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Sucky in That it Wasted my Time.

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  • Sucky in That it Wasted my Time.

    This has to be one of those "Darwin Award" or "Here's your sign" experiences.

    This happened last night on my shift at Subway.

    It was an extremely busy Friday and for some reason everyone decided to order like 5 sandwiches at once to top it off. (how I managed to keep the bread supply stable I do not know).

    Some time in the middle of our rush the phone rings so I go answer it. On the other end is this woman who barely understands a word of English who wants directions on how to get to our Subway. Which basically means she has no idea where it is.

    I tell her the best I can to get her to understand the street name we are on and also what the other "main" stores make up our strip mall. (after we tell them the main stores we are by people almost always know where our Subway is located).

    SC: "Ayee Street?!" (in very broken english)

    Me: Yes, "A" Street and we are by Albertsons and Bartell Drugs.

    She didn't sound confident that she knew where that was but this next thing is what really takes the cake. Even though she basically had no idea where our Subway was, she decides to place an order for two footlongs anyway!

    I managed to get out of her that she wanted two footlongs through her barely able to understand English. I knew what was going to happen but there was nothing I could do. I knew that she would order these sandwiches and then would never be able to find our store, essentially wasting two sandwiches and my time.

    My prediction was 100% correct.

    About an hour later she calls back but this time my co-worker answers the phone. I knew it was the same person because when she got off the phone with the lady, my co-worker tells me that this was the person who called to order those two sandwiches and that she was all the way on the other side of town and couldn't find us.

    Ok, is it just me or does it seem INCREDIBLY STUPID to call in a food order to a store that you obviously have no freaking clue where it is? Especially considering that there are NUMEROUS other Subways that she could have chosen that she might have had a chance at knowing the locations of.

    I gave her the best directions I could considering the language barrier, but in the end I knew that it was all for nothing.
    My Fur Affinity Page:
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  • #2
    Why oder a foot long over the phone when you can go to the store and have it made exactly how you like? I have never though of ordering TWO foot longs via phone.


    • #3
      When the inkling arose that she wasn't going to show I would have held off on making her sandwiches, and only prepared them once she showed up.
      It would be slightly less convenient for her if she actually made it there but it wouldn't result in wasted food.


      • #4
        "Why oder a foot long over the phone when you can go to the store and have it made exactly how you like? I have never though of ordering TWO foot longs via phone."

        Well if someone wants a buttload of sandwiches, I'd rather have them order it over the phone than walk into the store and order them for us to do it on the spot. That way over the phone we have time to get them going and usually they give us about a 30 minute leeway to get them done.

        Just the other day some lady came in with a 8x10 paper filled to the brim with notes. I groaned inwardly and sure enough, she wanted 11 sandwiches right in the middle of lunch rush. I wanted to kill myself.
        My Fur Affinity Page:
        My Weasyl Page:


        • #5
          Quoth rerant View Post
          When the inkling arose that she wasn't going to show I would have held off on making her sandwiches, and only prepared them once she showed up.
          It would be slightly less convenient for her if she actually made it there but it wouldn't result in wasted food.
          I was really tempted to do that, but I don't think I could have gotten it through to her as to why we weren't going to make her sandwiches (her English was that bad), and if the owner ever got word of my refusal he would have shit bats.
          My Fur Affinity Page:
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          • #6
            Quoth TheTigress View Post
            I was really tempted to do that, but I don't think I could have gotten it through to her as to why we weren't going to make her sandwiches (her English was that bad), and if the owner ever got word of my refusal he would have shit bats.
            Oh no you don't tell the customer anything. You just don't make them.
            When and if she shows up you apologise profusely that you got incredibly busy and didn't have a single spare moment for her sandwiches and tell her you're going to make them right now.

            What they don't know can't annoy you.


            • #7
              Quoth TheTigress View Post

              Well if someone wants a buttload of sandwiches, I'd rather have them order it over the phone than walk into the store and order them for us to do it on the spot. That way over the phone we have time to get them going and usually they give us about a 30 minute leeway to get them done.

              Just the other day some lady came in with a 8x10 paper filled to the brim with notes. I groaned inwardly and sure enough, she wanted 11 sandwiches right in the middle of lunch rush. I wanted to kill myself.
              I agree that if they want a huge order then call ahead. I have SC's that do that to me, "Hi i need 60 bagels, NOW!" type orders, but for two it makes no sense to me.


              • #8
                I openly admit at the gas station if people called and the reception was bad, or if I didn't understand them, or they asked for directions while I had a line of people going out the door, I'd hang up on them.

                Not when I have 30 or more people about to rip my skin off for ditching them for the phone....and a big no no is to walk into a gas station and ask for directions for somewhere when it's really busy.
                You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                • #9
                  Quoth blas87 View Post
                  I openly admit at the gas station if people called and the reception was bad, or if I didn't understand them, or they asked for directions while I had a line of people going out the door, I'd hang up on them.
                  Why do they never understand that there are other customers to be served? I once had this person call asking if a movie was available, to which I replied "I'm sorry, I've just checked and we don't have any" and they asked me to check again. So I put them on hold to help my long line of customers, and maybe sorta forgot about the phone. It was almost 10 minutes later that I got back to them, I was surprised they were still on the phone. They got a little snippy with me, which is understandable, but I was busy, and alone, and kinda stressed, so I didn't actually check for their movie, just told them we didn't have it.

                  Half the time the phone ins take forever to get there anyway, so we have a one hour wait time, in which we could've already rented that movie out. So, basically, phone customers bug me. Although, I've never hung up on one. Maybe next time.


                  • #10
                    I agree lamb.

                    What made the phone such a pita and a burden was that it was a small store with lots of regular clientel. The store was busy almost ALL day and into the evening. One person working at once. And during the day, idiots didn't call the right # for the owner's office, which was a totally different number.

                    I contemplated unplugging the phone many times.
                    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                    • #11
                      I would love to unplug the phone during a rush! But that's when the DM would call. There are actually people around town who call almost constantly, perhaps once a day.


                      • #12
                        At the truck stop I worked at, the evil manager would call the restaurant from his cell phone to make sure we answered the phone properly!

                        That was the same manager who threw a monkey dish at me. That place is just terrible all together. I think the reason no one goes to the labor board or anything about him is because they are like me, happy to be away.
                        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                        • #13
                          The "massive orders at lunch" is actually why my wendy's decided to start answering the phone during the lunch rush. After someone came in with a massive order saying that we hadn't picked up the phone, we changed the policy...saved our asses a couple of times. The "no english and no idea" thing...well, there's not much you can do about that. Just hope that things go smoothly, and expect they won't is my policy.
                          Your true character is who you are when no one is looking.


                          • #14
                            The phone was the main reason I hated working the service desk at TJ Maxx (that, and old batshit crazy return ladies). We had calls from other stores, "Do you have X dress in a 10?" "Yeah, I need a price check on this and we're all out." Customers wanted me to call other stores to check their inventory. Unless we were absolutely dead, I would write down their phone number and direct them to the courtesy phone. I'm NOT your personal shopper.

                            Oh, and the businesspeople and tourists..."Yeah, I'm downtown at the Marriott" (well, whoop-de-do, do you want me to give you a balloon?) "I need directions to your store" And then would insist that someone give them street by street directions the entire trip. My usual reply: "Oh, suurrre, just let me get a manager..." And let the manager deal with it.

                            "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

                            Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
                            Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS

