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What have you seen while working drive-thru?

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  • #31
    With almost 10 years a TB(mostly closing shifts) I have seen more then my fair share of asshats and weirdos. Here's some of the more fun ones:

    *guy who comes thru every friday night and always just in scooby boxers. (we now tease him about it)

    *naked people (and it's never the ones you would like to see naked is it?)

    *people smoking weed (also offering it)

    *people drinking (Almost always answer my question..."Anything to drink tonight?" with "Naw I already got my beer")

    *a few women orally fixated on the nether regions of the driver

    *a man screaming that I was a racist because I misheard him and thought he wanted a mexican pizza when he was apparently informing me that his wife is mexican. he also said he was gonna kick my ass. uh....ok

    *a LOT of people that seem to think that just because I work at TB I must speak spanish.

    *a couple women breastfeeding (uh....if the car is in motion shouldn't the kid be in the car seat? that's where I keep mine.)

    *had a beer bottle thrown at me and shattered the DT window. (also have had food, drinks, money, change ect thrown at me)

    *SC's that can't read. we have issues with our CC machines often so I print out a sign in size 72 font telling them we can only take cash and attach said sign to DT speakbox. only to have people still pull up to the window and act surprised when we tell them they can't use their CC.

    *also a lot of people trying to walk up and order. (we can not do this under ANY circumstance. even for semi drivers. if we do and they see it on the camera we are fired on the spot for breeching security)

    The best by far though wasn't at my store. A few months ago 2 guys pulled up to the DT at one of our other stores and when the guy opened the window the SC's threw a live snake at him! I just got the full story a few weeks ago cuz the employee transfered to our store.


    • #32
      I had some fun ones at the bank where I used to work:

      --semi-naked FAT and sweaty men

      --one woman pulled a check she wanted to cash out of her bra, and it was sweaty

      --a little bmw convertible came through with a HUGE Great Dane dog in the back seat. that thing looked like it could've picked up the car in its mouth.

      --people on bikes, foot, etc--not a huge deal at a bank since the glass is bullet-proof and immovable.

      --one day a big hairy spider was sitting over one of the lanes' camera lenses, so it popped up on my little screen as being about the size of a dinner plate. That freaked me out, being an arachnaphobe. >.<

      Here's a couple I've had so far at my coffee shop's new drive thru store:

      --old women driving through with their hair up in curlers and no makeup

      --little dogs dressed up in outfits

      --people screaming at some poor soul on their cell phones

      --so many people, when they grab their drink from my hand, have a tendency to look away as they pull their drink into their car--I cannot tell you how many of them have smacked the top of their drink against the car window frame and spilled it all over. one woman got a smoothie the other day, and she smacked it hard enough that the lid flew off and half of it wound up in her lap. I had no sympathy for her. idiot.

      --coworkers dropping drinks on the ground

      --kids trying to persuade us to serve them in the drive thru when theyre on foot, bikes, etc. like all other places, its FORBIDDEN. as Kramer would say: "Security issue!"

      --people driving past the menu and ordering speaker, realizing it, then backing up to try again

      --people who, if we don't respond to their presence quickly enough, roll forward, reverse and drive back over the sensor

      --same as the above, but instead of driving over the sensor again, they start yelling: "hello?!?" for god sake, give us a fucking second!

      --people drive right past the menu and up to window, holding their empty cup out for their free coffee refill. that one irritates me the most--it's awfully rude

      --my biggest pet peeve: PEOPLE TALKING ON THEIR FUCKING CELL PHONES WHILE ORDERING. Can they be any more rude?? And then when we can't understand their doublespeak and ask for them to repeat the order, they get mad at us! Bitches and bastards, all of them! Someday I'd love to throw coffee on one of them, or grab their cell phone and shove it in the grinder.

      Here's your sign...


      • #33
        working at burger king many years ago, i saw a lot at drive thru

        a woman servicing her boyfriend- he was a stoner and she looked like she had been hit by a few stones (darn it)
        was mooned several times- again by all guys never a woman
        enough trash in a car to open a dump
        exhaust fumes from so many wrecks on the road that i should have black lung disease
        had drinks hurled at me
        had porn hurled at me- again it was all very scary porn nothing i wanted to look at
        and the list goes on...


        • #34
          Here are some of my favorites:

          - People driving up, by-passing the speaker altogether and go straight up to the window. My manager likes to slowly make his way to window when he sees people do that.

          - I too have seen someone drive through backwards.

          - I've never had this but apparently many people think we are the KFC two doors down and have tried to order chicken.

          - I have one pair of idiot parents who make their no more than 3 year old child order, handle money and get their products for them. There is no reason for this. These "parents" can speak and read english.
          "Oh, by the way..." All of my HATE

          Ou kata nomon = Not according to the accepted norm


          • #35
            Okay, said I'd post these about three days ago now...

            Anyway. The joys of being the back window guy in the BK drive-through (as in, I was the guy who took your money and waved you forward to get your food).


            There was one woman who came through the drive-through. Her total came to 6.66 (this happens if you order a particular combo and extra drink of a certain size, as I recall), and she says to me, "How about we make that 6.67, cause I don't want to pay six-six-six." I kept thinking 'you're joking, right?' but when I went to give her the money, she was almost too nervous to take it, and kept gesturing for me to keep the last penny, and after I sat it down, tapping it back towards me very cautiously with the tip of her finger. So I kept the penny, and she drove to the next window as fast as possible.


            Then there was this one redneck guy who had teeth that looked like something from a cartoon. Stuck out of his gums about half an inch and went in 4 different directions.


