Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh
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So, we all received an email reminding everyone to PAY MORE ATTENTION TO THESE THINGS and to remind the customers that are that stupid that it's UNSAFE for them to tie such a LARGE item onto such a small vehicle!

And then there were the idiots that INSISTED on picking up their king size sets themselves, at the showroom.... even though delivery was FREE on ALL the king sized sets I sold, whereas picking it up at the store incurred a transfer fee! And then, of course, they NEVER bought an extra person with them to help them load it, even though I made SURE to tell them they WOULD need to bring an extra person with them, because even with me there, it would take at least 3 people to load the king size mattress safely without damaging it.... oy, the stupidity!

Furniture Fucktard Number 2:
While counting furniture yesterday, I came across 6 assembled barstools.
Problem is, these barstools come unassembled.
Attached to the barstools was a note: "Return to stock, nothing wrong with them, customer assembled and found they were the wrong size."
And feel free to do all your shopping at Wally World from now on.
While counting furniture yesterday, I came across 6 assembled barstools.
Problem is, these barstools come unassembled.
Attached to the barstools was a note: "Return to stock, nothing wrong with them, customer assembled and found they were the wrong size."
And feel free to do all your shopping at Wally World from now on.

Send them to Value City Furniture, the Ghetto Furniture Store™, instead! THAT'S where their kind belong!

Quoth Demonoid Phenomenon
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Quoth depechemodefan
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In a world where I have to deal with customers... well, A customer... contacting me, to state, matter-of-factly, that they would like to RENT a mattress for 15 days, expecting us to offer that service, as if it's NORMAL for mattress stores that SELL mattresses to do that, I have to wonder just what exactly these people use for brains!

So, yeah, I am suspect of just what exactly that customer was up to. Remember, BUYERS ARE LIARS!

Quoth bainsidhe
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Quoth Apathy
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Quoth Meegz
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--JTC (Who will someday, hopefully, not have to deal with these morons any more. Maybe. If I'm lucky....... Well, maybe when I'm dead, anyway.
