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How about you learn to READ?!

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  • #76
    Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
    I'm not talking about customers who actually try to look for something and then ask for help. I'm talking about the ones who walk in the door, walk up to the first employee they see, thrust their shopping list in the employee's face and expect the employee to walk them around the store to every item on their list.
    You mean they're not just handing you a piece of trash that you take, wad up and toss in the nearest trash can?
    "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


    • #77
      Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
      you know, if I'm out shopping and someone asks for help, you know as one shopper to another, like the "hey, where are those (items) that you have in your cart, I couldn't find them" type thing I have no problem helping them...
      Neither do I, though there is a big difference between:

      "Hey, where'd you find the Doritos, I've been looking for those!"
      "Oh, they're on the endcap of Aisle 12, can't miss them."
      "Great, thanks!"


      "I want those chips! Take me to them NOW!"
      "Um, I don't work here."
      "Yes, you do! Now help me out or I'll tell your manager!"

      If it's a question I can answer, I'll answer it. Anyone starts demanding that I do things for them, forget it.
      Quoth NightWatch View Post
      My friend carries a metal baseball wrapped in barbed wire in his trunk. He's never used it, it's mostly for show. When he has pulled it out, his attackers usually think "oh shit, you gotta be completely psycho to carry a barbed-wire wrapped bat", so they tend to leave him alone. I've seen the thing, it looks pretty vicious.
      You don't even need that, just carry a steering wheel lock in the front of your car. There's a reason they call it The Club, you know... It's heavy and strong enough to use as a makeshift weapon, and some models have pretty good reach. Plus, you wouldn't have to hide it in the trunk, as it's perfectly reasonable to have a steering wheel lock within reach in the front of the car.
      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
      My LiveJournal
      A page we can all agree with!


      • #78
        Quoth mattm04 View Post
        One lady, not old and senile, just the type that assumes younger people must work for whatever store they are in. She walks up to me...

        SC: Go in back and get me some more *whatever*
        Me: i don't work here
        SC: Yes you do
        Me: No I don't. Does it look like i work here? *points to shorts/polo*
        SC: Yes. (in the your a retard voice) Now go get me *product*
        Me: No. *i walk off, while the SC is screaming and pouting would put a 2 yo. to shame*
        SC: I telling a manager and will get you fired for not helping me.

        I felt sorry for the manager that had to deal with her.
        Let me show you to his office. I'd be happy to have you file a complaint about the employee that is NOT an EMPLOYEE HERE!!! Capiche?!? I DO NOT WORK HERE!!! File as many complaints as you want. I'm sure the manager will just toss them in the trash when you leave.
        You'll always miss 100% of the shots you don't take,and statistically speaking, 99% of the shots you do take.

        Pirates Vs. Ninjas. Which would you choose?


        • #79
          I have two things to say.

          First! You are turning up EVERYWHERE I look!

          Second! I applaud your response to that idiot. That guy really needs to get a clue.


          • #80
            Quoth Ratha View Post
            I have two things to say.

            First! You are turning up EVERYWHERE I look!

            Second! I applaud your response to that idiot. That guy really needs to get a clue.
            where the hell did you come from!? XD
            -The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-

            Stick that in your blog and smoke it.

            A guide for customers about retail


            • #81
              I've had quite a few cases where people have mistaken me for an employee in other stores; however, the clothes I was wearing in every single case were definitely impossible even for the most visually challenged SC to mistake for uniform. Particularly the battered, greying Slipknot hoodie with the mended pockets which I was wearing practically every time. XD

              Regarding weaponry; when I used to go up to London to catch the coach to go visit my granny, I used to carry around with me a cigarette lighter in the shape of a gun. It was incredibly realistic; it even had removable "bullets". It was pretty heavy so could be brought down on someone's head or I could burn them. XD I also had body spray in my handbag; unlike pepper spray, perfectly legal. Not so sure about the imitation gun; especially seeing as those are no longer made round here. O.o
              People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
              My DeviantArt.


              • #82
                Quoth AdvancedFlea View Post
                where the hell did you come from!? XD

                My mother.


                • #83
                  Quoth Ratha View Post
                  My mother.
                  smartass :-P
                  -The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-

                  Stick that in your blog and smoke it.

                  A guide for customers about retail


                  • #84
                    Quoth AdvancedFlea View Post
                    smartass :-P
                    Better than a dumbass, right?
                    Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                    • #85
                      Quoth Leopardmadcat View Post
                      Let me get this right: This guy followed you in his car after uttering threats against you? And he's not in jail or a shallow unmarked grave? You have more patience than I do.

                      At the very least I would have phoned the cops and had them pull him over, and followed that up with an utterance and stalking charges.
                      In the UK, it takes an extremely serious crime to get the police off their asses to do anything in a situation like this as its a 'one-off'. Only at the stage that the stalker became physically violent would the police take serious notice. Police forces have been strongly criticised in the past by victims groups for not taking stalking seriously.

                      Good on you, AdvancedFlea. I don't think I would have the balls to say what you did to this other guy. And directing him to the other store was a stroke of genius.

                      I don't like shopping in Tescos anymore - its too 'rush-rush' for me. All other shoppers go around in a blind panic and seem to operate on one brain cell. Even seeing them driving into the car park as fast as they possibly can is a bit disturbing. Its a bit like Wal-Mart, from I have read. The final straw was a lot of psychological pressure as a lone shopper at the checkout once, feeling a sense of being rushed, struggling to open a plastic bag and forgetting to pick up the receipt.

                      I go to Morrisons now, which offers a more sedate shopping experience. The cost of shopping is about the same as Tescos too.


                      • #86
                        Quoth MattW View Post
                        In the UK, it takes an extremely serious crime to get the police off their asses to do anything in a situation like this as its a 'one-off'. Only at the stage that the stalker became physically violent would the police take serious notice. Police forces have been strongly criticised in the past by victims groups for not taking stalking seriously.
                        Mostly because the defenition of harrasment is a continual or portracted series of events once you have told the person you want no further contact...
                        A PSA, if I may, as well as another.

