Not really a sucky customer story, but one of sheer stupidity and arrogance nonetheless.
So I'm at work on a lovely Sunday afternoon, the only one in the shop, and it's dead quiet. We're a small shop, and on warm days we often prop open the front door to enjoy the breeze. It also allows us to hear what's going on outside, and if something sounds interesting, you know I'm going to walk over the door to take a peek.
I hear a car coming down the street, and I know it's likely driven by young males, (no stereotype intended), as the bass beat coming from the car stereo can been heard and felt a block away. Sure enough, a sports car pulls up, complete with two guys in their late teens/early twenties.
Now there are only four or five cars on the street, two parked right in front of our store with about a car-and-a-half-length between them. Both cars are empty. Anyway, the driver of the sports car must have felt the need to hone his parallel parking skills, as he parks between the two cars (there are no other cars on the street, lots of parking). No problems yet, and the guys in the car hop out and head across the street to the neighborhood Subway restaurant.
I go back to work, and about ten minutes later hear them come out and head back to the car. They hop in, I hear the car start up, and a second later hear a loud THUD. I got to the window to look, and see them hop out of the car to inspect the damage inflicted by their car backing into the one behind them. I think about going out to help, but as soon as I hear the language they're using, I decide it's safer to stay on the sidelines:
Driver: "F***, I hit the d*** car. Looking at the f****** bumper. It's f******* smashed!"
Passenger: "Sh**, you're screwed! Look at the other f****** car. It's going to cost $1500 to fix it."
Driver: "F***, my insurance just went up. I'm f******!"
This colorful exchange went on for awhile, until the two decided it was a good idea to leave without reporting the accident, since they think no one has seen what happened. Forget the loud crash, and their decision to discuss it on a main street. They hop back into the car, and start to peel away, only to nick the back bumper in the car in front of them as they pull out of the parking spot.
I managed to get the license number of their car before they drove away, and gave it to the other drivers when they returned. Turns out both of the Subway employees saw and heard the whole thing as well.
Hopefully the two asshats who thought it would be a good idea to take off from the scene of an accident will get a large fine and even higher insurance rates now.
So I'm at work on a lovely Sunday afternoon, the only one in the shop, and it's dead quiet. We're a small shop, and on warm days we often prop open the front door to enjoy the breeze. It also allows us to hear what's going on outside, and if something sounds interesting, you know I'm going to walk over the door to take a peek.
I hear a car coming down the street, and I know it's likely driven by young males, (no stereotype intended), as the bass beat coming from the car stereo can been heard and felt a block away. Sure enough, a sports car pulls up, complete with two guys in their late teens/early twenties.
Now there are only four or five cars on the street, two parked right in front of our store with about a car-and-a-half-length between them. Both cars are empty. Anyway, the driver of the sports car must have felt the need to hone his parallel parking skills, as he parks between the two cars (there are no other cars on the street, lots of parking). No problems yet, and the guys in the car hop out and head across the street to the neighborhood Subway restaurant.
I go back to work, and about ten minutes later hear them come out and head back to the car. They hop in, I hear the car start up, and a second later hear a loud THUD. I got to the window to look, and see them hop out of the car to inspect the damage inflicted by their car backing into the one behind them. I think about going out to help, but as soon as I hear the language they're using, I decide it's safer to stay on the sidelines:
Driver: "F***, I hit the d*** car. Looking at the f****** bumper. It's f******* smashed!"
Passenger: "Sh**, you're screwed! Look at the other f****** car. It's going to cost $1500 to fix it."
Driver: "F***, my insurance just went up. I'm f******!"
This colorful exchange went on for awhile, until the two decided it was a good idea to leave without reporting the accident, since they think no one has seen what happened. Forget the loud crash, and their decision to discuss it on a main street. They hop back into the car, and start to peel away, only to nick the back bumper in the car in front of them as they pull out of the parking spot.
I managed to get the license number of their car before they drove away, and gave it to the other drivers when they returned. Turns out both of the Subway employees saw and heard the whole thing as well.
Hopefully the two asshats who thought it would be a good idea to take off from the scene of an accident will get a large fine and even higher insurance rates now.
