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No really, I am a mind reader...

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  • No really, I am a mind reader...

    AKA Dear god why me take 2

    Another brief quickie. This one by far takes the cake in terms of stupid responses to perfectly valid questions. This lady called in because the new phone she bought wouldn't dial out.

    Me: Ok, and what happens when you make a phone call?

    SC: It's not working.

    Me: Ok, but what happens, do you hear an error message, is there static, is there no sound at all?

    SC: I told you, it doesn't work.

    Me: Ma'am can you please be more specific than "it doesn't work" I need to know what part of it is not working in order to fix the problem.

    SC: I'm being a specific as I can be, just fix it...

    But don't worry I can read minds, so I will fix it right away for you. In the end it turns out she wasn't dialing the area code when she was making her call from within the 419 area code which requires the area code when dialing out. It has for like the last 4 or 5 years.