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Yelling about Jesus

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  • #31
    Quoth edible_hat View Post
    That reminds me, I once had a co-worker who became a born-again Christian. The only part he didn't like was that he couldn't listen to death metal any more. He kept going into record stores and asking for "Chrisitan death" and got offered CDs by the band Christian Death. Eventually he found the one Christian record store in town, which actually has a death metal section. For anyone interested, Christian death metal music is mostly about the Crucifixion.
    Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! Or Creeping Death! Metallica's lyrical adaptation of Exodus!
    And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


    • #32
      Quoth Misanthropical View Post
      The church I grew up in (very much Bible thumpers) use to call me and yell at me I was going to Hell for marrying someone:

      1. Outside the church, nevermind the fact that I had stopped going when I moved away from home and told them I was never coming back.

      2. That played the devil's music on his drums (the devil's music is rock and roll for those who don't know)

      3. Someone so much older than me, although they couldn't list the scripture that said that was a sin, it just was.

      The last straw, right before I changed my number, was telling me I married the devil.

      I told the person that I knew the devil would be good in bed, but shouldn't he have money, too? Yes, they did hang up on me. Hmm, does that mean my children are the Anti-Christs? I thought there was only one Anti-Christ. Don't get me wrong sometimes I wonder about them.

      I'm Agnostic and have no problem with anyone of any faith unless they try to push it on me. I don't push being Agnostic on anyone and I don't want them to push what ever they believe on me.
      What? It meant to never-mind to them that Mary was like 13 or 14 when she got married to Joseph who was probably older??? lol oi, the blind sheep following...more blind sheep.
      When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers. ---Colleen C. Barrett---


      • #33
        I was raised a Catholic and went through First Communion, but from personal reason, I've become an agnostic deist. Any over-zealous religious person trying to push their God to me will get nothing from me other than a blank stare. If they do insist, I'll eventually reply that I believe in the same God as they do, but I just don't agree with anybody pretending they know what His intentions are...

        But I have yet to meet a grade A certified Religious Nutjob.

        I have only once had Jehovah's Witnesses on my doorstep. It wasn't even mine, it was my uncle's and, while they insisted I took their pamphlets, they eventually took no for an answer before I got annoyed enough to say something mean. My brother once had Mormons on the doorstep. They were very polite, so he took their book, because "Hey, free stuff!", but then told me that all those religious orgs have fat chance of him joining if they require him to read anything. Turn the damn book into a movie, and he might consider it.
        "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


        • #34
          I had a guy that would hunt me down when I worked in the grocery store, to make me bag his stuff and take it to his car, all the while waxing poeticlly about the joys of knowing Jay-zus. There was no way that I could get out of helping him, and wasn't brave enough to tell him off. At the end he would always force me to take one of those cheaply printed phamplets that leaves ink smudges everywhere and exhort me to see the light. I SOOOOOO wanted to tell him I was a Satanist!
          What's going on? Where are we going? And why are we in this hand-basket!?!


          • #35
            I had a couple zealots preach at me once in a grocery parking lot. Apparently I looked in need of saving and desperate or something. Only thing I can think of is that they saw a young woman (people mistake me for a teen alot even though I'm in my late 20's) with a baby and in ratty clothes (was doing housework that day and ran out of milk).

            So they started on about how I needed to stop my evil partying ways, that drugs and alchohol are the devil, and I need to think about my child's future. Etc. Etc.

            I kept trying to interrupt but there was 2 of them and if I started tell one I was leaving the other piped up. They made me think of Geek Squad members from Best Buy with their clothes but they had identical haircuts and glasses. Only thing keeping me from thinking clones was different body shapes and colorings.

            I finally got sick of it and showed them my fist. Literally.
            I put my left fist really close to one guy's face without punching him but making sure he could definitely see the important ring on my finger.

            I then told them I was happily married, never did drugs, and my son was well taken care of. Thank you for your concern, have a nice day.

            They were still standing there when I started my car. I had to ask them to move so I didn't run them over.

            2 points for me.
            "It's not what your doing so much as the idiotic way your doing it." Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy 7.


            • #36
              Quoth Mamadrae View Post
              I had a couple zealots preach at me once in a grocery parking lot. Apparently I looked in need of saving and desperate or something. Only thing I can think of is that they saw a young woman (people mistake me for a teen alot even though I'm in my late 20's) with a baby and in ratty clothes (was doing housework that day and ran out of milk).

              So they started on about how I needed to stop my evil partying ways, that drugs and alchohol are the devil, and I need to think about my child's future. Etc. Etc.

              I kept trying to interrupt but there was 2 of them and if I started tell one I was leaving the other piped up. They made me think of Geek Squad members from Best Buy with their clothes but they had identical haircuts and glasses. Only thing keeping me from thinking clones was different body shapes and colorings.

              I finally got sick of it and showed them my fist. Literally.
              I put my left fist really close to one guy's face without punching him but making sure he could definitely see the important ring on my finger.

              I then told them I was happily married, never did drugs, and my son was well taken care of. Thank you for your concern, have a nice day.

              They were still standing there when I started my car. I had to ask them to move so I didn't run them over.

