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Whore's Uniform.

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  • #16
    I've always been very (talented?) busty, but I know how to dress for it. No tank tops alone(especially the ones with shelf-bras built in, those things barely cover nipple), no button down shirts unless I can get them tailored, a bra at ALL TIMES. Today I am wearing a tank top, but with a fine gauge knit top over it. I've been Guarding My Hobbits since I was 12; I know how to manage them.
    See, the skankified complainer was one of my big annoyances this weekend. I went to an anime con, and I heard some chick whining/bragging about how some guys were staring at her. Okay, when you aren't even wearing an entire shirt and/or a bra, a miniskirt(though it could've been a belt, I'm not sure), booty shorts, and heels so high even my tall ass would've gotten a nosebleed... you have no right to complain that someone was staring at you. It wasn't even a cosplay! ARG.
    "I don't have to take this abuse from you, I've got hundreds of people dying to abuse me."
    "Free at last from my vegetable prison!"
    X-Strike Studios: Video game movies done RIGHT!


    • #17
      I'm fairly flat-chested, but I don't wear low cut tops in the summer either. I burn so easily, especially on my chest. I already have a few age spots there from earlier sun damage, so I like to stay covered.

      But I can still wear tank tops. You can buy really nice boat-neck or crew-neck sleeveless tops that cover everything but still stay cool. Fabric choice is usually more important for regulating your body temperature than baring a lot of skin, anyway.

      If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


      • #18
        Always interests me how when one dresses, as you put it, like a strumpet, that they then act indignant when they get "looks." After all, you must know what you're dressed like.

        That doesn't mean that I won't look at "talented" girls who are covered up either, though, jampuff

        (On a side note, my wife and I will occasionally see an overall larger woman wearing something she definetely shouldn't be. My wife will, always, and without fail, say "shoot me if I ever wear something like that.")


        • #19
          I'm also in the Chestily Advantaged group. And yes, there are days (few and far between mind you) where I'll wear something low cut and a semi-push up bra (can't go full wonderbra or it's Boobies Up To The Chin). And I completely expect people to look.

          That point being made, however, there is a difference between looking, and me having to fish your eyeballs out of my cleavage. By all means, glance at The Girls, but it is a little rude to S.T.A.R.E. After all, when men wear tight pants, you don't see me STARING at their junk, do ya?
          The report button - not just for decoration


          • #20
            I never meant anything against you, Jaded. I just like to wear whatever I want.....I've always had a thing about layering and not popping out of my shirts...but dammit, I'd like to be able to wear a tank top and be left alone :P

            I understand this girl was being a ho and not understanding why every man in the shop was staring at her. Thus is the reason the most daring I go is the tanktops or low cut shirts......if I ever do wear a skirt, I'll wear a tshirt with it.
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #21
              Quoth blas87 View Post
              I like to layer my clothes and wear undershirts to prevent too much cleavage, yet people still complain "Don't dress like that and people won't stare."......I don't really have much control. I never wear shorts or skirts. Even when it's 90 degrees I wear jeans or slacks.....but damn, smaller busted girls can run around in halter tops and be "cute" and if I wear one, I look like a "whore" and everyone stares and then gets mad that I get mad that they stare!

              Sorry....end rant....I'm sure the girl in your story really was dressed like a ho fo sho.
              Blas, you and I have the same problem. Big chested, small body. Doesn’t matter what I wear I get people who stare, and their going to keep staring. Think about it, your good looking, healthy and at your prime, unless your wearing a burka, men like looking at women. Heck even Mennonites like looking. You and I just have different ways to dealing with it. Just smile and think “hell at least I look good and your never going to touch it” its not like your ever going to see those idiots again after all.


              • #22
                I'm definetly going to have to start thinking that way.
                You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                • #23
                  Quoth blas87 View Post
                  I never meant anything against you, Jaded.
                  Never crossed my mind.
                  I know nothing and I can prove it!


                  • #24
                    Quoth iradney View Post
                    After all, when men wear tight pants, you don't see me STARING at their junk, do ya?
                    Well, maybe not you, but I've seen it happen.
                    My Pointless Links collection.


                    • #25
                      I'm guilty of staring at under-dressed men. Just the other morning on my way to work, a fit guy in his late teens/early twenties was jogging down the road wearing only a small pair of shorts. I nearly missed my turn.


                      • #26
                        Quoth KitterCat View Post
                        Blas, you and I have the same problem. Big chested, small body.
                        Count me in this camp, too! I have a comfy tank top with a built in sports bra that I LOVE wearing, but I can't wear it outside the house without looking like I'm expecting someone to stuff dollar bills down my cleavage.
                        My basic dog food advice - send a pm if you need more.

                        Saydrah's leaving the nest advice + packing list live here.


                        • #27
                          Quoth iradney View Post
                          That point being made, however, there is a difference between looking, and me having to fish your eyeballs out of my cleavage.
                          Well, some of you ladies are just... too gorgeous to ignore. But I get your point. If you ever have to fish my eyeballs out of your cleavage, feel free to tell me to stick 'em where the sun don't shine. Also, please be careful not to slip in the puddle of drool and not to step on my tongue while doing so.
                          "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


                          • #28
                            Quoth iradney View Post
                            After all, when men wear tight pants, you don't see me STARING at their junk, do ya?
                            No, because as a women your peripheral vision is so much more defined than a mans so you can look without staring
                            A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                            • #29
                              Quoth iradney View Post
                              After all, when men wear tight pants, you don't see me STARING at their junk, do ya?
                              Junk, no. Butt? Oh heck yesh. There are few things as delicious as a man's well toned ass. But I do try to keep it limited to quick glances.

                              There is definitely a difference between people checking me out and people drooling down my cleavage. If someone does a double take or makes an appreciative expression, I'm not insulted. Flat out staring is freaky... I tend to think my fly is unzipped or I have a monsterous zit flailing tentacles.
                              "I don't have to take this abuse from you, I've got hundreds of people dying to abuse me."
                              "Free at last from my vegetable prison!"
                              X-Strike Studios: Video game movies done RIGHT!


                              • #30
                                I'm nearing 40 and gravity is starting to rear its ugly head a bit, but count me in the 'larger than necessary' camp too.

                                It used to bother me to get stared at, but at my age, I now just laugh it off and am somewhat secretly grateful that I can still catch the looks.

                                Even in my 20's and teens, I never dressed like a wannabe ho. I always have visions in the back of my mind of my mom and how she would react if she saw me. That always curbed any inkling of a desire I ever had to dress slutty.
                                Last edited by Peppergirl; 06-19-2008, 07:28 PM.
                                "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13

