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Good Luck With That

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  • Good Luck With That

    Me: Hi hi
    MSC=Male sucky Customer
    FSC=Female sucky customer
    Cw= Coe-worker
    IB= Innocent bystander

    Today started out pretty normal, I have a few suckies but nothing really worth mentioning. It was after my CW left I was on my own....

    A Lady came up to my service counter, this is where we store our computer, paint mixer, paperwork no cash, no outside phone line. She comes up to my counter whiel Im trying to figure out how to turn peach colored stain into a soft brown.
    FSC: Im looking for recess lights
    me: Are they in the flyer, or do you have the produce number (thats how we can things in)
    fcs: no
    me: one moment please. I change the computer setting and start to search, the odd thing abotu this computer if I wrote the excate name of a produce nothing I mean NOTHING will come up. Type in one word and I got all that ever excisted.
    SO I type Reset lights and then I try a dozen varations I was counting, cause reccess isent a word I have to spell often and I cant spell.
    10 minutes later
    fsm: you spelled reccess wrong
    me : I did would you mind spelling it for me?
    fsc:SIGH R-E-C-C-E-S-S with every letter she moved closer, talks louder and give a dramitic sigh over my shoulder. Her breth was giving me chills on my neck.
    me: I type it in and three pop up and they are all locatedin the isle she was in. "Here this is where they are." I point out the empty holes "We dont have any at the moment but you can take the product number and call any hardeware with it and they can look it up for you."
    FSC Are you sure you dont have any more
    me The computer tells me there wasent any here, Im sure you saw the screen as well as I did. she had the decenteny to blush before walking away.

    Hour later

    Im still working on the stain. I all ready managed to get one can to look like she wanted and was working on the other two. I just had to figure out excatle how much I put into the can. now my math is like my spelling erractic. Suddenly a hand slamp the steel counter and my feet left off the grounf and my knees into the hard wood sides.
    MSC: Are you in paint?"
    me "Yess. Was there any need for that." A I lift my paint stained hands and gester towards hit hand that was where he left it.
    MSC: Well your in a grumpty mood.
    Me : eyes narrowed, one eyebrow cocked and I open my mouth to explain that I didnt see him coming to my counter nor did I expect him to scare me.
    SMC: Ill go find soemone else to help me since you are in no mood and I rather not deal with you. this was said as he walked away from me.
    me: (by now my heart only just started to slow down and his tone was enough to make me want to throw my stinky sneaker at him so my mouth open and this is what came out) Good luck with that. (I at that moment was the only person in the store who knew anything about paint...not even the mangers could mix paint)
    MSC: no good luck to you. mumble attitude mumble " He was all ready in the next section of the store and I was no longer able to hear him but a lady was behind us the whole time
    IB= well I never seen such a baby and I raised four, anyone could see he scared the daylights out of you.
    me: his loss Im the only paint person here.
    we shared a laugh at that and I proceded to help her out. at my lunch I found out her stop several of my co workers (I dont directly work with them they are stationed at diferent sections) and they all told me he asked if they knew pain and all of them pointed me out and he siad I was a bitch and didnt want to deal with me, 4 out of 5 said "Buddy it must be you, cause she the sweetest girl we know" The last one just started at him shurged her shoulders and walked away.

    Ona side not before anyone says anything about me giving him tude for scaring me it was a reaction. I have aheart condition and I dont liek sudden surprises cause it makes my heart race and disorents me.
    Shoot, I broke my stupid stick....again.

  • #2
    Not everyone is amused by being scared. Some people do react with humor, other people do get very upset. Anytime I accidentally scare someone, I always apologize profusely. I've seen some people get down right violent when scared or surprised.
    "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

    ...Beware the voice without a face...


    • #3
      I think a "was there any need for that?" when you've clearly been shocked enough to leave the floor is okay. It's a bit below 'exemplory customer service', but it's not demanding or insulting, and if said fairly evenly is really just a question. When you've clearly just had the bejeezus spooked out of you, it seems perfectly fine to me.

      I doubt you'll get flak for it on this board.


      • #4
        Thanks NightWatch, I just couldent believe his attitude when he walked away, it made me feel like I should be the one to run after him and apologize, but my heart was racing far too fast and my stubborness wouldnt let me move. sadly that stubborness didnt apply to my mouth.
        Shoot, I broke my stupid stick....again.


        • #5
          I must have the ability to walk perfectly silently, I've scared people so often by walking up to them and touching them lightly. I even once tried putting jingle bells on my shoes, for f*ck's sake, and still people didn't hear me coming. The only thing that I know I've worn that people heard all the time was my giant cat bell collar. And that apparently really annoyed the classmates I wore it around.
          "I call murder on that!"


          • #6
            I'm still trying to figure out how I can sneak up on anyone...

            Me, running, with approx. 50 lbs of miscellaneous stuff in my apron pockets, and I still manage to make people jump in shock.

            It must be a talent.
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              I rather enjoy walking up behind people and staring at them until they notice me, but I only do it with people that I know don't mind.
              The High Priest is an Illusion!


              • #8
                Don't feel bad, Silverskys. I don't get easily rattled, but once in a while I prove dangerous to someone who thinks it'd be funny to startle me.

                We have a big, loud walk-in cooler at work designated as "The Beer Cave." The Beer Cave is divided into three sections -- the open center section with the cases and other such bigger packages of beer, the smaller closed beer cooler where we stock the singles and six-packs, and the larger closed beverage cooler where we keep all sodas and soft drinks. I've been known to smack people who sneak up on me with boxes when stocking the cooler. At least in the closed coolers, I always manage to hear someone tugging at the handle before they come in. The center cave is just two regular glass cooler doors, and I don't always hear them over the compressors.

                By the way, I'd much rather freeze my butt off stocking the cooler than I would deal with customers at the register, and I hate to be cold. I'd love my job if it wasn't for the majority of the customers.
                The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager

                Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy


                • #9
                  I'm easily startled. One time I was standing there looking right at my brother and I still jumped when he spoke to me. He still thinks it's funny and this was a couple of years ago.


                  • #10
                    Quoth ArcticChicken View Post
                    I rather enjoy walking up behind people and staring at them until they notice me, but I only do it with people that I know don't mind.
                    One Team advisor told me she didn't appreciate another that came over and kept scaring her.... Until I appeared one time, and said "You're so easy to sneak up on"


                    • #11
                      Quoth Juwl View Post
                      I must have the ability to walk perfectly silently, I've scared people so often by walking up to them and touching them lightly. I even once tried putting jingle bells on my shoes, for f*ck's sake, and still people didn't hear me coming. The only thing that I know I've worn that people heard all the time was my giant cat bell collar. And that apparently really annoyed the classmates I wore it around.
                      I'm 6'5", nearly 400 lbs, and apparently can sneak up on people over a floor of old, squeeky wood.

                      ...WHY DO YOU TEMPT WHAT LITTLE FAITH IN HUMANITY I HAVE!?! -- Kalga
                      And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


                      • #12
                        Quoth JustADude View Post
                        I'm 6'5", nearly 400 lbs, and apparently can sneak up on people over a floor of old, squeeky wood.

                        I'm 6'5", somewhere around 300, and can 'sneak' down old wooden stairs covered in carpet, which my Dad had a workroom nestled under, and still sneak up on him.
                        "I call murder on that!"