              2 points for me.
              Dude, you ROCK! That is just awesome there! I had something like that happen to me, only I didn't get to pwn 'em. Just got off of work...and as I'm sure my fellow fast food slaves can attest, we're either overjoyed that we're FREE or just pissed off from our day. This was one of the latter, and a couple of guys in the parking lot decided that I looked like I was in need of saving. That was one of the few times I was grateful for being so forgetful and lazy...I had a bible in my car from the last meeting I'd attended, so I just opened my door, grabbed it out to show it to them, slammed the door and spent the drive home rocking out to the recently discovered nightwish
              Your true character is who you are when no one is looking.


              • #37
                Quoth Mamadrae View Post
                I kept trying to interrupt but there was 2 of them and if I started tell one I was leaving the other piped up. They made me think of Geek Squad members from Best Buy with their clothes but they had identical haircuts and glasses. Only thing keeping me from thinking clones was different body shapes and colorings.

                I finally got sick of it and showed them my fist. Literally.
                I put my left fist really close to one guy's face without punching him but making sure he could definitely see the important ring on my finger.

                I then told them I was happily married, never did drugs, and my son was well taken care of. Thank you for your concern, have a nice day.

                They were still standing there when I started my car. I had to ask them to move so I didn't run them over.

                2 points for me.
                That's where being super loud would be advantageous If they don't let you speak, then YELL:

                "I'M MARRIED YOU BLIND FOOLS!!!!!"
                The report button - not just for decoration


                • #38
                  Quoth Samaliel View Post
                  I have only once had Jehovah's Witnesses on my doorstep. It wasn't even mine, it was my uncle's and, while they insisted I took their pamphlets, they eventually took no for an answer before I got annoyed enough to say something mean. My brother once had Mormons on the doorstep. They were very polite, so he took their book, because "Hey, free stuff!", but then told me that all those religious orgs have fat chance of him joining if they require him to read anything. Turn the damn book into a movie, and he might consider it.
                  I met a group of Jehova's Witnesses at my local McDonalds. It was very odd. I was just sitting there drawing, and one of the nice men from a very large group came over, admired my art, and asked if I had accepted Jesus into my life. I blinked up at him, thanked him for the compliment, and said "no." , 'cause I'm pagan. Sure, Jesus was a great guy with a great message, but I tend to believe that's it. He handed me a cheap pamphlet and left. It was odd.
                  "Have muck knowledge, but no certainties. Live. I am sorry, Sorianna." -Gverion

                  Check out my DeviantArt Site
                  Or my Webcomic!


                  • #39
                    Asking me that kind of question will get you a silly smartass answer. Depending on my train of thoughts, you'll either get "Yes." as in "I know who he is and am pretty okay with what he did." or "No." as in "I never got to meet him, so I never had the chance to accept him into my life."

                    Now I'm wondering where I read that "Jesus was a pretty okay dude" line...
                    "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


                    • #40
                      The weirdest place I ever heard someone yelling about the Good News was at the DMV.

                      I was borrowing my dad's car, so no smoking in it. I was puffing and walking to the door and some whacko was yelling into a cell phone about something or another and he hung up and walked up to me and said "You're killing yourself!"and I rolled my eyes at him, and he said "Do you believe in God?"

                      I squashed that smoke and got insider quicker than Britney can eat a taco on a Tuesday.
                      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                      • #41
                        Humorous coincidence: as I was reading this thread just now, I overheard to of my coworkers talking about how "sad" it was that two of the local churches are merging because because of how small their congregations have gotten.
                        "I look at the stars. It's a clear night and the Milky Way seems so near. That's where I'll be going soon. "We are all star stuff." I suddenly remember Delenn's line from Joe's script. Not a bad prospect. I am not afraid. In the meantime, let me close my eyes and sense the beauty around me. And take that breath under the dark sky full of stars. Breathe in. Breathe out. That's all."
                        -Mira Furlan


                        • #42
                          Quoth Ghel View Post
                          "I'm an athiest - get the f*** away from me." I was rewarded with stunned silence - not just from her, but from the entire restaurant. But I'm not proud.
                          Le sigh, me too. It's crazy how many people just assume you're Christian like them. They just walk up to me and start going on about "teh lawd", I just smile and nod while I inch away politely. When stuff like this happens, I just leave the room. I had enough bad experiences in high school when those yokels found out I wasn't Christian, I'm not ready to get into more of that crap.

                          There's a rule in polite society: When you meet someone, no talking about religion or politics. I keep pretty close to that rule.
                          Check out my cosplay social group!


                          • #43
                            I would classify myself as a Pagan and as such I do get annoyed when people force their faith in my face. Ask me about Jesus and God, fine. I happen to belive Jesus was a prophet and all God's are reflections of a divine truth too huge for us to understand. Insist yours is the only true path and I will go to hell and I will not want anything further to do with you.
                            Last edited by GingerBiscuit; 06-22-2008, 07:37 PM.
                            Deepak Chopra says, "Fear deprives people of choice. Fear shrinks the world into isolated, defensive enclaves. Fear spirals out of control. Fear makes everyday life seem clouded over with danger.