            This guy come up to pay for a $3 order, but it's somewhere about 10 AM and I've been getting 20s since my shift started. He hands me a 20, and I tell him I don't have any big bills, so unless he has anything smaller, I'll have to give him 1s or change. I offer to get a manager to give me some bigger bills to handle this, but he just starts going on about how he's in a hurry and he's taking his son to see a movie (kid's about 6 or so, and there for all of this), and he doesn't care about that just do this fast... etc. So I shrug, take his 20, put it in the drawer, and get him his change consisting of a quarter roll and what was left of my ones.

            I close the drawer before giving him his change like they tell me to, but then he sees what he's getting for change.

            SC: "I don't want that! I don't want all that damn change!"
            Me: "I'm sorry, but it's all I've got."
            SC: "Damnit, I- Know what, just give me my 20 back."
            Me: "I can't open the drawer again without-"
            SC: "I said gimme my f***ing 20!"
            Me: "I'll have to get a manager to open the drawer-"
            SC: "JUST GIMME MY F***IN' 20 BACK!"
            Me: "Okay, I'll be right back, I'm going to get a manager."
            SC: "I'm on my way to a f***ing movie, I don't have time for this s***!"
            Me: "I'll just be a minute."

            And then I go to find the manager to get the keys to the drawer, but as soon as I step out of my booth, I run into one of the girls from up front.

            Girl: "Hey, you're on break."
            Me: "Good." (I give her the headset) "Hurry up back there, this guy wants his money back and he's getting pissed."
            Girl: "Huh?"
            Me: "Just get a manager."

            And I walk off.


            The only person I've ever heard with a true hick accent drove right past my pay window to the food window, then backed up to the right one. And this was the explanation:
            "Sorry 'bout that, I'm used ter it bein' that other winder."


            Along the same lines, a guy who set a new standard for how much redneck can fit into one person. Skinny white guy, covered in tattoos, driving a beaten-up, rusty old red pickup. Messy goatee, Dale Earnhart ballcap, empty cans of spit tobacco and Budweiser all over his floor (and a Bud in hand), torn jeans, no shoes, dirt everywhere, and a screwdriver jammed into the steering collumn instead of a gearshift.

            The kicker?

            When he drives past, I see he has this big cage made of rusty steel pipes in the bed of his truck. And in that cage, a HUGE mud-covered pig, easily in the 400-500 lb range.


            Old Guy: (at speaker) "I'd like an Arby's Melt."
            Food Window Cashier: "Um, that's Arby's sir, this is Burger King-"
            Old Guy: (drives up to my window cause he can't hear her out there) "I want an Arby's Melt is what I said."
            Me: "This is Burger King." (points across street) "Arby's is over there."
            Old Guy: (slaps his forehead and drives off)

            Me: "Hello, that's 2.37"
            Lady: (big stupid grin) (hands me 2.35) "Is that right?"
            Me: "No, this is 2.35..."
            Lady: (big stupid grin) (gives me another penny) "Is that right?"
            Me: "Um, this is still just 2.36..."

            ...then she gives me this confused/annoyed look and just gives me another dollar.


            ...I have a lot more, but this post is getting long already. I'll share some others when I get around to it.
            » Horse Words «·» Roleplaying Stuff «


            • #36
              Oh, where to begin? I will stick with Toxic Hell stories, since I haven't got enough time to write a book.

              - Had one car who was convinced I was psychic when the (very drunk) girl asked for "You know, that one thing!" I replied, "Oh, you mean the thing with the stuff?" and rang up our current promotional item. She was so amazed. The driver (hopefully less drunk, but I doubt it), then proceeded to ask me what color underwear he had on. I replied "White with blue stripes". He was impressed. I was amused.

              - The drunk girl who wanted to flash me, but was not quite drunk enough to just do it. She slowly raised her shirt as I just watched. I gave her a free Dr Pepper once she finally did it. She was appreciative. All the guys on shift were jealous. (Yes, I am female. Yes, I liked it. Yes, her boobs were nice.)

              - The lovely gentleman who hit the wall (!) behind our store with his truck. And didn't notice.

              I think my favorites are the ones for the place next door, though. It has been closed for 2 months, and people STILL go and sit at the drive-through, as though someone will actually make them a hamburger. Even though there is a "For Lease" sign on the marquee. One car last week sat there for ten minutes (I timed her, slow day ) and left all pissy. People amaze me.
              "You mean you don’t have the one piece of information you actually need? Well, stick your grubby paws in the crayon box, yank one out and colour me Fucking Shocked Fuchsia." - Gravekeeper


              • #37
                Quoth Trayol View Post
                - I have one pair of idiot parents who make their no more than 3 year old child order, handle money and get their products for them. There is no reason for this. These "parents" can speak and read english.
                They probably do this becuase it's 'cute' and 'precious', and what's more, shows that their child is a 'prodigy'. "Hey look world! Our child isn't even in Kindergarden, and she can already order fast food! By the time he's 18, he will have invented super-intelligent robots to do all our menial labor for us, allowing us to summarily execute all the lower-class servicem industry workers! By the time he's 24, he'll have put down the uprising of superintelligent robots, and replaced them with mildly retarded robots. And by the time he's 36, he'll have saved the economy by banning the use of robots and putting good old Americans back to work, thereby ensuring he wins the Presidency!"
                Check out my webcomic!


                • #38
                  Oh, Polenicus, why must you make me weep and laugh.

                  I have one more which I can't believe I forgot: At times when people believe they've spent enough time in the drive-thru, they decide to back out of it. One time, I've even saw someone try to turn around.
                  "Oh, by the way..." All of my HATE

                  Ou kata nomon = Not according to the accepted norm

