Quoth Bright_Star
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No Sir you can't get on this ride... You're wearing a neck brace! (LONG)
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Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View PostEver since I rode the Gravitron (aka The Whirl N' Puke) at the local Kiwanis Club carnival years ago, I've had no interest in those kinds of rides.I HATE stupid people!
Once of my friends used to work at a major US multi-flagged-theme park. Well he got some guest passes at part of being an employee and invited me and some other friends. It was mid-summer weekend and the park was packed. Well we waited in the shorter lines and he decide to call the Operators of the major rides that always have the long lines from the booth of the ride we just got off. He asked what managers were working that day. Since he had done a lot of work pre-season for various repeative administrative tasks, the managers said we could get in the exits of three rides. We happened to meet a few more friends and we were able to go in the exit of the most popular coaster, that hat a 60+ minute wait.
We waited by the operators area (near the exit walkway) and when the train came in and unloaded the operator told the attendants to let us get on the ride. So we walk in from the back, with hundreds of people looking at us, take the front seats, then the operator opens the gates to let the people who waited in. I kinda felt bad, well, for a minute.
I think I must say that IPF doesn't know what he's missing... I love coasters (my overtime pay all belongs to Lagoon, best park in the area, 5 roller coasters, dozens of rides, a midway, and a waterpark, what more could one ask for out of Utah). That said, I know that I'm healthy and I still feel like I got the crap beaten out of me (in a good way) by the end of the day at the theme park, so I know those rides can do serious damage... it's a wonder that people don't understand that.If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song
Well, any ride is mostly harmless as long as you follow the guidelines and even then, shit happens. For Mr. Neck Brace, I would have required a signed written statement that any damage that may occur because of the ride are solely his responsibility and may not, in any way, hold the park or any member of its staff liable and let him go in, hoping he'd have to get out on a stretcher."I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."
Quoth Wicked_Lexi View PostI was watching the ride making sure everyone was behaving and not doing anything stupid when I see a 3 year old duck under the rope keeping the guests back and dash past both the attendants and directly into the path off the carriages. These carriages weigh about half a ton each and are moving with a MASSIVE amount of force. Ride operator hits the brakes but it wasn't going to stop fast enough. I didn't think I just reacted! I stepped into the path of the ride, Grabbed the kid with one hand and yanked him out of the way turning so that he was out of the path... But I wasn't. I caught a glancing blow to my left side....
That story cannot be topped."Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
.................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman
Quoth Wicked_Lexi View PostMe: Sir I'm sorry but I cant let you on this ride.
Me: You are wearing a neck brace. Anyone with neck problems can't ride! Also the neck brace would choke you!
SC: Are you kidding me!
Me: No sir I'm not
SC: FINE *storms off*
Me: *Breaths sigh of relief*
I asked her if she was pregnant, and when she said she was, I told her she could not ride this or any other thrill ride in such a condition. She said she was willing to accept the risk. I told her the park's rules would not allow it. She refused to get out of the car despite my foreman and the ride's supervisor telling her the same thing. We had to call security to force her out of the car. She screamed she was going to sue us as she was lead away.
I was only sixteen at the time, but even I could figure out that a bar pushing with great force into a pregnant woman's stomach while she was being thrown and jerked forward and backward by that coaster would not be good for her unborn child. My mind still shudders to think of the damage it could have done - and the fact that she was willing to put her unborn at risk just so she could have fun for a moment.
Some people really do not comprehend the danger that exists in these parks.Last edited by South Texan; 06-20-2008, 10:29 PM."Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
.................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman
This reminds me of the Simpsons episode where Marge warns Homer not to get on a carnival ride due to his heart condition. He ignores her and climbs in anyway, the ride jolts, and he cries, "Owww, my heart!!"
That mother deserves much bad karma.Ah, tally-ho, yippety-dip, and zing zang spillip! Looking forward to bullying off for the final chukka?
Quoth Wicked_Lexi View PostThanksMy co-workers all called me a 10000 kind of idiot! Mainly because i could of been killed!
It's why birds will do the whole "I'm an injured bird (and I @#$%ing hope I can fly away before it gets me)" routine.
It's not idiotic, it's instinct. Kudos for saving the kids life. Just one thing...after the EMT looked at you and told the woman that if it was the kid and not you...what was the look on her face.
MI never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?
Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View PostWhen children are involved, we react before we think. That's hundreds of millions of years of evolution going back to our earliest ancestors that tells us to "protect the next generation"Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes
I just hope the kid realized what happened. He probably went home to have his mom tell him that he "doesn't have to put up with being touched like that."
It's hoping too much, I assume, to think that the mother might have learned to be a better parent.
Lexi, as a parent with a 4 y/o and a 6 y/o who can at times do stupid shit without thinking (allthough they are usually pretty good compared to most). I must thank you for saving that kid. As for what that hambeast of a mother did in screaming at you and crap, I gotta say, I would have been sending you flowers at the very least if not buying you dinner for you and your s/o or a friend or something to express my gratitude.
And damnit, now I'm hooked, I need more of these theme park stories.My Karma ran over your dogma.
Quoth South Texan View PostMy mind still shudders to think of the damage it could have done - and the fact that she was willing to put her unborn at risk just so she could have fun for a moment.
It was the husband's year for planning and he had plotted a day at the local amusement park. He had planned it as a surprise so I didn't know about it.
He gets me in the car and we get there and I start swearing the minute we start pulling in and telling him we should just go home.
This is not normal from me so my husband knew something was up.
I had found out the week before that I was pregnant and had been planning on telling him during our time out.
My poor hubby had already gotten the tickets and all so instead we made it a game day. Didn't go on a single ride but hit up all the little games and arcades they had instead. I was also happy to get my funnel cake of doom. Mmm...funnel cake with a sundae on top...
I'm hungry now."It's not what your doing so much as the idiotic way your doing it." Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy 7.
Quoth South Texan View PostIt is rare that I use emoticons, but as a fellow former ride operator, this one sums up my feelings perfectly:
That story cannot be topped.
And on occasion we would actually say it to customers!
Quoth digilight View PostLexi, as a parent with a 4 y/o and a 6 y/o who can at times do stupid shit without thinking (allthough they are usually pretty good compared to most). I must thank you for saving that kid. As for what that hambeast of a mother did in screaming at you and crap, I gotta say, I would have been sending you flowers at the very least if not buying you dinner for you and your s/o or a friend or something to express my gratitude.
And damnit, now I'm hooked, I need more of these theme park stories.
I am glad I saved the kid and I hope he learned from it...