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Handicapped parking woes

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  • #16
    Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
    That guy has serious issues.
    And lots of time on his hands!


    • #17
      Quoth neecy View Post
      My grandmother has a handicapped license plate, since my only recently deceased grandfather was wheelchair bound. She's able to get around on her own, so she doesn't use the handicap parking spots even though legally she could
      i'm pretty sure unless the handicap placard was given to your grandparents because she (or both) was disabled, then she's not legally able to use it.

      Quoth neecy
      She's actually had people tell her that because she has a handicap license plate she can ONLY park in the handicap spots!! Boggles the mind.
      that's pretty funny, that's when you say, "but if all the handicap spots are full, where am i supposed to park? across the street?"


      • #18
        I agree that you can't tell if someone has a hidden disability. A close family member only had use of 17% of her heart. Lemme tell you, that isn't much. Far as I know, she never got any flack for parking with a tag, though.

        My guess is this idiot was upset about the perceived potential for abuse. Doesn't make the person any less of an idiot, though.
        A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


        • #19
          That guy will never learn. One thing to have a crusade, another is your spread the hate.

          This story reminds me of a judge who illegally had a handicap tag; I think she got it in the name of her mother, who was dead, or something. Someone in the office that assigns them notice the judge get it but there was something fishy. The story broke and she had to resign.

          Also what drives me insane (I wish I can tell people who do this off, but it's not like they will repent ) is people who park on the yellow-stripped area. So if a mobile disabled (right word?) person tries to park, this car is blocking their door. Or people park in the yellow-stripped spot that is in front of a establishment door, where there's a ramp for the disabled to use. Like one day this car blocked the ramp, so instead of an easy walk for my mom she had to step off the curb, and that's difficult for her.
          Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

          Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

          I wish porn had subtitles.


          • #20
            I had a similar occurance. I'd been chauffuring my disabled grandmother around all day on different errands. She had hung her parking tag on my rear-veiw mirror and we'd already been to several places. Now, at that time it was immediatly obvious that my gran needed all the assistance she could get, so no one begrudged my parking as close as possible.
            While waiting at a doctor's office for an appointment, she realised we'd forgotten to pick up something from the grocer's that she needed. So off I trundled in my little car to the store to fetch gran's box of whatever, and did NOT park in the handicapped spaces but in a regular space right next to them.
            When I came back out there was an older gentleman loitering near my car. He noticed me moving in his direction and watched me approach. As I became obvious the car was mine, he began glaring with all his geriatric might. I try to politely ignore those poor unfortunate souls angry at the world, but he wouldn't let me. He began ranting at the top of his feeble lungs that "just because I was a fat b!tch didn't give me the right to take up the parking spaces meant for those with *real* needs, it was lazy whores like me that was ruining society, and on and on..."
            I stared in horrified wonder for a few moments, pointed out I was in one of the regular spots, said "thank you for insulting my grandmother, sir", and drove off. Mom said I did what was proper, but Gran said I should have slapped him. It was obvious he couldn't have fought back!( My gran was a hoot!)
            What's going on? Where are we going? And why are we in this hand-basket!?!

