With almost 10 years a TB(mostly closing shifts) I have seen more then my fair share of asshats and weirdos. Here's some of the more fun ones:
*guy who comes thru every friday night and always just in scooby boxers. (we now tease him about it)
*naked people (and it's never the ones you would like to see naked is it?)
*people smoking weed (also offering it)
*people drinking (Almost always answer my question..."Anything to drink tonight?" with "Naw I already got my beer")
*a few women orally fixated on the nether regions of the driver
*a man screaming that I was a racist because I misheard him and thought he wanted a mexican pizza when he was apparently informing me that his wife is mexican. he also said he was gonna kick my ass. uh....ok
*a LOT of people that seem to think that just because I work at TB I must speak spanish.
*a couple women breastfeeding (uh....if the car is in motion shouldn't the kid be in the car seat? that's where I keep mine.)
*had a beer bottle thrown at me and shattered the DT window. (also have had food, drinks, money, change ect thrown at me)
*SC's that can't read. we have issues with our CC machines often so I print out a sign in size 72 font telling them we can only take cash and attach said sign to DT speakbox. only to have people still pull up to the window and act surprised when we tell them they can't use their CC.
*also a lot of people trying to walk up and order. (we can not do this under ANY circumstance. even for semi drivers. if we do and they see it on the camera we are fired on the spot for breeching security)
The best by far though wasn't at my store. A few months ago 2 guys pulled up to the DT at one of our other stores and when the guy opened the window the SC's threw a live snake at him!
I just got the full story a few weeks ago cuz the employee transfered to our store.
*guy who comes thru every friday night and always just in scooby boxers. (we now tease him about it)

*naked people (and it's never the ones you would like to see naked is it?)
*people smoking weed (also offering it)
*people drinking (Almost always answer my question..."Anything to drink tonight?" with "Naw I already got my beer")
*a few women orally fixated on the nether regions of the driver
*a man screaming that I was a racist because I misheard him and thought he wanted a mexican pizza when he was apparently informing me that his wife is mexican. he also said he was gonna kick my ass. uh....ok
*a LOT of people that seem to think that just because I work at TB I must speak spanish.

*a couple women breastfeeding (uh....if the car is in motion shouldn't the kid be in the car seat? that's where I keep mine.)
*had a beer bottle thrown at me and shattered the DT window. (also have had food, drinks, money, change ect thrown at me)
*SC's that can't read. we have issues with our CC machines often so I print out a sign in size 72 font telling them we can only take cash and attach said sign to DT speakbox. only to have people still pull up to the window and act surprised when we tell them they can't use their CC.

*also a lot of people trying to walk up and order. (we can not do this under ANY circumstance. even for semi drivers. if we do and they see it on the camera we are fired on the spot for breeching security)
The best by far though wasn't at my store. A few months ago 2 guys pulled up to the DT at one of our other stores and when the guy opened the window the SC's threw a live snake at him!
