest room I have ever had the displeasure to clean.

    By now we have already agreed that these guests are not going to be allowed back the guy stomps by and asks us "I hope you don't treat all your guests this way" "We don't most of our guests leave at 11am" I shot back.

    It wasn't like they were caught unaware they knew from the get go that they could stay until Sat if they were so inclined. This gave them 6 days to find another hotel and pack up their junk but they chose to wait until the last minute. And they still had the audacity to act like we were the bad guys because we weren't allowing to to sit around all day until the felt like going. What was their problem?
    My Horror Blog


  • #2
    I hate mornings. If it were up to me, I would never get up before 10. Sometimes 11. (And usually, I don't! )

    On my recent vacation/road trip, I stayed at 6 (count 'em SIX) different hotels, in four different states. Some of them had noon checkout. Bless those folks. Some had 11 am checkout. That was harder.

    But even me, Mr. I Hate Mornings, Mr. Grumpy Morning (as my ex-fiancee used to call me), Mr. Leave Me Alone Till Later, Ma....even this late night owl, early morning despiser, mornings in general hater....even *I* never missed any of those deadlines to check out. If I can do it, ANYONE can.

    Except of course selfish, whiney, egocentric, uppity, snotty, moronic entitlement whores. In other words, SC's.

    And people wonder why we have this site?

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."


    • #3
      Hmm...sounds like an ex roomate of mine. Had two months to get the hell out, Big Night arrives she's drunk on my sofa.

      She ended up leaving on the end of my foot. I'm not exaggerating.

