Quoth Bliss
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Wherein I Am Of No Assistance to America
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Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
1) Her office computer is much more powerful than her home computer. So 4:30am is the perfect time to slink into the office and pwn some nubs on Call of Duty 4 before everyone else gets in.
One of my old guildies used to go to work like 4 hours early to farm herbs, back when icecap farming in winterspring was the only thing in the game that made money
I miss old wow
Quoth Bliss View PostYes... ok.... thanks.... the screwdriver is embedded into my left eye now, and the pain and images still don't go away. what can i do now?"I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."
So it's not only the mind and the nerves, but also the skull."I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."
Quoth Gravekeeper View PostBut First, a Cat Update
Which means my cat is slowly learning that if it can bleed me it gets a treat.
It reminds me of my favourite ever news story/correction in later addition combo. The original story was about a wonderful and loyal dog that had stayed by the side of it's dead master. The correction pointed out that the post mortem had revealed the dog had stayed only because the dead master was the only available food source.
Quoth Gravekeeper View Post( On a side note if you somehow manage to figure out what commercial this is from this vague description and call me at 3am I will harm you. -.- )
Quoth Gravekeeper View PostCongrats?
Me: “Good evening, <company>.”
SC: “I HAVE A KITCHEN.”I have a very very very (did I mention very ?) annoying co-worker whose favourite, and indeed pretty much only, subject is how wonderful she is. She got very over excited telling us how wonderful her house was "I have a beautiful kitchen. And a balcony with great views....". Eventually she started to stumble, and said "I've...I've...I've got a bedroom!".
Yeah, we've all got a bedroom. Whenever she really annoys me I think of that.
Quoth Gravekeeper View PostYankee 911
According to someone by the code name “Old Soldier”, someone is dropping off too many cigarettes in Abbotsford at the docks. Because of that people are dying left and right. The power’s been cut, the phone lines are down and the air raid sirens went quiet half an hour ago. Now it’s deathly quiet. Everyone’s dead and he can’t get a hold of Ottawa to warn them. This is the only number he was able to get through too and he only has a working phone because he has a backup generator.
Victoria J