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this just popped into my head...

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  • this just popped into my head...

    I was reading the thread on "scams" and this conversation was recalled from my days as a phone slave in big company in drop of water pond (they expanded and hired LOTS of new people....but forgot to expand the parking lots ><)

    ME!!! Lovely lady sarlon...saint for putting up with CS's at home and at work...
    EW...SH (sue happy)...(the name will make sense toward the end)

    Me: Thank you for calling *big name bank* This is sarlon how can I help....

    SH: Yeah you idiots let some charge onto my account for the past 8 months that I never authorized!

    me:.....(strike only NOW noticed a charge thats been recurring for the past 8 months? whys this?) Alright sir I can certainly see whats going on here...let me have your account number and I'll see what I can do...

    SH: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx

    Me: alright...bear with me just a moment and I'll see what I can do....~looks at account info...notices the charge (since he was ACTUALLY nice enough to tell me the charge)...and also notices that its been going on for oh...about 10 months...~ well sir yes I see the charge and I know what its from...did you look up your credit report online?

    SH: (ok NOT the name of the site...but you all know what it is...) said it was free and they needed my credit card to verifiy my credit history....

    Me: (yeah and if you believe that I got some ocean front property in north dakota REALLY cheap for you). Well sir what that is, is a service they offer to monitor your credit, and notice any major changes to it and then report it to you. They state quite clearly in their terms and condito...

    SH: I don't give a crap I never authorized it to begin with! now you take off all 8 months of those charges and make sure NOTHING GOES THROUGH AGAIN!

    ME: (strike 2...) Sir, I cannot block a charge from going through... I cannot however is put these charges into dispute, I can only give you the number to the company to cancel the subscription,I've done this several times before and they are good about actually doing it. They will also refund your money no problem. if they do not or refuse to help...then call us back and we can do something about it.

    SH: I don't have the damn time to call up some bullfeces (not his wording...) company that stole my credit card and put all these charges on it! Its not a frisking (again not his wording...) FREE if they charge you out the ass for it! I'm a big important asshole...(ok THATS my wording >.> he actually said laywer) I'll sue them and make sure they never do it again!

    Me: (strike 3...) Sir did you read the terms and conditions when you clicked the little box that says you agree to abide by them?


    Me: sir, had you read the terms and conditions when you gave your credit card to said company in detail you would of noticed that they were going to charge your card.

    SH: don't lie to me! it said no such thing! I'm gonna sue YOU AND YOUR COMPANY AND THAT COMPANY!!! SAY GOOD BYE TO YOUR JOB ASSHAT! ~VERY abrupt hang up~

    Me: have a nice day!

    Another day...another million braincells lost...
    It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire 'tude, the lips acquire mouthiness, the glares become a warning.

  • #2
    That "Free Credit Report" website that's heavily advertised as "Free" really isn't cause it states CLEARLY in the commercial that it's contingent on your enrollment in Triple Advantage which is NOT Free.
    People need to pay attention to stuff like that.


    • #3
      Those site drive me insane. People come into the library because Expedian and the other two tell them to do it online, and these customers don't know what a mouse is. And it took me a long time to notice that the sites that do pop up you have to pay. ugh. I can't remember if Expedian and the other two also charge, even though by law you get one free credit report by year.
      Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

      Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

      I wish porn had subtitles.


      • #4
        Quoth Bright_Star View Post
        That "Free Credit Report" website that's heavily advertised as "Free" really isn't cause it states CLEARLY in the commercial that it's contingent on your enrollment in Triple Advantage which is NOT Free.
        People need to pay attention to stuff like that.
        Which is why I have taken to calling them, in the style of one of their commercials:

        "F-R-E-E, not really, credit bay-bee!"
        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


        • #5
          the place to get your one truly free once a year credit report is

          I didn't get scammed by free credit report because my mother always told me if something is free then they won't ask for your credit card number. So once I saw that I canceled the transaction.


          • #6
            There's a thread I made about and the dirt I dug up about them is pretty shocking to say the least.

            It's free...but you still have to pay to look
            Last edited by tropicsgoddess; 06-17-2008, 03:51 AM.
            I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
            Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
            Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


            • #7
              Yeah I got fooled by that site, but I contacted them & got my money back & membership canceled.
              When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers. ---Colleen C. Barrett---


              • #8
                Quoth Sarlon View Post

                ahhhh.. I almost shot coffee out my nose when reading that one..
                I will never go to school!


                • #9
                  I will admit I fell for the "Free" thing.....but I called Capital One and they removed the charge and I've never been charged again for the service, completely canceled. I actually reported as fraud.
                  You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

