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Do you ever wonder...?

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  • #16
    My biggest 'wondering' moment is when anyone on the forum mentions someone who called in to see if XX was ready yet. (I mean if they call once, repeat callers still suck) I don't think I have EVER been called back by anyone but my eye doctor. I requested medical records, they said they would call when they were ready. Never got a call. Ordered uniform shirts. Never got a call. Took in electronics to be repaired, no call there either. Every time I waited at least a week until after they said it would be ready. So I have had terrible experience with getting these "your XX is ready" calls and don't trust anyone who says that they will call me...
    sorry, that was a bit OT, but I really needed to get that out.
    "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

    ...Beware the voice without a face...


    • #17
      Quoth Samaliel View Post
      Very few of them would just check we did ran through the routine rather than ask us to actually run through it all over again.
      Oh, I do tech support. Shall I tell you a story which tells you why they do that?

      She called and said her printout wasn't coming out, and she had checked the printer settings and all was fine there, so it wasn't that, so what else could it be?

      I said "Okay, can you tell me what those printer settings were please?"

      SC: What do you mean?

      Me: Those settings you already checked? Could you go into them and read off to me what they say please?

      SC: Oh ... uh .... well, um.... ... ..."

      And THAT, my friends, is why tech support don't just ask you "have you gone through the basic troubleshooting steps?"


      • #18
        I used to be the guy who would spend eons searching through my wallet for change. I now only give it out if I'm truly desperate (And I make sure to count it out beforehand), or if it's exact change.


        • #19
          I admit, I used to be a really lousy tipper. My parents taught me when I was very little that you give 10% for a tip...and when I moved to New Jersey, I didn't know any better. One of my friends straightened me out when he finally asked me directly why I always tipped so bad. I felt horrible, because I thought I was making sure to tip every time I ate out.
          It's little things that make the difference between 'enjoyable', 'tolerable', and 'gimme a spoon, I'm digging an escape tunnel'.


          • #20
            Quoth One-Fang View Post
            [...]And THAT, my friends, is why tech support don't just ask you "have you gone through the basic troubleshooting steps?"
            No, you don't understand what happened to me.

            Tech Support Guy level 1 makes me run the basic troubleshooting routine, and I understand they have to, even if some steps are frustrating, because they were devised for complete idiots. But I'll go through them, no matter what, because I know I have to.

            If this doesn't fix the problem, Tech Support Guy level 1 has to transfer the customer to Tech Support Guy level 2 if any is available, or schedule one to call back. Now, wether I reach Tech Support Guy level 2 through a transfer or he calls me back, he just knows that Tech Support Guy level 1 ran me through the routine, because he wouldn't have been involved if that wasn't the case.

            It's barely annoying when they do that on call back, but it's damn right infuriating when they do that on a transfer. I've just done that with your colleague ! why, tell me why you have me do it all over again when I did this not 2 minutes ago ? If you don't believe I did it with your colleague (after all, neither he or you were on my side of the phone to check if I'm actually doing what you tell me), why should you trust I'll do it now ?

            Makes. No. Farking. Sense.

            A very select few Tech Support Guys level 2 will ask you "Tech Support Guy level 1 made you check this, this, this and that ? Did they mention this ? And that ? Okay, just making sure he didn't forget anything. Now do you have any detaisl that would help me solve the problem ?" rather than spilling out the very same instructions Tech Suppoort Guy level 1 gave you before transfering the call...
            Last edited by Samaliel; 06-27-2008, 06:00 AM.
            "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


            • #21
              Quoth Samaliel View Post
              Tech Support Guy level 1 makes me run the basic troubleshooting routine, and I understand they have to, even if some steps are frustrating, because they were devised for complete idiots. But I'll go through them, no matter what, because I know I have to.
              I think my account got flagged "Calls only when Desperate"...the last tech I dealt with actually accepted that I'd spent over an hour troubleshooting and verifying before I called, did about 3 cursory steps, made one config change to my modem and then rolled a truck for me...turned out lightning had indeed taken out a pole the night before. Oh, and that I actually *knew* my own gear and config.

              Almost makes up for the idiot the time before who DEMANDED to talk to my husband...who promptly told him he knew nothing about the modem or configuration and I was the person to talk to since it was my puter.

              (To clarify, the account isn't in his name, or mine for that's on the same account as the phone, in my 92 year old grandmother's name. The guy was just a sexist pig.)
              "English is the result of Norman men-at-arms attempting to pick up Saxon barmaids and is no more legitimate than any of the other results."
              - H. Beam Piper


              • #22
                I am completely stunned that none of our store guys have written anything about us (I work at Corp).

                There are times those poor guys at store level are put through hell with some of the stupid things that get thrust in their direction (god knows I hear all about it from them on a daily basis)... I told some of them about this site to vent it out -- apparently they didn't.


                I try to behave myself when I'm out. I originally come from Australia -- the land of no tipping -- so I find myself ALWAYS wondering if I short-tipped and will end up on here as a bad tipper. (I tip no less than $5 and reckon 20% is enough - is that right?)

                Oh speaking of stores pissed off at Corp - I just got torn a new one because the allocator he wanted to speak with is off today and he "has a customer that absolutely needs this item and how dare we leave him high and dry with no way to ensure the customer is looked after right before a long weekend. And how dare Corp get the stat holiday off when they don't. What do you people understand about retail?"

                Wha? You attack moi? The little phone jockey?

                Note that none of our stores are open for the stat holiday so he actually DOES get the day off -- also note that every single person employed at this office (excluding three in Marketing) each worked not just in retail - but IN THE STORES WE OWN before coming to corp. Some of our Corp team even STILL work at the stores as P.T. Sales Associates for a little extra cash! Not saying we know it all, but we have a basic idea.

                I calmly advised him that there is more than one allocator in the company and if he would like to put his attitude in a matchbox for a moment and let me finish, I will put him through to one.

                So here's hoping he is on this site -- sees this thread -- then reads about himself ....


                Last edited by SwanJun; 06-27-2008, 03:30 PM. Reason: Never press send while peeved and without reading
                I reject your reality and substitute my own


                • #23
                  I do not think I would make it on this forum. I am far too polite.

                  A story about my DD did wind up on a certain forum dedicated to griping about a segment of the population, once. (A friend of mine found the posting.)

                  MH was three and we were standing in line, she barely bumped into the lady in front of her. MH looked up and said "So sorry, You K?" The lady sneered at her. That was it.

                  The post went on for several paragraphs, and included a detailed version of how she opened a can of 'whoop ass' on me and I wound up in tears! I found it hysterical! LMAO

