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have I been sucky?

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  • have I been sucky?

    OK, so I've bought my bridesmaid dresses off the net. I managed to find a website that charged half the price that the shops were asking. SO I think great. I ask for a quote for the dresses and it comes back promptly and I'm extremely happy.

    Fast forward a few weeks, I've FINALLY got my bridesmaids to get their acts together and give me sizing, and I'm on the website ordering. And this is where things start to go wrong.

    The quoted shipping price is WAY over what I was told. I promptly email them and ask about it, and get a prompt response telling me it will be fixed to just proceed as normal. Also, they had a promotion going on that when ordering 3 dresses you got a discount. When I put the order through I was given no discount. Again another email and another prompt response saying it will be fixed once the order is through. Now so far all has been friendly. Till I finish the form. I filled out ALL the required information and sent through the order. Once this is all done I get a rather snippy email telling me I missed some information and then they re sight said info in capital letters bolder like I'm some moron. I assume I'm taking it too hard, and ignore it and respond with the info needed.

    I'm then sent another email with the "new" order form. And I'm shocked, not only is there no discount but the shipping has not been fixed. I email them and I get the rudest email I've ever gotten. In short it stated all these things they apparently did for me and that I was not being charged at all for shipping and so on and so forth.

    I was stunned. I just sent a email back saying ok. literally just ok.

    Was I sucky to ask that they honor the quote that was given to me? Was I sucky to request that they fix what they told me they would fix?

    I feel like I was being treated like I was some major SC demanding a discount where there was none owed.

    In the end I just wanted the dresses and was at the end of my rope already, they had already debited my card so I let it be. Fortunately a few days later I got a credit from them so I assume that someone realized what happened and fixed everything. But I don't know. I still feel a tad upset about what was said.

    I try so hard not to be a SC, I know people have jobs that are hard and I don't want to make them harder.
    I am evil, I should change my middle name legally TO evil, I'm proud of my evilness! Makes life fun! bwhaha

  • #2
    I, personally, don't think you were anyway sucky, they might have been though.

    They promised you one thing and you asked for an explanation when you got something completely different. Yes they eventually honored their end, but they seemed to get snippy with you for inquiring that you were getting what you expected.

    I think you only would have been sucky if you received a response with a clear and reasonable response that no, you wouldn't be getting the price you were quoted, and you then proceeded to whine and neep like a two year old being told they couldn't go to the fair because they didn't clean their room.
    "If you find yourself fantasizing about throwing actual users into a blender, please get help... they're heavy." - Tom Dickson


    • #3
      Working in customer service myself, we do a lot of email communication regarding orders, especially when it comes to our international customers. Rudeness can be based on perspective. The tone of an email is hard to gauge and whereas one person may consider it rude, the sender perhaps meant no harm. Clearly you felt you were treated rudely, and since we don't have the email text itself, we will assume you're 100% correct that the email was demeaning and abrubt.

      Now what I'm about to say isn't justifying the company's treatment of you, it's just what I encounter from my own experience. I know I tend to highlight, underline or bold print certain information in an email that seems pretty obvious. But if I don't do it, people have a tendency to skim the email and overlook things. If I'm asking a customer questions, I tend to mark them question 1, question 2, etc. Again, this helps ensure all questions are answered and so I don't have to contact the customer again. In no way is this meant to make the customer feel stupid and I don't think less of them. I do it to make sure the customer reads the important information.

      The mistake with the freight and discount could have been accidental. In our own system, we have to manually override prices and when I'm rushed or had a particularly frustrating day, I tend to make mistakes. I, however, make sure I am extrememly apologetic to the customer and get things corrected. You shouldn't have been left in limbo like that. So in the end, this company certainly appears sucky. At the prices you were probably paying, I'm surprised you still went through with the transaction. They don't sound very reputable to me.

      Best of luck with the dresses and the wedding. Hopefully this is now one more stress out of the way.
      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


      • #4
        If they quote one thing and charge another, you aren't an SC at all to question it.

        In fact, I think it's rather sad that people ask "was I an SC?" when you were NOWHERE NEAR CLOSE.

        Just because you're dealing with another CSR/retail worker doesn't mean that they don't suck royally and deserve to hear about it. If you are quoted one price and charged another, that is WRONG. PERIOD.
        "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

        Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie

