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Why America has an obesity problem...

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  • #46
    Quoth MadMike View Post
    I'll park close if there's a nearby spot, but if I have to walk, no big deal.

    Back when I was with the ex, that wasn't good enough. She'd insist I "park closer." And if there wasn't anything closer, she'd make me circle the damn parking lot until we either found something or something opened up. Sometimes, by the time we found something to her satisfaction, we could have been in and out, and on our way home.

    And then she'd complain about becoming overweight. Maybe if she would have walked once in awhile... But hey, that was my fault too, just like everything else that went wrong in her life.

    I would be the ban of your Ex's existance.
    Actually I'm the ban of many women's existance.

    I like food. No but's about it. I also like it in large chunks! I had a pregnant friend once and me and her ordered the same thing at a restaurant. I finished mine and she couldn't.

    With that being said you'd think I'd be overweight. Specially since I'm now a mom.
    Nope. Even after a baby I somehow have managed to retain an hourglass figure. My friends still want to know what baby I fed to the devil to keep my shape. Specially since I don't go to a gym.

    This is usually when I look at my son and go "Hey buddy! Playground?"

    I then proceed to follow my son all over the place. I'm climbing, jumping, running, and such right with him.

    Playing with kids = Best exercise EVER!

    I will say however that I'm not completely perfect. I got a roll of flesh that no amount of ab exercises will get read of.
    "It's not what your doing so much as the idiotic way your doing it." Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy 7.


    • #47
      Quoth tropicsgoddess View Post
      Blech. I don't see how anybody could drink diet soda. My friend had me try some once...disgusting! Diet soda is worse than regular soda since it has all the artificial sweetners in it. I usually order the smaller portions for myself and sometimes I might add in a pie with the oder and that's it.
      Heh, ironically enough i have a can of regular and diet coke sitting nearby. I drink regular and the husband drinks diet.

      Looking at the Nutrition Facts on the cans: Diet has no calories and no carbs while regular does.
      Diet does however have more sodium but only 5mg.

      Guess people prefer one poison to another really. Only good stuff to drink is water, some juices (not all), and milk is usually a good idea.

      If only I didn't need the blood for my caffeine stream in order to live.
      "It's not what your doing so much as the idiotic way your doing it." Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy 7.


      • #48
        Quoth Mamadrae View Post
        Even after a baby I somehow have managed to retain an hourglass figure.
        I will say however that I'm not completely perfect. I got a roll of flesh that no amount of ab exercises will get read of.
        The words you're looking for are "aerodynamically curvaceous".
        "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


        • #49
          Quoth Samaliel View Post
          The words you're looking for are "aerodynamically curvaceous".
          Aww...but I like hourglasses. I blame that on being a fangirl of evil mages in my middle school years. I will forever cackle at reading those books in a catholic school.
          "It's not what your doing so much as the idiotic way your doing it." Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy 7.


          • #50
            Teehee. I'm not the one who'll blame you on that.

            But what I meant is, if you're looking anything like some of my female friends, I bet you're gorgeous, extra roll of flesh or not.
            "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


            • #51
              I try to park as far away as possible, but when I come out it seems everyone and their brother decided to park next to me. Why is that? I park away from everyone else for a reason.

              I also do not like the taste of regular soda, so I always order diet. Yes, I have been looked at funny for ordering a large meal with a diet soda, but I do that for the most part just to get the large soda and give most of my large order of fries to one of my children.
              Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

              If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

              Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


              • #52
                Quoth Samaliel View Post
                The words you're looking for are "aerodynamically curvaceous".
                Quoth Samaliel View Post
                Teehee. I'm not the one who'll blame you on that.

                But what I meant is, if you're looking anything like some of my female friends, I bet you're gorgeous, extra roll of flesh or not.
                Meh, I consider myself average. I got a decent body and great (if way to pale) complexion but my teeth are screwed up due to genetics (I'm missing 2 which spaces them all wrong) and I have glasses. I refuse to touch my eye with my fingers and I certainly am not letting someone play with it while I'm conscious!

                I consider this a good thing. Kept me from turning into some "Omg I so pretty, give me stuff" entitlement whore. Though having 5 brother's helped with that too.
                "It's not what your doing so much as the idiotic way your doing it." Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy 7.


                • #53
                  As one of my friends says, "If I'm going to have a soda, I'm going to have a real f***ing soda".

                  I'm cutting down on soda, but if I need the caffeine, I'll take the sugar, too (and do a few more minutes on the WiiFit the next morning.) Aspertame = cancer. ew.
                  "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

                  Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
                  Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


                  • #54
                    Ahh, you too reside in lovely Omaha, Nebraska. The tax me into the poor house city and state.
                    If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience.
                    --Woodrow Willson


                    • #55
                      Quoth AdminAssistant View Post
                      As one of my friends says, "If I'm going to have a soda, I'm going to have a real f***ing soda".
                      Hilarious. I agree.
                      I used to drink can after can of mountain dew and tea loaded with sugar with no noticeable effect. That was when I was in high school. Now I'm 26, and I feel the effects of caffeine after a glass or two of lightly sugared tea.
                      I don't know if it's because I'm getting "old," or maybe I just don't drink caffeine anymore so I'm not used to it.
                      Also, I had tons of cavities when I was growing up, but since I switched to water instead of soda three years ago, I've only had one.
                      Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?



                      • #56
                        Ew, diet soda............all my mother had at my brother's grad party was DIET SODA and alcohol and ROOM TEMPERATURE water.......(she's not the brightest bulb on the tree sometimes).

                        I really didn't want to mix booze and food, but I had no other choice. I threw a water into the ice box with all the booze for later when it would cool off. There was no regular soda.

                        I'm trying to keep soda to a 1 a day maximum but on weekends I might do 2...but not yesterday. blech.
                        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                        • #57
                          and milk is usually a good idea.
                          You know milk is modified sweat.

                          I drink caffeine-free Coca-Cola. But at least I cut it down to one a day.
                          Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                          Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                          I wish porn had subtitles.


                          • #58
                            Quoth Spiffy McMoron View Post
                            Well, I've got a co-worker (and know of several people like this) who prefer the taste of Diet Coke over regular Coke. Same thing with Pepsi and Diet Pepsi. Some people are passionate about pops.

                            There's passionate and then there's screaming at someone who has no control over the situation. If the diet soda was out then it was out.
                            My Horror Blog



                            • #59
                              Quoth depechemodefan View Post
                              You know milk is modified sweat.

                              I drink caffeine-free Coca-Cola. But at least I cut it down to one a day.
                              Wouldn't doubt that they sweeten the milk. I drink it for calcium and to put me to sleep though.
                              "It's not what your doing so much as the idiotic way your doing it." Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy 7.


                              • #60
                                Quoth tropicsgoddess View Post
                                Blech. I don't see how anybody could drink diet soda. My friend had me try some once...disgusting! Diet soda is worse than regular soda since it has all the artificial sweetners in it.
                                Quoth Apathy View Post
                                Diet soda sucks. A lot. I don't know how anyone can drink it. I think it's an aquired taste, and I don't understand why anyone would bother.
                                Quoth Misanthropical View Post
                                I also do not like the taste of regular soda, so I always order diet. Yes, I have been looked at funny for ordering a large meal with a diet soda, but I do that for the most part just to get the large soda and give most of my large order of fries to one of my children.
                                I have switched between drinking regular soda and diet soda several times in my life. When I am used to drinking one, the other tastes terrible to me. It's all in how the taste buds have been trained. As for buying sweet, tasty treats and a diet soda along with them, I offer no explanations. I fail to see why any are needed.
                                "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."

