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  • Asswipe

    My phone beeped (meaning incoming call) and the first thing I heard was:
    Me: Uh... thanks for callling, how may I help you?
    SC: My bill went up $20! Why?
    Me: Well, this is the repair department, but I can take a look. What's the phone number?
    SC: 456-789
    Me: mental sigh as I realize he's from That region, I hadn't caught the accent earlier although I should have realized based on the beginning of the call And the area code?
    SC: 123
    Me: I'm sorry, the billing system you are in is currently down for maintenance. If you call us during business hours we can go over your bill with you.
    SC: You're no use at all, are you?
    Me: Any other questions?
    SC: No, I just wanted to make you feel like shit.

  • #2
    Quoth Anriana View Post
    My phone beeped (meaning incoming call) and the first thing I heard was:
    Sounds like you have one of those freaking screwy systems that only takes voice input. Great idea in practice, but if they drive me up the walls. I've encountered some that will not take keypad input at all, and want you to tell it what you want, like some sort of robotic shrink. These things are the most f**king idiotic things ever conceived. /rant

    I won't even go into having to press "1" to get the native language of our country...

    Quoth Anriana View Post
    SC: No, I just wanted to make you feel like shit.
    My response:

    "Well, you've not only succeeded, but you've ruined the rest of my day. Have a Nice day!" <click>

    What a dick.

    Eric the Grey
    In memory of Dena - Don't Drink and Drive


    • #3
      Quoth Anriana View Post
      SC: No, I just wanted to make you feel like shit.
      At least he was honest.
      "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


      • #4
        Quoth Eric the Grey View Post
        Sounds like you have one of those freaking screwy systems that only takes voice input. Great idea in practice, but if they drive me up the walls. I've encountered some that will not take keypad input at all, and want you to tell it what you want, like some sort of robotic shrink. These things are the most f**king idiotic things ever conceived. /rant
        The funny thing is we don't. He was just a jerk.


        • #5
          Me: Thank you for your honesty. However, I'm still happy as can be. Bye! *click*
          "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

          Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


          • #6
            Quoth Eric the Grey View Post

            My response:

            "Well, you've not only succeeded, but you've ruined the rest of my day. Have a Nice day!" <click>
            No way would I ever say this and let a crappy customer or anybody else think he'd brought me down. My response would go more like, "Oh you haven't made me feel like shit. I'm actually having a pretty good day. You have a great day too."

            I do this to my mom a lot. She's a total pessimist and she frequently calls me with a tale of woe and says, "I just wanted to make you worry with me." to which I respond, "oh, I'm not worried." It drives her CRAZY.

            I refuse to give them the power to make me feel bad.
            "Lady, people aren't chocolates. Do you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard fillings"-Dr. Perry Cox


            • #7
              Quoth Anriana View Post
              SC: No, I just wanted to make you feel like shit.
              I really don't understand why any CSR would feel the worse of themselves after hearing that. Not only could I tell my friends about the most pathetic person in the world, but I also have a topic for my favorite place to type.

              If ultimately you let the people that fuck you over decide your attitude then they won.


              • #8
                Quoth Eric the Grey View Post
                Sounds like you have one of those freaking screwy systems that only takes voice input. Great idea in practice, but if they drive me up the walls. I've encountered some that will not take keypad input at all, and want you to tell it what you want, like some sort of robotic shrink. These things are the most f**king idiotic things ever conceived. /rant
                I'm sure a number of techno geeks are impressed with this system but I'm not one of them. There's something about speaking to a machine that drives me batty.

                If someone said something like that ruin your day line to me I'd never let them know it bothered me. I used to love when I'd have an assclown like this and you just keep getting nicer and nicer to them. I think I gave a guy a stroke one day by playing that game.
                Quoth = Crossbow "EvilHomer, Irv, Gravekeeper, and Seraph: the Four Horsemen of the Dumbpocalypse."


                • #9
                  "I'm sorry sir, but your opinion means nothing to me and I'm happy as a lark. Good night!"

                  Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

                  Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

                  Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


                  • #10
                    Quoth evilhomer View Post
                    There's something about speaking to a machine that drives me batty.
                    Generally it's because its something like this.

                    Hello, and welcome to the automated Cinema hotline, which cinema would you like details for?
                    Great, you said 'Glasgow' correct?
                    I'm sorry, I didn't catch that
                    I'm sorry, I didn't catch that
                    OK, which cinema would you like
                    Great, you said 'Tooting, correct?
                    I'm sorry, I must have misheard you, which cinema would you like details for?

                    Fade to black....
                    A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Anriana View Post
                      SC: No, I just wanted to make you feel like shit.
                      Well, sir, I'm sorry to disappoint you twice in one call. *click*


                      • #12
                        Quoth Eric the Grey View Post
                        Sounds like you have one of those freaking screwy systems that only takes voice input. Great idea in practice, but if they drive me up the walls. I've encountered some that will not take keypad input at all, and want you to tell it what you want, like some sort of robotic shrink. These things are the most f**king idiotic things ever conceived. /rant
                        Quoth crazylegs View Post
                        Generally it's because its something like this.

                        Hello, and welcome to the automated Cinema hotline, which cinema would you like details for?
                        Great, you said 'Glasgow' correct?
                        I'm sorry, I didn't catch that
                        I'm sorry, I didn't catch that
                        I hate those things! I feel like an absolute flaming fool talking to them. Mainly because you have to e-n-u-c-i-a-t-e your words in a way that nobody ever talks like.
                        It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                        • #13
                          Quoth Pagan View Post
                          I hate those things! I feel like an absolute flaming fool talking to them. Mainly because you have to e-n-u-c-i-a-t-e your words in a way that nobody ever talks like.
                          That, and I despise talking on the phone. I'm a text geek, I'd much rather text someone then talk to them on the phone... There are plenty of exceptions, but when on the phone I still hate when someone calls me "just to chat".
                          Example of my phone conversations (with friends):
                          NW: Hey there, wanna hang out tonight?
                          Friend: Sure.
                          NW: Great, meet you at X at X time.
                          Friend: Okie!
                          "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

                          ...Beware the voice without a face...


                          • #14
                            Quoth Eric the Grey View Post
                            Sounds like you have one of those freaking screwy systems that only takes voice input. Great idea in practice, but if they drive me up the walls. I've encountered some that will not take keypad input at all, and want you to tell it what you want, like some sort of robotic shrink. These things are the most f**king idiotic things ever conceived.
                            Everyone has problems with those things, even in the comics. But they managed to fix it.
                            "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."

