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I should kick the crap out of you on principle!!!

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  • #16
    Quoth crazylegs View Post
    IMHO when a potential customer has placed you in such danger they are no longer a customer and need to be removed from sight, immediately as they can clearly not be trusted to keep their hands to themselves.
    Even more so when they're not *your* customer. Seriously, what the ever-loving fuck was she thinking?!

    Power tools: potentially thousands of dollars
    Firewood: depends on quality; still costly
    Having an SC nearly chop their own foot off and earn a complimentary tour of the lake in a moment?

    Your true character is who you are when no one is looking.


    • #17
      ...Seriously. What the hell. I have no words.
      It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.
      -Helen Keller

      I got this av from Court Records, made by Croik!


      • #18
        I'm curious as to why some people think the police need to be involved in every argument/altercation.

        What the woman did was incredbily stupid yes. But what are the cops going to do? Take her to jail for attempted murder? Attempted assault and battery? If there was no injury then most likely they'd say "Ma'am don't do that again" and then complain about getting called out to handle something like that.

        I mean cops can't even do anything for a car accident in a parking lot, so what could they do about someone kicking a piece of wood to get someone's attention?

        It also amazes me that people have no self restraint. "Had it been me I would have thrown her in the water" Sure, go ahead and kill someone because they're dumb. Then you'd be facing a murder charge. Just yell at the person and walk away. Please people think about why you are angry. I know it "just something I say online" or whatever, but it makes you sound like an idiot with an anger problem when you say things like that.


        • #19
          Quoth draftermatt View Post
          "Had it been me I would have thrown her in the water" Sure, go ahead and kill someone because they're dumb. Then you'd be facing a murder charge.

          Unless you coat the person in concrete first and THEN throw them in the water, I highly doubt they'll die. They'll definitely get wet and cold though. Unless they can't swim of course.
          The report button - not just for decoration


          • #20
            I should clarify a few things...
            I wasn't on the dock/pontoon, its actually on blocks in the parking lot. I was down by the boat launch using the nearest electrical socket. We were on the paved road basically that leads to the launch. I don't even work there anymore but every time I am there, I usually am fielding questions and helping people out. I can't tell you the number of times I have jump started someone's boat at the launch. Most people are pretty cool and a lot of times I get a few bucks or at least a beer thrown my way. But this woman really pissed me off. Even if I still worked there, had I told my old boss/the owner what had happened...well, he is pretty back woods. I've seen him bring a loaded .22 riffle to the parking lot when the county sent officials and workers to his lot to measure for new road paving. Lets just say, she wouldn't want to show up there anytime the sheriff and two of his deputies are nephews of his so the old man gets away with a lot of his fun fill crazy antics. Seriously one of the best bosses I've ever worked for.
            "Beatings will continue until morale improves!"

